By: Yehuda Berg
Wednesday, September 24
Spirituality aside, let’s be honest here. We all look out and judge people for their flaws. And many of us turn that critical gaze on ourselves, worst of all.
Rav Ashlag speaks to this idea and offers advice that can change the way you see people - and yourself:
"…the Creator did not complete the creation at the time of creation. We find in any corner of the reality in front of us - in general and in particular - that it is subject to the rules of gradual development, from the undeveloped all the way to the final growth.
If, for example, we taste bitterness in a fruit in the beginning of its growth, we do not find it a fault and defect of the fruit, because we know the reason – the fruit still did not finish its development process.
In the same way that the fruit goes through this process, so too, all of reality goes thru this process."
Let us remember today we are all works in gradual progress.