By: Yehuda Berg
Friday, August 22
Kabbalists 4,000 years ago spoke of a dangerous, terrorizing entity that threatens to destroy the world. They called it sin'at chinam, 'hatred for no reason.' In almost every major kabbalistic text I've read and studied throughout my life, the importance of dislodging hatred, dislike and jealousy from our own hearts has been paramount.
If we understand that we are all part of the Lightforce, that each one of us has holy sparks of this force inside us, then how can we have lasting bad feelings or ill-will towards others?
As children, my father and teacher Rav Berg always taught me and my brother Michael to feel other people the way we would feel our own selves. Would you yell at your right hand for accidentally cutting your left hand when you were using your scissors?
Today, notice how often you are judging and disliking people — often for no good reason at all. Imagine if everyone you knew took more responsibility in this department! This is precisely the way in which the kabbalists predicted we'd elevate the consciousness of this world.

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