(Excerpted from Michael Berg's, "Secrets of the Zohar")
We experience excitement and energy when we begin something new—but as time goes on, often the energy fades. The Zohar explains that we can sustain the power of our beginnings by bringing in the Creator's Light at the outset. As a tree depends on a seed, all future manifestations depend on their beginnings. What's more, all the moments of our lives, even those that seem to represent completion, are beginnings as well.
Kabbalah teaches that the true destination of all our journeys is complete joy and fulfillment. To reach this destination, we need connection with the Light. The Zohar explains that the Light we draw is referred to as the Shechinah, the female aspect
of the Creator, which is there to assist us and protect us in any journey we take.
This Zohar section below reveals the importance of bringing the Light into all our beginnings—that is, into everything we do, we should always be accompanied by the Light.