By: Yehuda Berg
Tuesday, September 16
There are people in our lives who don't want to receive what we have to give them. This was the point I was making - unsuccessfully - in my message dated September 3, Burn Out.
I was explaining that we invest efforts into keeping some relationhships burning in our lives that we'd be better off letting burn out.
This drew some criticism from readers and after rereading the email many times, I see where I misled you. My point was - and is - life is all about circuitry. When we share our Light with people who don't want to receive it, it's like trying to fill a bottle when the cap is still on. Try as you might, with all of the love, intention, and desire to share, your energy simply cannot penetrate. And as with our favorite spiritual illustration, the lightbulb, if the negative pole is blocked, the circuit cannot be completed, and the energy cannot flow.
It's not about judging people as worthy or unworthy. It's about discerning who is 'open' to receive, and willing to use what we have to offer - wisdom, love, time, concern - no matter what flavor!
Today, make that assessment in your own life.