By: Yehuda Berg
August 24 — 30
Think of your life as a circle. You're standing right in the middle of it. Anything beyond the edge is your discomfort zone, things like public speaking, asking for a raise, starting something new, changing, even fears of spiders and snakes. It's all there.
The quality and quantity of your fulfillment is determined by how often you expand your circle by taking risks. That's what it's all about.
Tell people what you really think. Ask your boss for that long deserved raise. Communicate your true feelings to your spouse. Quit your job and do something you like to do. Go up to a total stranger at a party and say, 'Hey!'
You know what your fears are. I'm just getting you started.
Don't know what your fears are? They're generally felt in the stomach, chest or throat. When you find it hard to breathe, or your stomach is a wreck, or your chest is tight, or you can't speak - chances are you're facing a fear [or you ate something funky.]
Facing that terrible feeling, figuring out what's causing it, and taking action is how you expand your circle. And every time you do it, the Light comes in and helps you to conquer other, bigger, nastier fears!
In five weeks we arrive at the kabbalistic New Year, which, practically-speaking, means a re-infusion of life for the following 365 days. I can guarantee you that the more risks you take now, the greater your new year will be.
That's why I'm launching a fast-track program designed for you to get the most of Rosh Hashanah. Over the next few weeks, the daily tune-ups will provide you with risk-taking assignments designed to stretch and increase your circle of miracles.
I hope you partake in them.
For this week, begin your preparation [if you haven't already] by taking emotional, physical and spiritual risks. Right now, as you read this, what's the scariest thing you can think of [that's not life-threatening, of course]?
That's your work for the week. Go to it. Keep asking yourself,
"What risk am I taking right now?"
Be brave. And let me know how it's going.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

"What am I afraid of?"

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