Monday, August 25, 2008

Crack It Open

By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, August 25

Rav Berg, my father and teacher, calls the spiritual realm 'the world of information.' For every single question we have, the answer exists in the world of the non-physical reality. You meet a new person and wonder, are we compatible? Is this going to the altar or to the dumpster? Is there something about this person I should know about before I devote myself heart and soul?

The answers do exist — in the world of the 99 per cent (the majority of reality we do not perceive.) We have complete access to all the information we could ever desire — even information about the people we interact with. It's like having the most comprehensive encyclopedia at our fingertips - all the time.

Today, connect to the world of information by listening to your instincts, noticing deeper meanings in things people say, and looking for 'coincidences' and 'random' messages. Desire and awareness is all you need to crack open the answers to all of your questions.

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