Friday, August 29, 2008
To Tell You the Truth
By: Yehuda Berg
Friday, August 29
It's difficult to be lovingly truthful with others. When an opportunity arises to confront someone with the truth, we lock up; our hearts race and our adrenaline pumps at the mere prospect of speaking our mind.
It's always easier to tell people what they want to hear. It's more comfortable to agree with someone even if we don't agree in our hearts.
Fear of speaking the truth is a stumbling block we face in our desire to experience fulfilling, honest and loving relationships. When we hold something back, that something separates us from the other person.
Today, be courageous. Open your mouth when you need to tell the truth.
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Straight Shooter
By: Yehuda Berg
Thursday, August 28
One of the best things for our spiritual growth - and also one of our biggest fears - is hearing what other people think about us.
When the Holy Temple still stood in Jerusalem, it is said that inside was a mirror one could look in to see the state of one's soul. When the temple [and mirror] were destroyed, the Zohar teaches that people became the mirror for us.
As we take stock of our lives in this month, preparing our wish lists for the new year, we want to be facing those truths which only others can show us. Don't do it out of weakness, do it out of strength, knowing that the moment you hold your darkness up to the Light, it burns!
Today, feel the burn of whatever emotion comes up as you ask at least (3) people what they think you need to work on the most. If there was one thing you needed to change for next year, what would it be? And maybe tell them about this risk exercise you're doing. See where that takes you.
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Reverse Asking
By: Yehuda Berg
Wednesday, August 27
Yesterday we risked asking for ourselves. Today, let's do the opposite and ask others what they need. Sometimes that's a far bigger risk.
When was the last time you asked your boss if you could do more around the office? Or asked your wife if she needed help around the house? Or asked your kids if they wanted you to spend more time with them?
Those are risky questions indeed because you may not want to hear the answer.
Today, notice how often you don't ask others what they need because of your own desire to receive for the self alone. Once you get in touch with that, ask if you can help in whatever context.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Ask For It
By: Yehuda Berg
Tuesday, August 26
Here's your first risk-taking assignment.
How many times do you want something but don't ask for it because of an innate assumption you won't get it?
Number one reason many people don't have what they want is not because they're not worthy, smart or talented enough. It's because they don't ask for it. Why? It could be a whole bunch of reasons that all boil down to the same core issue: feeling they don't deserve it.
On Rosh Hashanah, there is an opening in the cosmos that allows us to go before the Creator and ask for blessings for the New Year. But if we're walking around with this innate assumption that we don't deserve, than our asking won't be genuine. It will be religious.
We need to feel it in our bones that we deserve and are worthy of all God has to offer.
Today, take the risk of asking for what you want. Whether it's a better table at a restaurant or your partner to give you some space, ask for it.
P.S. And now, there's something I'd like to ask you. Please email me [JUST HIT REPLY] a brief summary of your experience. What did you ask for? What were the results?
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Monday, August 25, 2008
Crack It Open
By: Yehuda Berg
Monday, August 25
Rav Berg, my father and teacher, calls the spiritual realm 'the world of information.' For every single question we have, the answer exists in the world of the non-physical reality. You meet a new person and wonder, are we compatible? Is this going to the altar or to the dumpster? Is there something about this person I should know about before I devote myself heart and soul?
The answers do exist — in the world of the 99 per cent (the majority of reality we do not perceive.) We have complete access to all the information we could ever desire — even information about the people we interact with. It's like having the most comprehensive encyclopedia at our fingertips - all the time.
Today, connect to the world of information by listening to your instincts, noticing deeper meanings in things people say, and looking for 'coincidences' and 'random' messages. Desire and awareness is all you need to crack open the answers to all of your questions.
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Circle Of Life
By: Yehuda Berg
August 24 — 30
Think of your life as a circle. You're standing right in the middle of it. Anything beyond the edge is your discomfort zone, things like public speaking, asking for a raise, starting something new, changing, even fears of spiders and snakes. It's all there.
The quality and quantity of your fulfillment is determined by how often you expand your circle by taking risks. That's what it's all about.
Tell people what you really think. Ask your boss for that long deserved raise. Communicate your true feelings to your spouse. Quit your job and do something you like to do. Go up to a total stranger at a party and say, 'Hey!'
You know what your fears are. I'm just getting you started.
Don't know what your fears are? They're generally felt in the stomach, chest or throat. When you find it hard to breathe, or your stomach is a wreck, or your chest is tight, or you can't speak - chances are you're facing a fear [or you ate something funky.]
Facing that terrible feeling, figuring out what's causing it, and taking action is how you expand your circle. And every time you do it, the Light comes in and helps you to conquer other, bigger, nastier fears!
In five weeks we arrive at the kabbalistic New Year, which, practically-speaking, means a re-infusion of life for the following 365 days. I can guarantee you that the more risks you take now, the greater your new year will be.
That's why I'm launching a fast-track program designed for you to get the most of Rosh Hashanah. Over the next few weeks, the daily tune-ups will provide you with risk-taking assignments designed to stretch and increase your circle of miracles.
I hope you partake in them.
For this week, begin your preparation [if you haven't already] by taking emotional, physical and spiritual risks. Right now, as you read this, what's the scariest thing you can think of [that's not life-threatening, of course]?
That's your work for the week. Go to it. Keep asking yourself,
"What risk am I taking right now?"
Be brave. And let me know how it's going.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week
"What am I afraid of?"
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Sunday, August 24, 2008
Do It Anyway
By: Yehuda Berg
Sunday, August 24
You know those times when you just don't feel like working? Those moments you're with your kids or sitting at work and you just don't have the energy? "Tomorrow I will have the energy I need. I don't know what got into me today. I feel tired/down/lazy ... "
These are the times you want to push yourself. Because when you do, great things will come of it. This is a great teaching Rav Brandwein shared with my father, Rav Berg. We need to do the work even when we don't feel energy, even when we feel down. As he taught, when a person's work and excitement are based on his feelings on any given day, he is bound to fall.
Today, instead of avoiding work or interaction in those situations where you feel less than energetic, motivated and powerful, I dare you to actually get enthusiastic about the opportunity to break through, to do your work and do it with love!
You don't need "energy" - you have you. And when you own that and push through, you will reveal the most Light.
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
No We Can't, Yes We Can!
By: Yehuda Berg
Saturday, August 23
" ... pessimists are usually right, optimists are usually wrong, but most great changes were made by optimists." — Thomas Friedman, New York Times, May 11, 2008
Ever felt like the mission of Kabbalah is too big? Like what we do may not make a difference. The environment is too far gone, people's natures are too difficult to change, who are we kidding?
Yes, I get it. These problems we're addressing are greater than us. The tide of negativity is enormous. The task before us - removing the energy of death! - is overwhelming. But let's not forget our work here is important.
We want to change the world - it's going to be difficult. Our methodologies are going to be different than what most people think or expect. We have to stay optimistic because that's how we will change the world, despite how 'right' the pessimists may be.
Today, have a strong belief in your birth-right to do well, to succeed, to win over challenges and overcome obstacles. That strong belief — when real — will come from trusting the Light, and being connected. That's when magic happens.
Being an optimist is like telling the Creator "I believe in you. I don't know how you are going to make it work, or when, but I know you can and will!"
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Friday, August 22, 2008
Love For No Reason
By: Yehuda Berg
Friday, August 22
Kabbalists 4,000 years ago spoke of a dangerous, terrorizing entity that threatens to destroy the world. They called it sin'at chinam, 'hatred for no reason.' In almost every major kabbalistic text I've read and studied throughout my life, the importance of dislodging hatred, dislike and jealousy from our own hearts has been paramount.
If we understand that we are all part of the Lightforce, that each one of us has holy sparks of this force inside us, then how can we have lasting bad feelings or ill-will towards others?
As children, my father and teacher Rav Berg always taught me and my brother Michael to feel other people the way we would feel our own selves. Would you yell at your right hand for accidentally cutting your left hand when you were using your scissors?
Today, notice how often you are judging and disliking people — often for no good reason at all. Imagine if everyone you knew took more responsibility in this department! This is precisely the way in which the kabbalists predicted we'd elevate the consciousness of this world.
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I Say a Little Prayer For You
By: Yehuda Berg
Thursday, August 21
It is a little known kabbalistic truism that the best way to receive blessings is to bless others.
Wherever we are in life, we all want blessings. Perhaps it's the blessing of putting food on the table or having children or finding our soul mate or being even more happy and fulfilled and creative.
Today, make it your business to bless at least 3 people. How do you bless people? It starts with thinking about the things they need most in their life. Thinking is maybe the wrong word. Feel is more appropriate. Open your empathy chambers and allow your instinct to guide you.
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How You Doin'?
By: Yehuda Berg
Wednesday, August 20
"If you've saved one life, you've built a world." - The Zohar
One of the teachers here at the Centre had a student who committed suicide a couple of year back. The teacher was devastated and totally shaken because he felt like he let that person down in the most important way.
It makes me think how many people in our lives are on the brink of something terrible, and how many we can pull back from the edge just by taking an extra interest in them.
Today, really care about the people around you. Put in that extra effort - it can make all the difference in someone's life. When you pass a colleague in the hall and ask, how you doin', stick around to hear the answer.
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Clowning Around
By: Yehuda Berg
Tuesday, August 19
"Mirth [joking around] is no joke. It is actually an important component to achieving true wisdom. There is indeed no wisdom as clear and as deep as the wisdom that was achieved through mirth, for humor opens the heart and mind so that wisdom can be absorbed more wholly. Therefore, the sages would always begin their teachings with mirth." - The Zohar
Be funny today. Have a sense of humor about things. Be light (and you will be Light.)
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Difference of Form
By: Yehuda Berg
Monday, August 18
"As a blade slices and separates material things and divides them into two, so, in the same way, a difference of form or essence separates spiritual substances and divides them into two parts." (Rav Ashlag)
By writing 'a difference of form,' Rav Ashlag is referring to the fact that when we act in accordance with the essence of the Light, we feel whole. But when we act in disaccord, we invite chaos in.
One thing we can each do today to achieve a similarity of form, is to see the good in others. When we see good — especially when we want to see bad — we instantly feel reconnected.
Try it. See for yourself.
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
Take a Knee
By: Yehuda Berg
Many students write to me, frustrated that despite their spiritual efforts, they're still far away from their goals. Some deal with frequent depressions and feeling unsuccessful. Others deal with ongoing health issues. Still others feel terribly alone.
They wonder what they're doing wrong.
I simply tell them they're looking in the wrong place for their quick fix.
You see, our souls yearn to connect back to our source because they know only through connecting to the Light of the Creator can our physical problems be fixed in a lasting way. Kabbalists call it tikun, correction. And it happens instantly.
The rub here is that our rational minds don't know this realm exists - or we can't seem to find it. Therefore we lose the desire, and we look for one percent fixes to make us happy.
That's why my father Rav Berg has instilled in my mind (and all his students):
BEGGING the Creator for a connection is
the only way out of the illusions.
This is one of the hardest desires to cultivate. That's why we have Kabbalah Centres all around the world, publishing units pumping out books, websites, classes, and ...It's all here to remind us [among other things] that there is higher reality; to continue to wake up; to remember this world is merely a reflection of the supernal worlds.
Desiring a connection, surrendering and asking in the depths of our hearts for help - this is what opens the Light, what connects us to the Creator, what allows the fixing to get done.
What this means is when we handle our issues on the spiritual level, the Light paves paths for things to get resolved the best way possible on the physical level. So, if we are going through a divorce, and we deal with the issue first on the 99 % level, then we will somehow find the right lawyer who will not drag us through courts for years on end, while draining our bank accounts.
Or if we are dealing with a creative block, by begging the Creator for a connection, suddenly we will be in a yoga class and the teacher will say something that sparks off a creative watershed.
Or whatever it is, the Light will find a way to reach us. The point is, this week, connect. Drill down on your desire. And remember, just as when the student is ready, the teacher will appear, likewise, when you desire the Creator's assistance, the Creator will appear.
All the best,
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Compliments to the Chef
By: Yehuda Berg
Sunday, August 17
Whenever someone prepares a meal for my father, the Rav, he knows exactly what that person is going through. Just from tasting the food, he can tell everything about the chef.
This is what it means to be sensitive. And we all have this ability. When we are dealing with conflicts with our spouse or kids or colleagues, we have the ability to hone in on their pain, or confusion, or whatever it is that disturbs them. And we can help.
Think about this today. When are you are in contact with people, see if you can pick up what is going on beneath the surface.
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
Open Wide
By: Yehuda Berg
Saturday, August 16
There is a joke about these two shoe salesmen who travel to a third world country in search of new business opportunities.
One man calls his wife the moment he lands, telling her, "Honey, I'm coming back home. There's no hope here. Nobody here is wearing shoes, so there's no one to sell to." He boards the next flight home.
The second man calls his wife and says, "Honey, you wouldn't believe what I found here. There is so much opportunity. No one here is wearing shoes. I can sell to the whole country!"
There's opportunity everywhere. When we have a consciousness of expecting the magic to happen, it will happen. We'll find the right people, we'll move in the right circles, we'll 'bump' into the right solutions. It all starts with that opening in the mind.
Open up today. Open wide!
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Friday, August 15, 2008
Back to Life
By: Yehuda Berg
Friday, August 15
"Every soul must come to me, to Kotzk, for salvation, even if it is behind the Mountains of Darkness ... I could, if only I wanted, bring the dead back to life, but my purpose is to keep the living alive." (Kotzker Rebbe, 18th century kabbalist)
He's telling us that most of us are asleep!
Today, focus on an aspect of your life where you're not fully alive. Ask yourself what you could do to make the situation better? Take full responsibility, put it all on you and ask yourself what you can do to make this situation come alive again.
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
What Are You Doing?
By: Yehuda Berg
Thursday, August 14
How do we avoid losing the passion for our relationships, jobs, health, and spiritual connections? How do we stay true and committed?
Be conscious of why you are doing, what you are doing.
We fall into habits and shady corners in life, we get used to having people around or doing the same things day in, day out. We lose touch with the magic that attracted us initially, we lose that appreciation, we lose sight of what our goals were.
Today, focus on what you really want from all of the things you're filling your life with right now. If you don't know why you busy ourselves with your spiritual work, your friends, or your careers, you can never expect to see the results you wanted when you first started out.
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Savor the Search
By: Yehuda Berg
Wednesday, August 13
My friend was so depressed yesterday, claiming he still hasn't 'found his purpose.'
I told him, savor the search as much as the finding.
If you find yourself feeling frustrated about not meeting certain spiritual expectations, take comfort — you're in good company. Moses. Jesus. Rav Shimon Bar Yochai.
For years my mother has been teaching me, if you are looking for a spiritual path, you are already on the path. The search for spirituality is spirituality.
The fact that you are looking for your purpose — and are even upset about not finding it — is the going outside your nature that's required to tear the veils covering your vision.
Today, appreciate your courage to be on this journey. Recommit to the search for your special connection, without expecting. If you won't stop trying, you'll never fail.
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Beyond Me
By: Yehuda Berg
Tuesday, August 12
We all reach points in our days when we don't understand. It can be a relationship challenge, a health issue, which direction to do with our career, a difficult passage of study, a momentous business decision. We all get those 'not-knowing' moments.
The way to see with clarity is, according to Rav Ashlag, to stretch. Not physically [though a forward bend always does wonders.] But to really do something that is outside your zone of comfort, out of the norm. When we elevate above the normal course of things, the Light responds in kind.
Suddenly we understand what we are reading, suddenly we know which doctor to go to, suddenly we see what limiting belief has been sabotaging our relationships. These moments of epiphany do not come from our brains, they come from the Light.
Go above your nature today. Really stretch your tolerance or patience or compassion or belief in yourself. Do something that will build the vessel for whatever it is that's beyond you to come in.
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Golden Rule
By: Yehuda Berg
Monday, August 11
Giving others the evil eye [judgment and envy] indicate we're disconnected from the love of the Creator and feeling separated from others. But we know that the separation we feel is just an illusion. So what's the solution?
Remember, the golden rule of Kabbalah, which is also the Golden Rule we were taught in childhood, love thy neighbor as thyself. Do unto others as we would have others do unto us. In other words, treat others with human dignity, respect, and care, because that is what we would want to experience for ourselves.
We can't have a double standard. There is no loophole in the Universal Law that allows me to treat people selfishly, while the whole world gives me a break.
Today, show others love, respect, and acceptance - despite your desire to feel otherwise. This is one way to overcome the evil eye.
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