Monday, September 22, 2008

Heavenly Rewards

By: Yehuda Berg

Sunday, September 21

Taking risks requires a shift of consciousness.

This means realizing that eventually, after the risky process, it will mean blessings and a deeper connection to the Light. It means feeling those future blessings right now, as I open my heart. That is consciousness. Feeling the future in the present.

A person who starts a business pushes beyond the obstacles: investors, bills, obstacles, challenges – why – because she feels the final destination (not sees, feels). In that area of her life, her consciousness is beyond time. She has a spark of the future in the present. That’s what her motivation is.

Today, raise your consciousness to go beyond time. Bring yourself to a place where you can feel the blessings of the long term. The difference in consciousness is, ‘am I feeling the next second, or am I feeling the future?’

It’s not about ‘eventually I’ll be in heaven’. We want heaven on earth, now. We demand it!