Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gifts of Scorpio

During the month of Scorpio, we all embody the characteristics of this sign. Therefore, this mini-guide is meant to help you understand the traits and corrections to look out for.

Scorpios are sharp, extremely intuitive, reliable, charismatic, honest, generous, and loyal people. However, we don't come here to be perfect. We are born to correct the flaws in our soul. Here are some for the month of Scorpio:
Tikun (Correction of the Soul)
Scorpios are very emotional and take things too seriously.
Learn to fear less and love more. That is the secret of letting go.

They are renowned for their jealously and sharp tongue.
The punishment for jealousy? Jealousy itself! Give people the 'good eye' [be happy for others, especially when they have what you want!]

One thing that most people don't know about Scorpios is that they are plagued with fears.
Instead of using mind games to mask the fear, be honest with yourself. Face your fears so you can get rid of them.

Scorpios have a talent for organization and are completely reliable. Unfortunately, there is a hook: they want to control you.
Controlling people is an exercise in futility. The only person you can truly control is yourself. Always ask yourself, what is my agenda?

Hot one minute, cold the next.
Moderation, moderation, moderation. A balanced heart and mind is the greatest gift to give yourself.

How to improve relationships with others during the month of Scorpio:

* Stay calm. Reacting to someone in crisis only puts them further in crisis
* Teach others with examples, not with logical explanations
* Find ways to build self-esteem in your loved ones and co-workers. Lack of appreciation for ourselves is the single biggest source of our aggressive behavior towards others.

Feeling Other's Pain

By: Michael Berg

What spiritual lesson do we need to cling to in order to do something about the ever-increasing chaos?

One of the most important of all spiritual lessons is the need to truly feel the pain of others as our own. This might sound simple and familiar but it is neither.

We all have, innately, a natural feeling of compassion when we hear of other people's problems. But there is a great distance between that feeling of compassion and truly feeling the pain of another person as our own. Our lack of ability to feel the pain of another person is astounding. Even when it comes to small ailments such as a flu, cold or stomach ache all of which we have experienced, we cannot awaken our feelings for another person's pain and discomfort as we do for ourselves.

If this is the case with minor things, so much more so is it true that we do not feel another's pain as our own with greater problems, which we might have never experienced. It is important for us to realize how distant we are from this important spiritual level, so that we know how far we need to develop ourselves.

It is also important that we understand why we need to develop an ever-stronger feeling for the pain of others. One reason is as an ever-growing impetus for our spiritual growth and desire to help the world. If our desire for spiritual growth is limited to our own need for fulfillment, then at times when we feel content or in a relatively good spiritual place then our drive for spiritual work and assisting others will wane.

But if we develop and continue to grow spiritually, so that we can feel another's pain as our own, then we have an endless source of motivation for always increasing our spiritual work. For even if we are content right now, there are millions of people who still lack and are in pain, and our work can and will assist them.

It is important that we also keep in mind that there is an important selfish reason for developing our feeling of another's pain. Developing this nature connects us to the Light of the Creator. Feeling the pain of others is the nature of the Creator. And, it is a spiritual law that as we attune ourselves to the Creator's nature we connect ourselves to the Light, thereby increasing our own personal joy, fulfillment and peace.

Open Windows

By: Yehuda Berg

When the floodwaters subsided after the Great Flood of Noah's generation, [which occurred during the month of Scorpio] he first opened a window before he left the ark.

Beyond the literal interpretation of this seemingly mundane action, the Zohar reveals a great secret. When a person is attempting to free himself from difficult circumstances, he must open a window in his soul, thus creating an opening in a heart that has been blocked and boxed in by ego.

Often, this entails a willingness to ask for help - sometimes from another person, sometimes from the Light of the Creator, whichever causes the most pain to our ego.

The spiritual influences arising from this month diminish our ego in a merciful fashion. They create an opening within the soul of all humanity, a global window allowing the Light of the Creator to radiate throughout existence.

In order to let the Light in, we must be open to seeking assistance from friends and strangers; willing to converse with the Light in whatever way is natural for us; and never disregard any event in our life, no matter how small or insignificant it might appear to be.

You Can Handle It

By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, October 30

As we start new things in the beginning of the new year, there are a lot of new decisions to be made. Some are more risky than others. Don’t freak out when you need to make a decision.

The Light put you in this position knowing you can handle it.

Today, find the points where you are frozen, stuck or waiting for answers from someone who ‘seems’ to have more experience than you. Take action. Take the first step.

Practice what you preach (ie., it’s not all you, let the Light do its work too.)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


By: Yehuda Berg

Wednesday, October 29

Now is the time, more than ever, that we want to unite ourselves with people of strong consciousness and create unity and love with them. That’s the only we are going to be protected during these times. The only way.

Why? Darkness can’t penetrate unity. Even if there is a harsh decree out there, if there’s unity, the judgment can be averted.

Today, focus on expanding your circle of positive people. Look to strengthen the bonds you already have and to reach out to new people that you know can support you in your life’s journey.

What Is Today?

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, October 28

The responses to the dailies have been amazing lately. Readers have a lot of newfound hope and inspiration. There is real optimism for the future [which is hard to come by these days.]

However, some students are worried it’s too good to be true.

That’s how our dark side gets us. The moment these doubts creep in, the instant we begin to worry about how long it will last, we run out of light. Doubt is the disconnection.

Today, just be appreciative. Be grateful for the joy you have carved out for yourself. Don’t let thoughts of what will be tomorrow ruin what is today.

Shake It Up

By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, October 27

Yesterday I wrote about the challenges we face in life, which the Zohar refers to as 'locks.' The Zohar also says that the key is always next to the lock. You don't have to go searching.

What is the key? Stretching our desire.

The root of our confusion in life - and the reason we feel stuck - is we want so little. We get cautious and cozy in our bubbles. Status quo. Don't rock the boat. Hedging my bets.

Today, go wild! Do something you normally wouldn't do. When you start moving and shaking things up, that's when things start happening.

3 Ps

October 26 - November 1, 2008

“...the brighter the Light we want to reveal, the darker the process will seem”

Did you feel that? The earth is spinning anywhere from 700 to 1,038 miles per hour. You sure you don't feel it?

Just as the world spins on its axis and we don't feel it, the results of the restricting, digging, caring, volunteering and studying are not always visible.

I bring it up because last week I encouraged you to start new endeavors, and plant new seeds. This week our job is to water those new seedlings, and to remember we don't see the results as we work, spiritually speaking.

In fact, the brighter the Light we want to reveal, the darker the process will seem. And for many who don't know this, it can be frustrating and the cause of giving up.

But not you. You know how the system works!

Just as we don't see the tree growing when we water the seed every day, try not watering for a few days and see how fast it dies.

That's why spiritual work requires the 3 P's:


This week, it's natural to feel the deflation after the high of the holidays. The way to combat that is to put the doubts to bed and give all your love and energy to your new commitments. Keep going back to your original inspiration. That passion will keep you moving forward. It's real. Trust it. Trust yourself. Trust the system.

I guarantee if you do, your seeds will melt into roots and branches and form that beautiful tree of which you are dreaming.

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. I am doing it!

Slapped in the Face

By: Yehuda Berg

Sunday, October 26

Tell me if this happens to you: you are trying your best, acting with the best intentions, and yet you still get slapped in the face [metaphorically speaking.]

Am I alone on this one? Didn't think so. The first thing you need to understand is, if this mechanism is not in your life, then you're not on the path. If you don't feel like the Light is picking on you for no reason, and you don't say, "give me more," you stay the same.

The Zohar [foundational text of Kabbalah] calls these slaps "locks" because they seal the gates connecting us to the Creator. When we overcome these locks, they turn to become openings, and the darkness becomes Light, the bitter becomes sweet. Not only do they become openings, they connect us to true wisdom.

Think about this today as life slaps you around. Remember, ask for more and you will eventually get more of what you're really after.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

You've Changed

By: Yehuda Berg

Saturday, October 25

How do you know you've changed?

Truth of the matter is, in the moment, you can never be sure.

You don't know when you are in it. You only know after the fact. A year later someone may come over to you saying, 'Man, you've changed. You're not the same jerk you were a year ago.'


Today, remember that if you think you know, you probably don't know. That's the paradox. Iif you're doing the work, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, trusting the bigger picture, helping others, you will get signals from people validating your work.

But don't look for it.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Before You Act

By: Yehuda Berg

Friday, October 24

We just spent two months saying I'm sorry, please forgive me. Going forward, how do we avoid getting into the same situations that required us asking forgiveness in the first place.

Evaluate our motivations. When we want something, we have to ask, why do I want it

Today, think a second [day, month, year...] past having what you want. OK, you have the new apt, job, husband, money, drug, applause, mistress - whatever it is you're thinking will fulfill you. Now what? Will that make you happy?

Also, think of all the times in your life you wanted something, got it, and still didn't find satisfaction [or it made you feel even worse afterwards.]

Think twice before you act. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Think Twice

By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, October 23

How do I change?

Hit rock bottom, or find yourself a teacher.

The Rav [my father and teacher] taught me early on, change is what happens when the pain of staying the same is too great. The moment we can't "take it anymore" is the moment we start giving and transforming.

A far less painful route is to develop a personal relationship with someone you respect or admire. Getting to know someone that has been where you want to go, whose 'energy' inspires you, is a great way to accelerate change in your life.

Today, if you have that someone in your life, re-dedicate yourself to putting time and effort into that bond. And if you don't, start putting your feelers out [ie. ask the Light] to send you someone from whom you can learn.

When you find the right teacher, real change will be inspired even without words.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Don't Know What to Do

By: Yehuda Berg

Wednesday, October 22

Plenty of times I don't know the right direction to head in, and I just choose one and go forth with certainty. I've learned from the Zohar that sometimes not knowing is a good place to be. It's in the doing, the risk taking, that clarity comes.

Today, don't wait for 100% clarity to act. Go with your gut and let the Light's voice guide you the rest of the way.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Am I Him!?

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, October 21

Last weekend I overheard the conversation of a few pre-teen students here at The Kabbalah Centre. One of the boys was reading a passage from Zohar when one of the older boys scolded him, "that's not how Yehuda Berg does it!"

The kid shot back, "So, am I him?!"

Exactly. Teachers are meant to be our guides, but at the end of the day, we have to carve out our own unique path through life. As I wrote a few days back, we have to make our own choices, and not blindly follow.

Today, be yourself, and be proud of it. Six billion people on this planet - and only one you.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Soul Soil

October 19 - 25, 2008

Soul Soil

“The more you till the soil, the more your seeds will take root and thrive.”

By: Yehuda Berg

There's no finer time of year to start something new than right now.

Over the last couple of months we've been working hard on ourselves. Elul, Rosh Hashanah, the Ten Days of Repentance, Yom Kippur, Sukkot - it's all been preparation of our soil. Soul.

I'm no gardener, but I know the quality of your crops depends on the quality of your soil. The more you till the soil [the process by which soil is prepared through plowing, ripping, or turning it], the more your seeds will take root and thrive.

Risk taking, digging inward, begging forgiveness, examining our lessons, turning ourselves inside out, this is exactly what we've been doing these last couple of months.

The ground is now ready.


This week, hold fast to your dreams. Now's the time to make them happen. And if you are already living the dream, you can live it in ways previously unknown to you.

Start something new. Take an old project off the mental shelf and breathe some life into it. Be open to 'coincidence' and 'randomness.' Opportunity is everywhere.

Be bold and start your year with a note of certainty and success.

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

Lamed Aleph Samech
45. Prosperity

Go Forth and Prosper!

What's My Intention?

By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, October 20

Zohar teaches us, the end is in the beginning. How well or poor the results of our actions depends on the initial intention. Intention shapes the capacity of our vessel (desire.)

As you begin a new year of classes and studying at local Centres, online, or with our books and audio/video programs, I want all of you to get the most of your experiences. Therefore, before starting your next course, class or book, write down...

One thing I intend to change by the end of this is _____________.

For those of you reading these emails, try this. It will create a vessel with which to manifest all the changes you want to make.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sitting On the Fence Gives You Splinters‏

By: Yehuda Berg

Sunday, October 19

I'm not sure I'm meant to be here. How many times have you felt that one? Stuck. How do we get unstuck?

Choose your reactions to things. Life pushes us to the brink at times but we are always in control of our minds. Hopefully.

Many of us see life as only a survival game [moreso nowadays.] No matter how stuck we feel in a job or relationship or whatever, let's ask why is it here? Embrace it as your moment to learn something, no matter how painful or neglible.

It's part of a much larger correction process your soul is gratefully undergoing. The worst thing we can do is not decide to be here, while we are here. It interrupts the work.

Sitting on the fence gives you splinters. Get off today.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

You Can Taste It

By: Yehuda Berg

Saturday, October 18

Perfection exists in the future. That's what the Kabbalists tell us. One day, you, me and this crazy topsy-turvy world we live in will one day be united, peaceful, fulfilled, and totally blessed out.

And as time is an illusion, and the future is here now, we can hurry up and taste our perfection by meditating on it.

Today, spend a couple of quiet minutes envisioning the perfected version of yourself. Go all the way and imagine all the details. Don't hold back.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Choose Your Life‏

By: Yehuda Berg

Friday, October 17

Rav Ashlag [founder of The Kabbalah Centre, 1922] is, there is no coercion in spirituality. If you are going to church or temple or tithing or volunteering because someone said "you should", then it’s not real.

In life, we are either of a consciousness of 'choice' or of 'force.' Meaning, our priorities, feelings and spiritual connections can be put upon us, or we can choose them. We didn’t come here to be religious, robotic, by the book. We came here to be co-creators of our destiny.

Yes, we need teachers, guides, and loved ones to help us remove our blindfolds, but the actual choice is up to us.

Today, choose your life.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Good Stuff

By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, October 16

Reviewing our good qualities and positive actions is a wonderful tonic for the soul.

Today, help your friends and fellow souls remember their good stuff. Talk about it. It feels good. The more you respect and honor yourself, the more you will sense the daily presence of God, the Light, Jesus, Vishnu, Mohammad, Buddha - or whatever higher power you identify with - in your daily life.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Good Vibrations

By: Yehuda Berg

October 12 — 18

What set Rav Isaac Luria (the great 16th century kabbalist whose teachings serve as a foundation for The Kabbalah Centre) apart from his fellow Kabbalists? According to oral teachings passed down through time, he was not unmatched in wit and wisdom. There were others who shared his scholarly abilities. Yet he was the one chosen to reveal the wisdom of the ages. Why?

One word: joy. He did everything with total happiness.

Who among us can honestly say we do the same?

Some of us are naturally happy, others naturally sad. And most of us mingle between the two.

Now is the time to take stock of our attitude, to inject the consciousness of happiness into everything we do. Any spiritual teacher worth his salt will stress to you the truism that we have the power to be happy all the time, not most of the time. It might sound illogical and unfeasible, but the Rav [my father and teacher] always taught me and my brother Michael, "I don't have time to not be happy."

Besides, it takes more energy to be unhappy. Think how light you feel when you are feeling good, versus how stuck in the mud you feel when you are depressed.

This is a very special week because it contains the holiday of Sukkot, which is a cosmic outpost for tapping into, among other things, the energy of happiness. Now we have the opportunity to increase our capacity [kabbalists call it vessel] for joy and ... good vibes, if you will.

To tap this energy, and to really see miracles unfold around you in the coming months, I challenge you to practice random acts of kindness all week long. If you really want to go the extra mile, do them anonymously.

Bringing joy to others now will ensure that you reach a place where there is only goodness, happiness and all the things you desire.

And if you live near a Kabbalah Centre, please join us for a Sukkot connection like you've never experienced before.

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

I find the strength to restrain selfish longings. Through this Name I ask for what my soul needs, not what my ego wants. I find deep appreciation for whatever life brings me. This brings me happiness in the deepest sense.

Uncalculated Risk

By: Yehuda Berg

Wednesday, October 15

Want to feel really good today?

Tell someone you care about something you’ve always wanted to say, but didn’t know how. You know what I am talking about, something risky.

Push yourself over the emotional edge today. Don’t calculate the risk. Let go of your desired outcome and open your heart. That’s how you destroy the illusion separating you from God.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What's the Point

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, October 14

Mission central for the Kabbalah Centre is to end pain, suffering, and chaos in the world and in our own lives. But how many of us - as students of Kabbalah - realize on a daily basis that this is the point?

Today, as you go about your spiritual thoughts and actions, focus on this bigger picture. If we don't know why we busy ourselves with our spiritual work, we can never expect to see an end to chaos in our time.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Indefinitely Better

By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, October 13

When we talk about manifesting, we often have something specific in mind. We want to manifest a new career, or an exciting relationship, or a bigger house, or improved health.

It's important to have goals - specific goals. But, paradoxically, we must also be open to what life brings us. A deeply spiritual person is open to everything and anything.

Therefore we must eliminate the narrow agendas of our everyday lives and let the Light move us in the direction we really need to go. That direction may not be exactly what we expect, but in the long run, it's certain to be indefinitely better.

Today, allow for any and all solutions to your needs - even solutions you could not have anticipated by yourself. It's a matter of realizing that you can't do everything on your own - and understanding that everything that comes into your life assists you in your spiritual growth, provided you see events as opportunities rather than obstacles.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Light of Miracles

By: Yehuda Berg

Sunday, October 12

We're always asking for one miracle or another. But how often do we ask for miracles to happen to others?

This is the difference between being a vessel and being a channel. A vessel can only hold as much Light as its capacity allows. A channel, if constantly drawing down Light for others, can remain full while at the same time contain an infinite amount of Light.

Which would you rather be?

Today, think about your lover/friend/boss/dry cleaner/grandma/child - what miracle do they need? Be specific. Send the light of miracles to that person and you'll be full of the light of miracles.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Only Real Work

By: Yehuda Berg

Saturday, October 11

Our spiritual work is the only real work. It must be regarded at least as important as our day to day work, as important as the work that pays the bills - because it is what makes the difference in every area of our lives.

Working on ourselves is precisely what brings the prosperity, the health, the love and success in abundance.

Today, recognize that if you are not transforming from within, the external business (busyness) will get you nowhere. Work on you, and the rest of your work will take effect.

Friday, October 10, 2008

God is Not Far From You

By: Yehuda Berg

Friday, October 10

Lots of students are in the dumps this week. They lost the inspiration of the holiday.

Remember, as it's written, "God is not far from you." Don't let your dark thoughts convince you you're too far from who you want to be, or that the mountain is too high to climb.

All of the answers and solutions are within you!

Today, take baby steps towards what you want to shift this year and let the Light guide you the rest of the way.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Let the Love Flow

By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, October 9

Students of the great kabbalist Rav Menachem of Kotzk once asked him, “Where is God?” “Wherever you let him in,” he answered.

One way we “let him in” is through our heart.

Today, open your heart WIDE OPEN. Compassion for others’ suffering. Understanding of others’ pain. And tolerance of your own frustrations and failings.

Let the love flow.

Take a Look Around

By: Yehuda Berg

Wednesday, October 8

We all know that when our instant gratification calls, its voice is loud and clear. Certainly some of us have taught ourselves patience, and others among us have learned the value of quality over quantity—but still our wants never seem to be satisfied. We find fulfillment, but only momentarily.

This sort of desire is painful because it never stops. It’s insatiable. It’s the desire for external gratification. It comes from focusing on what we lack; looking for external things to fill the void. But when we focus on what we do have, we don’t feel the pull to self soothe with all the things we go to (which we know aren’t good for us.)

The lesson here is that sometimes we just need to take a look around us to see and appreciate all that we have.

I hope that today you will take the time to count your blessings and remember that with all the pain and strife we endure, this is still a beautiful world

3 Points

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, October 7

It's hard to believe that Rosh Hashanah has already come and gone. We have a few weeks ahead of us where we'll still be able to influence our year to come.

Today, I want to remind you of three points to hold onto so that we don't lose the momentum we've worked so hard to gain:

1. Certainty vs. Trust - Removing our cushions and taking risks is what allows us to connect to the Light in ourselves, in others, and in our life's mission.

2. Truth - Our masks only keep us from experiencing our true potential in every aspect of life.

3. Sharing - Sharing is the spark that ignites the fuel that enables us to do our work in the world, whether personally or globally.


By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, October 6

It is written, you shall emerge with joy. Through joy you can emerge from all troubles.

- The Kotzker Rebbe

There’s a lot of turmoil out there. I know many students are worried about what’s going to be with the economy and the state of the world. I am not here to answer geopolitical questions but I can say that a connection to the Light has always been, and will always be, the solution to what ails us.

And at the end of the day, Light is love and joy. So connect today by being joyous, no matter how hard that may be.

When in doubt, at least put a fake smile (fmile) on your face. It’ll do wonders.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thought Into Action

By: Yehuda Berg

October 5 — 11

Ten Days of Repentance. This is what the Kabbalists term the time we are now in. They are the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (beginning this Wednesday night.)

Now it's test time!

Whatever it is we asked for - and worked on during the month of Virgo and the holiday of Rosh Hashanah - we are now proving that we really want to live it.

Bottom line: what are you willing to do to receive the Light you want?

If you want to make more money, then are you willing to donate some of what you already have to charities and those in greater need?

If you want to have a closer connection to the Creator, then are you willing to start sharing (or sharing more) in your community?

If you're looking for love, then are you willing to be more vulnerable and intimate? Are you willing to open your heart up to the people who want to know you better?

We've got to be willing to do something this week. Something tangible.

For those of you who don't live near a Kabbalah Centre and won't be able to attend a local Yom Kippur connection, this is an amazing way to tap into the cosmic window that will open Wednesday night and close the following evening.

Think about what you are willing to do this week to invite the energy of change into your life.

And then do it!

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

I now reconnect and reunite the Upper and Lower Worlds through the power of this Name. By bringing these two realms together, I find courage and commitment to accomplish my goals and achieve my dreams. My thoughts become actualized and my best ideas are transformed into action, and then into concrete results!