Sunday, August 17, 2008

Take a Knee

August 17 — 23

By: Yehuda Berg

Many students write to me, frustrated that despite their spiritual efforts, they're still far away from their goals. Some deal with frequent depressions and feeling unsuccessful. Others deal with ongoing health issues. Still others feel terribly alone.

They wonder what they're doing wrong.

I simply tell them they're looking in the wrong place for their quick fix.

You see, our souls yearn to connect back to our source because they know only through connecting to the Light of the Creator can our physical problems be fixed in a lasting way. Kabbalists call it tikun, correction. And it happens instantly.

The rub here is that our rational minds don't know this realm exists - or we can't seem to find it. Therefore we lose the desire, and we look for one percent fixes to make us happy.

That's why my father Rav Berg has instilled in my mind (and all his students):

BEGGING the Creator for a connection is
the only way out of the illusions.

This is one of the hardest desires to cultivate. That's why we have Kabbalah Centres all around the world, publishing units pumping out books, websites, classes, and ...It's all here to remind us [among other things] that there is higher reality; to continue to wake up; to remember this world is merely a reflection of the supernal worlds.

Desiring a connection, surrendering and asking in the depths of our hearts for help - this is what opens the Light, what connects us to the Creator, what allows the fixing to get done.

What this means is when we handle our issues on the spiritual level, the Light paves paths for things to get resolved the best way possible on the physical level. So, if we are going through a divorce, and we deal with the issue first on the 99 % level, then we will somehow find the right lawyer who will not drag us through courts for years on end, while draining our bank accounts.

Or if we are dealing with a creative block, by begging the Creator for a connection, suddenly we will be in a yoga class and the teacher will say something that sparks off a creative watershed.

Or whatever it is, the Light will find a way to reach us. The point is, this week, connect. Drill down on your desire. And remember, just as when the student is ready, the teacher will appear, likewise, when you desire the Creator's assistance, the Creator will appear.

All the best,


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