September 28 — October 4
We're moments away from Rosh Hashanah [Head of the Year.] This is the time when the universe hits the refresh button on our souls. And in the remaining few hours, there is still time to engineer your year.
All you have to do now is answer this question:
What kind of year do I want to create?
Visualize what you want. Is it more money? Love? Healing? Peace of mind? Peace in the world? Someone to ask you out on a date? A world where people wait for the answer after they ask you, how you doin? Closer connection to God? Closer connection to your mom? Your kids to get off drugs? You to get off drugs? More enlightenment? More motivation? More believing in yourself? More happiness?
If all the things you wished for came true, what would it feel like?
Imagine you have a million in the bank ... what would that feel like?
Imagine you are saving people's lives ... what would that feel like?
Imagine you are connected in the deepest sense ... what would that feel like?
"But how's it going to happen, Yehuda? How am I going to be in a situation where I can make a million dollars a year, or donate 1,000 Zohars a week, or meet my soul mate?"
I don't know. Leave that to the Light. Don't you worry about the process. Just focus on what you want - and do your sharing. Consciousness and action will create the vessel for the right process to take place.
And remember the elephants!
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

This Name stokes the fires of passion in my heart and soul. The letters give me the power to maintain sincerity, devotion, and correct consciousness in my prayers, meditations, and spiritual connections.