September 21 — 27
Why are we here? You know, planet earth, the grind of the mundane, the exhilaration of love and birth, the dread of what will be tomorrow, the roller-coaster ride of eternity.
What's it all about?!
Rav Ashlag says it's all about picking up our garbage.
If you really understand that everything is Light and if you really understood that the only thing that creates separation between us and the Light is the garbage we have inside of us, then the willingness to look at the garbage means the willingness to expose it to the Light.
The second the Light sees it, it burns it out. It's like a laser. The problem is, we don't always have the willingness to see what we do that separates us from the Light.
Why? Because the second there's a willingness - a desire - to let the Light in, we let the Light in. And the second the Light comes into contact with darkness, as I said, it burns it out. Our Opponent knows that. It's its job to keep us from connecting with our source.
In the month of Virgo we are all (hopefully) busy looking at the less pleasant sides of our nature, pressing in and down on ourselves to locate the stinking thinking and the not-so-sharing actions.
That can be frustrating, because as we learn, we can't see our junk. For those of us without a teacher reflecting it back to us, what is to be done?
Rav Ashlag makes a great point about this, a point that can totally transform and upgrade your inner search. Here it is:
All you have to do is search. The willingness to look is more important than the actual finding.
The problem is we don't even look. On a practical level, let's say we're going through apathy, depression, mourning process, not enough money, [fill in your own pain.] It's the nature of the conscious mind to run from pain, to subjugate it, so we don't fully embrace the emotions.
That's the reason they stay.
We need to apply the proactive formula process to our emotions and all the negative 'stuff' we have inside. We can't let go of something until we are first holding it, right?
That's what Rav Ashlag is saying - don't be afraid to hold your garbage because when you do, you can let go of it! To put it in physical terms, you've got to pick something up before you can drop it.
Be willing to embrace yourself this week - specifically those difficult, hard-to-handle emotions. When you are feeling angry or sad or lost, allow it to be there. Even speak to your emotions. What do you want to tell me?
Listen to your emotions like you are listening to a child. With patience. With understanding. With compassion. With love.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

I am ready to battle the nasty habits and unpleasant character traits that I have not been able to get rid of. This Name ensures my victory over the forces of ego. I am imbued with the emotional power and dis-cipline to triumph over all self-centered impulses and negative desires.