By: Yehuda Berg
Sunday, August 24
You know those times when you just don't feel like working? Those moments you're with your kids or sitting at work and you just don't have the energy? "Tomorrow I will have the energy I need. I don't know what got into me today. I feel tired/down/lazy ... "
These are the times you want to push yourself. Because when you do, great things will come of it. This is a great teaching Rav Brandwein shared with my father, Rav Berg. We need to do the work even when we don't feel energy, even when we feel down. As he taught, when a person's work and excitement are based on his feelings on any given day, he is bound to fall.
Today, instead of avoiding work or interaction in those situations where you feel less than energetic, motivated and powerful, I dare you to actually get enthusiastic about the opportunity to break through, to do your work and do it with love!
You don't need "energy" - you have you. And when you own that and push through, you will reveal the most Light.

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