By: Yehuda Berg
Wednesday, September 17
We've been talking about how the month of Virgo is great preparation for Rosh Hashanah. One of the most important technologies used to ensure the coming year is a great one is owning up to the pain we've caused others. It's about going back to those moments we were insensitive or intentionally cruel and feeling the pain we caused.
Yea - that's a big one.
We may not be able to go back to the exact moments because we may not remember them or even be aware of all the pain we put out there. That's why Rav Ashlag always taught, asking the question is more important than getting the answer. If you genuinely want to own up to your actions, then the Light will offer the clues and hints.
Today, step up your risk taking as it relates to balancing the negative energies you've put into the universe. Pick one person you know for sure you hurt last year and reach out to them.
Making amends now will make a world of difference in the new year.