Ever been to the circus? Perhaps you've noticed how animal handlers keep the elephants at bay.
They tie a rope around its leg, then tie the rope to a stake and then drive the stake into the ground. The elephant can't move. Two tons of muscle and force tied down by a tiny rope and stake.
Hmmm. What's their secret?
The handlers train the elephant from day one to stay put in the same way. Conditioned consciousness. Over time, the beautiful beast becomes convinced it can't pull out the stake. And because it's convinced it can't, it can't!
We do the same thing. We convince ourselves we can't earn a million dollars a year, so we don't. Not only that, the actions we take don't even put us in a position to earn a million dollars a year.
Or, we are convinced we'll never meet the right person. Therefore, the actions we take don't put us in the position to meet the right person.
Or, we want to make things right with our mate. We have a good relationship but we want to take it to the next level. But we can't see that next level is right there waiting for us, and so we don't take the right steps to get to that next level.
As you may know, Libra is the beginning of the new year. The holiday of Rosh Hashanah is the re-creation of the world – your world. We are given a blank slate. Therefore, now is the ideal time to look at your conditioning; to reprogram your thoughts that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
Love, healing, well-being, prosperity, simple happiness, confidence - what is it you want? It's here. These next few weeks, as you work on your 99% (consciousness), you'll notice that your 1% (physical circumstances) will follow suit.
What is it you are convinced you can't achieve?
Figure that one out and you're on your way to an incredible year.
All the best,
Kabbalistic solution to global climate crisis