By: Yehuda Berg
Wednesday, August 13
My friend was so depressed yesterday, claiming he still hasn't 'found his purpose.'
I told him, savor the search as much as the finding.
If you find yourself feeling frustrated about not meeting certain spiritual expectations, take comfort — you're in good company. Moses. Jesus. Rav Shimon Bar Yochai.
For years my mother has been teaching me, if you are looking for a spiritual path, you are already on the path. The search for spirituality is spirituality.
The fact that you are looking for your purpose — and are even upset about not finding it — is the going outside your nature that's required to tear the veils covering your vision.
Today, appreciate your courage to be on this journey. Recommit to the search for your special connection, without expecting. If you won't stop trying, you'll never fail.

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