Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You're On it

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, March 31

I know many people don't have all day to dedicate to spiritual study and actions. Duties call, bills need to be paid, the hectic pace of life sweeps us up. And when we do have time for spirituality, we feel we have strayed too far off the path to continue.

I have news for you: If you're looking for the path, you're on it!

Today, take some steps forward on this path. Do an act of unconditional, out-of-the-blue sharing. Expect no return on your investment. The bigger your action, the bigger the step.

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Set Your Mind

Set Your Mind

“Now set your mind and heart to seek (inquire of and require as your vital necessity) the Lord your God”
(I Chronicles 22:19, AMP).

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Have you “set your mind” today? In other words, when you woke up this morning, did you make the decision to focus on good things and to follow God with all your heart?

If we don’t set our minds, if we don’t purposely focus our thoughts and energy, then chances are, we’ll be bombarded by the cares of life. We’ll be tossed back and forth by every situation we encounter. We’ll be distracted by every phone call, upset by the traffic, offended by what someone said, and we’ll get off the course God intended. We’ve all heard it said that the best defense is a good offense. When you proactively set your thoughts, you are putting yourself on the offense. You are taking charge of your life. You are being an on-purpose person. You’re redeeming the time.

Make the decision today to set your mind on things above. Set your mind on God’s eternal purposes so that you can stand in the victory He has for you.

Heavenly Father, today I set my mind on You. I choose to seek You with my whole heart. Thank You for strengthening me with Your peace and joy today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Radio Show

The Kabbalah Centre is introducing the premiere of a new Kabbalah call-in show on XM and Sirius Satellite Radio:

Michael Berg was the first person ever to translate the entire 23-volume Zohar, with complete commentary by Rav Ashlag, from Aramaic and Hebrew into English—a monumental task which he completed when he was only 28 years old. His previous books include The Secret, Secrets of the Zohar, Days of Connection, Becoming Like God, and the national bestseller, The Way.

Yehuda Berg will be addressing all the topics relevant to your life: relationships, health, spirituality, astrology, career, finances, environment, and more. Each week he will invite a thought leader, role model or celebrity onto the show to talk about a specific topic and explore it from many sides.

You are invited to be part of the new show by calling in with your questions!

Please spread the word. This is the perfect way to expose newcomers to the practical side of this ancient wisdom.

The Kabbalah Centre

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Separation it Creates

By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, March 30

Do you find yourself doing an awful lot of judging?

Practice forgiving people today. There is always a good reason to criticize people, but it's just not worth the separation it creates.

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Redeem the Time

Redeem the Time

“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days”
(Ephesians 5:15-16, NLT).

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Time is the most valuable commodity in life that we have. It’s more valuable than money. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. When you woke up this morning, God gave you a present called “today.” And with that gift comes a responsibility. The Scripture tells us to redeem the time, to make the most of every opportunity. That simply means don’t let it go to waste. Don’t live this day unfocused, unhappy, negative, or defeated. Make the most of every day. God has entrusted you with His life. He has breathed His very breath into you. He has put gifts and talents on the inside of you. You have seeds of greatness deposited in you. You’re a person of destiny, and you have an assignment and a purpose to fulfill.

I encourage you today to evaluate how you are spending your time. Refocus your life. Let go of any distractions. Shake off any self-pity, any discouragement, any disappointments of the past and run your race with purpose. Be careful how you live and redeem the time so that you can fulfill the destiny He has prepared for you.

Father in heaven, thank You for the gift of today. I dedicate this day to You. I dedicate my mind, will, and emotions to You. Use me this day for Your purposes and keep me on the path You have for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

You Love Me

By: Yehuda Berg
March 29 — April 4

Depression. Anger. Co-dependency. Jealousy. Addiction. Impatience.

Sound familiar? What do all of these things have in common? They're all forms of idol worshipping.

This week's Zohar portion refers to the dangers of idol worshipping. If you think it only refers to bowing down to ancient statues, think again. Anything that you allow to control you is considered by the Kabbalists to be idol worshipping.

The energy in the coming days assists you in cleansing one form of idol worship -- approval-seeking.

What is approval-seeking? It's looking for someone else's energy to fill up your black holes. Rav Ashlag, founder of The Kabbalah Centre, said dependence on others' approval in order to feel good is the seed of uncertainty, depression, and sadness. Rav Ashlag also said that this need is an essential part of who we are, but the only way to truly fulfill it is to generate it from within.

Make no mistake, approval-seeking is the greatest drug ever invented. Looking for other people's energy to fill you up gives you a temporary high but a lasting crash. And for those of you who are thinking, "There really isn't one person in my life from whom I'm hooked on getting approval," chances are you're seeking approval from anyone and everyone.

The bottom line is this — the Light sees everything you do. You don't need the human mind to recognize your greatness. It's registered upstairs. If you are out there doing good, following your internal compass, then you are going to get good in return.

This week provides you with the perfect energy to begin recognizing just how much you might be depending on others' approval. Take this opportunity to practice stepping away from yourself and noticing how many actions and words you spend seeking others' validation. The moment you notice how much you rely on others for your own sense of self-worth is the moment you begin to have your own feelings of self-validation.

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

I am ready to battle the nasty habits and unpleasant character traits that I have not been able to get rid of. This Name ensures my victory over the forces of ego. I am imbued with the emotional power and dis-cipline to triumph over all self-centered impulses and negative desires.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Back to Basis

By: Yehuda Berg

Sunday, March 29

Let's bring it back to basics.

We were created in this world to give us an opportunity to break and transform our nature. We come in operating solely on a desire to receive for the self alone mindset and our goal is to convert that desire into one of sharing, loving, and thinking of others first.

This doesn't happen over night. It takes constant work and awareness, each day chipping away until the transformation occurs.

Today, do the opposite of what you want to do. When you feel the urge to please yourself, look to please others first. And look specifically for those little moments of selfishness, for it's those little moments that count the most

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Where is God?

By: Yehuda Berg

Saturday, March 28

How do we find God? One way is to study.

The process of learning about the spiritual nature of life is a snow ball effect. When we study, we're inspired to seek and do certain actions that reveal Light. The more we learn, the more we are inclined to share. And this is when we start to have those "a-ha" moments on a more frequent basis.

Today, pick up a spiritual book and find a passage that resonates with you. Copy the passage into a notebook; perhaps memorize a line or two. Get yourself in the habit of reading something everyday and you will find it a lot easier to "find God."

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Cry With You

Thursday February 26, 2009


Cry With You

I’d like to share with you a story I continue to find, even many years after first hearing it and retelling it countless times, a great reminder and inspiration. I trust it will be for you too.

A man makes the long journey to his teacher and tells him that his son is in a terrible condition and that the doctors have given up hope. Without his teacher’s intercession, the man’s son will certainly die.

“Is there anything that you can do to help?” he asks. The spiritual master prays and meditates. He tries everything possible, and finally, after hours of effort, he turns to his student and says, “I’m sorry, but the gates of heaven are closed. There is nothing that I can do for your son.”

The man is desolate. He gets on his horse and starts traveling back home. As evening falls, he hears the sound of a horse galloping behind him; he turns around and sees his master. He thinks that perhaps his master was able after all to open up the gates of heaven.

“What is the news?” he asks eagerly. “I’m sorry,” the master says, “the gates of heaven are still closed. But after you left, I realized that, even if I cannot help you, with my prayers and meditations at least I can cry with you. That is why I have come.”

The two men sat together on a rock at the side of the road and wept.

The story, as told by spiritual masters throughout the ages, has a happy conclusion – the child was actually healed. However, the lesson was not about that, but about how we can continue loving and caring even when we think there is nothing we can do about a situation.

I think we all reach that point, whether it’s with our friends, family, or community, where we decide we can’t do any more. And yet, what this story teaches us is there is always more we can do.

This week think about people with whom, for whatever reason, you stopped helping because you felt there was nothing more you could do for them. Find something more you can do. There’s no telling what gates it can open for them (and for you).

P.S. There’s a great new book out by Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, called “The Life You Can Save,” in which he offers the psychological perspective on why we don’t do more to help others.

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Friday, March 27

By: Yehuda Berg

Friday, March 27

Certain things are simply not possible. It is impossible for Light and darkness to coexist in the same space. And it is impossible for a person whose soul is filled with joy to experience hatred in any form. When you hate anyone or anything, there is a dark space in your heart.

When you feel the cold grip of hatred closing in on you today, remember what I wrote. When you take this teaching to heart, hatred is an impossibility for you, just as surely as a brightly lit room can't also be dark.

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Where the Spirit Is

Where the Spirit Is

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom)”
(II Corinthians 3:17, AMP).

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
When you make Jesus the Lord of your of life, something supernatural takes place on the inside of you. The Spirit of God actually makes His home in your heart. And the Bible tells us that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom! When you allow that truth to sink into your mind and heart, when you get into agreement with God and begin to declare that you are free, then you will see that freedom manifest in every area of your life.

God will begin to turn around situations that you’ve been praying about for years. He’ll restore relationships that you thought were impossible. He’ll bring health and wholeness back into your body. Those dreams, those promises that are on the inside of you, they may look too big, but God will set you free to pursue those dreams. He’ll set you up to overcome every obstacle. He’ll empower you to defeat every enemy so that you can move forward in freedom and victory in every area of your life!

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Spirit that lives inside me and gives me life. Help me to know You and Your power so that I can live in the freedom You have for me. In Jesus’ Name.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Look For Yourself

By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, March 26

The way you perceive your life depends on how closely you're willing to look. If you consider only the surface of things, it can all seem pretty messy. Murphy's Law can appear to be the ultimate reality.

And yet, you do possess the power to see beyond the chaos. When you look long enough, you see the order behind it all. The beauty. The magic.

Don't believe a word I say. Today, look and find it for yourself.

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Free From Bondage

Free From Bondage

“…I will free you from their bondage and I will rescue you with an outstretched arm…”
(Exodus 6:6, AMP).

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
No matter what’s going on in your life, no matter how somebody is treating you, God has a plan to free you from everything that would try to hold you back. He wants to rescue you and show you His mighty hand of favor and blessing. One translation says “with special and vigorous action.” What does that mean? That means, if you will stay in faith even in the difficult times, God is going to show up with explosive blessings. He is going to bring supernatural turnaround, supernatural breakthroughs, supernatural promotion, and supernatural deliverance.

God is saying, “I’m going to free you from the bondage of poverty and lack. I’m going to free you from the burden of depression and discouragement. I’m going to free you from every addiction, every bad habit.”

You don’t have to live in bondage to anything any longer! God’s arm of deliverance is outstretched toward you. He is setting you free from every bondage so that you can live the life of victory He has in store for you!

Father in heaven, thank You for delivering me from every fear, every concern, every obstacle, every form of bondage. I declare today that no weapon formed against me shall prosper because You are my deliverer. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Guide to the First 12 Days of Aries

“Aries is the battleground to determine the outcome of all battles that will arise during the next 12 months.” - Rav Berg

Rav Isaac Luria (the Ari, 15th century kabbalist) teaches that each of the first 12 days of Aries corresponds to and directly influences each of the 12 months of the year. For example, day one of Aries corresponds to the month of Aries, day two to Taurus, and so on. Why is this important to know? Because how you think and act on these 12 days affects the shape and future of the upcoming months.

Each of the first 12 days of Aries presents us with an opportunity to overcome whatever it is that normally blocks us from receiving the fulfillment we deserve. How we respond to the tests of the first 12 days affects the outcome of how we experience the coming year.

In general, we must be as non-reactive as possible and aware of the types of challenges we will be facing – forewarned is forearmed. The Guide has been createdto steer you through the challenges and to create an incredible start to your year.

Guide to the First 12 Days of Aries

Thursday March 26
Aries – Look To Complete Tasks
Tips for the month of Aries
•Avoid conflict
•Empathize with others
•Remember the past to avoid repeating mistakes
•Before acting, ask for the Light to guide you
•Decrease ego by remembering you are just a channel for Light

Friday March 27
Taurus – Avoid Being Comfortable - If It’s Uncomfortable, Do It
Tips for the month of Taurus
•Listen to others
•Embrace discomfort
•Actively share with others
•Avoid complacency

Saturday March 28
Gemini – Focus and Commit
Tips for the month of Gemini
•Focus on one thing at a time
•Finish what you start
•Trust the Light, not your rational mind

Sunday March 29
Cancer – Take Risks
Tips for the month of Cancer
•Live in the NOW
•Let go of fears
•Realize that all the money in the world can’t give you a sense of security – only connection to the Light can
•Do a sharing action daily
•Count your blessings

Monday March 30
Leo – You Don’t Have To Be Everyone’s Friend
Tips for the month of Leo
•Think before speaking
•Use strength to help others, not to dominate them
•Be more empathetic; understand another’s perspective
•Be sensitive to another person’s feelings
•Don’t be the center of attention

Tuesday March 31
Virgo – Beware of Being Critical of Yourself (and Others)
Tips for the month of Virgo
•Seek to understand, not judge
•Look for the good (not the bad) in everything
•Don’t be so sensitive to criticism
•Let go of the desire to control everything

Wednesday April 1
Libra – Make Decisions with Certainty
Tips for the month of Libra
•Don’t second guess yourself
•Share because you care, not because you want love
•F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real)

Thursday April 2
Scorpio – Love Yourself More (and Be Jealous of Others Less)
Tips for the month of Scorpio
•Stay calm, don’t be a Drama Queen
•Don’t blame your distress on others
•Channel your intense energy into helping (not hurting) others
•Beware of your appetite for destruction and revenge

Friday April 3
Sagittarius – Stand Up for Something You Believe In
Tips for the month of Sagittarius
•Practice forgiveness
•Pay attention to the little things
•Make a commitment and stick to it
•Analyze the whole situation before making a decision
•Be more sensitive to others; watch what you say

Saturday April 4
Capricorn – Trust When It Isn’t Easy. Break Some of Your Rules
Tips for the month of Capricorn
•Express your emotions
•Realize it’s not the physical things you want but the Light within them •Appreciate what you have (it’s the secret to getting more)
•Activate your enormous spiritual potential by realizing possessions are ephemeral

Sunday April 5
Aquarius – Try to Conform. Do What Someone Else Does.
Tips for the month of Aquarius
•Allow people to love you
•Feel the suffering of the guy next to you
•Don’t be so stubborn
•If you want to change the world, you must change yourself first
•Yes, you are a genius. But remember, you are only a channel for this brilliance.

Monday April 6
Pisces – Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself
Tips for the month of Pisces
•Be a leader
•Initiate action
•Balance logic and emotion
•Handle pressure with certainty
•Go the extra mile
•Feel other people’s pain, not your own.

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Forget Thyself

The Tree of Life refers to the Upper World that exists beyond our five senses – an endless dimension filled with Light and divine energy. The Tree of Life is a realm of utter perfection.

When we are healed from an illness, the Light of healing flows from this realm. When we are financially successful, the force of prosperity derives from this dimension. When a life is created, the life-force that sustains all living creatures issues from this perfect reality.

But there’s a caveat: The Tree of Life will extend a branch down into this world only if there is an intense desire to cling to its branches.
Deep yearning summons forth the Tree of Life. But one thing stops us from doing so – ego. We are our own worst enemies. We allow our egos to get in the way of our success. We cling to our own opinions. The more people oppose us, the more entrenched we become in our own ideas. It pains us terribly to let go of long-held views.

It’s human nature to expend whatever energy is required to prove a point, no matter the cost. As a result, we’re seduced into making decisions that gratify the ego but injure the common good. We often reject the ideas of others because they didn’t originate in our own clever little minds. We may even secretly wish for failure – even if we ourselves are damaged by it – if a plan originates from someone who ignored our advice.

With the assistance of this divine sequence, I am now transcending the limits of my mind so that I can cling to the Tree of Life. I am mastering the art of getting out of my way, letting go of all stubbornness.

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The Greatness of Humility

his month’s holiday of Passover is all about the commemoration of the Exodus from Egypt that took place thousands of years ago. Or is it a commemoration? Kabbalistically, it’s a connection….to the forces that can enable us to leave our forms of slavery, ie addiction, fears, neediness, etc.

One of the great secrets of fleeing that which binds us is to seek to be unified with the people around you. In describing the mass escape from the Egypt way back when, the Bible says, “All the souls of Jacob who came into Egypt were 70.”

When examining this statement in its original Aramaic, the singular form for souls (nefesh) is used, not the plural form (nefeshot). Why the improper grammar? The answer can be found in the kabbalistic concept which states, we are like grapes on the vine, separate but connected.

The secret to getting out of our heads is to look outwards and to focus on others and to see where we can be of assistance, even in the smallest of ways. The Kabbalists explain that when the house of Jacob first came to Egypt, they were “one soul,” which is the meaning of the choice of the singular form of the word nefesh. Yes, we may be physically separate and dealing with our own pains and joys, but on a soul level, we are all one.

This means that when another has pain, we have to feel it as if the pain were our own. If we hear that someone else has a dilemma, we need to help them as if it were our own dilemma. For inspiration we can look to Moses who, according to the Sages, would feel a person’s pain with his entire body like it were his own (and probably more so than the person actually in pain).

In Kabbalah, we often speak about this topic of feeling another’s pain. We hit this note so often because beneath the shallow veneer of our daily lives, there is a deep current of meaning and purpose that carries us towards something bigger than ourselves. The Kabbalists explain that prior to our Creation, all of the individual souls of the world existed in a state of oneness. At the point of impact that scientists refer to as The Big Bang, sparks of this soul were sent flying in infinite directions. Our mission now is to facilitate the re-gathering of these sparks, to return ourselves to this blissful state of oneness.

This is a mission that is accomplished in stages. When we experience being one soul with our fellow human, we demonstrate for ourselves and the world the one-ness of all humanity. We start with the one-ness of family and learn to extend it to the various group levels in which we find ourselves, finally extending it to the world and the universe.

Every day this month, as you confront yourself and your issues (and especially when you make your connections at Passover – check your local Kabbalah Centre for celebrations), remember first and foremost to connect to those around you. Doing so will not only reveal the Creator’s Light into your life, but into the neighborhoods and towns and cities and countries and continents of this planet…and beyond.

The 72 Names of God for Kids

Written by the "People's Kabbalist" Yehuda Berg with award-winning author Dev Ross, The 72 Names of God for Kids: A Treasury of Timeless Wisdom introduces young readers to Kabbalah teachings and combinations of Aramaic letters that spell God's names - not ordinary names like Joshua or Sarah, but rather mystical names that can help one quiet selfish impulses, open one's heart spiritually, and become a better person. The names embody positive qualities from stopping fighting to happiness to freedom, believing in ourselves, and much more. The color illustrations express emotion directly to young hearts, in this wonderful introduction to Kabbalah. Great for adults too!

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Radio Show

The Kabbalah Centre is introducing the premiere of a new Kabbalah call-in show on XM and Sirius Satellite Radio:

Bernard Haisch, Ph.D. is an astrophysicist, author of over 130 scientific publications, and was a scientific editor of the Astrophysical Journal for ten years. After earning his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Haisch did postdoctoral research at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. His professional positions include Staff Scientist at the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory; Deputy Director of the Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics at the University of California, Berkeley; and Visiting Scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching, Germany. He was also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Scientific Exploration. Prior to his career in astrophysics, Haisch attended the Latin School of Indianapolis and the St. Meinrad Seminary as a student for the Catholic priesthood. The God Theory is his first solo book. He is married, with three children, and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Marsha Sims.

Physicist Haisch thinks "Let there be light" isn't just a randomly chosen phrase for the Creation. Indeed, he believes that in the mysteries of light rest clues to the deepest mysteries of the universe, something he calls God, though he doesn't mean by that word the personification that some believers prefer. A scientist who has worked in astrophysics and theoretical physics, Haisch has retained his wonder at the universe from childhood, as he describes in the affecting memoir with which the book begins. Many scientists find no tension between their profession and the profession of belief in divinity, but Haisch goes one step further by attempting to find a scientific explanation for the phenomenon generally called God. Light, that familiar but utterly mysterious force, is the key to such an understanding. Readable and engaging, Haisch will be embraced by those concerned with finding ways of reconciling science and religion.

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Complete Your Ideas

By: Yehuda Berg

Wednesday, March 25

Good ideas are a dime a dozen. What counts is completion.

Look at your life and all the half finished projects sitting on your shelf. Commit to taking on one of these ideas and finishing what you started.

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He Holds You in His Hand

He Holds You in His Hand

“Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you…I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand…”
(Isaiah 41:10, AMP)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Is there something in your life that feels beyond your control? If you’re tempted to get discouraged, remember, as a believer, God is holding you in the palm of His hand. There is nothing too difficult, nothing too impossible, nothing beyond His ability. When God holds you in His hand, you are safe. You are cared for. In His hand, there is victory. In His hand, there is strength. In His hand, there is provision. In His hand is everything you need.

No matter what you may be going through today, you can trust that God is for you. Instead of getting down and depressed over your circumstances, look up and get a vision of God turning that situation around. Get a vision of His favor, promotion, and increase in your life. As you stand in faith, you’ll see those supernatural breaks that will launch you further ahead than you ever thought possible! Remember, He holds you in His victorious right hand!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Make Some Peace

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, March 24

There's this force inside of us that wants to destroy everything that is good in our lives. It especially likes to seep into our relationships and wreak havoc there because it knows herein lies the greatest potential for our happiness.

Today, find one relationship where there is discord and do what you can to make peace.

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His Call Remains

His Call Remains

“For God’s gifts and His call can never be withdrawn”
(Romans 11:29, NLT).

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
What is the vision that you have for your future? Maybe at one time you were excited about your life—you had big goals, big dreams, but you went through some disappointments or life didn’t turn out the way you planned and now you’ve just settled where you are. But understand, God’s plan for your life didn’t go away just because you had some disappointments, setbacks, or because somebody treated you unfairly. God didn’t write you off just because you made some poor decisions. No, He knew every mistake you’d ever make; He knew every person who would wrong you, and He still called you. He still designed a perfect plan for your life. No matter what’s happened in your past, God’s plan for your good remains. He still has a bright future in store for you. If you will get your hopes back and get your vision in line with God’s Word, then the rest of your life will be the best of your life! Keep standing, keep believing, and get a vision for your future because the Lord has an amazing future in store for you!

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me. Thank you for calling me and giving my life purpose. I choose to shake off the past; I choose to forgive those who have hurt me, and I choose to keep my eyes on You, knowing that You will complete the good work You started in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.