By: Yehuda Berg
Tuesday, September 23
The month of Virgo is a time for asking for forgiveness and cleaning the slate of wrongs we committed against others. Both in this lifetime and beyond. We do this for the purpose of uncorrupting the software of our lives.
Virgo is based on the word virgin - untouched, pure. That's what we are doing. We are going down to the purest, most undifferentiated state.
Why is stem cell research so exciting? You take a cell in an undifferentiated state and program it to be whatever you want it to be. You go to the ultimate fundamental virgin state of that cell - which is the undifferentiated state - and you tell it, 'I want you to be a heart cell, I want you to be a brain cell, I want you to be a liver cell.'
That's the real power behind the month of Virgo. In the realm of consciousness we have the ability to program our thinking at the seed level for the way we want it to be for the coming year.
Today, ask three (3) people to forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt them - in this lifetime or beyond.