Thursday, July 31, 2008

Goin' Down to Go Up

By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, July 31

Years ago in Queens, a student of my father was in a desperate financial situation. He hit rock bottom; creditors were lining up at his door and he could barely feed his family. He was frantic. My father, with his typical certainty and calm, told the man not to worry, "this is a good sign!"

When we hit rock bottom, though it's painful physically, it is also a breaking of klipot [shells of negativity] that create barriers between us and our true fulfillment. Of course, no one wants to be in this position - it hurts! But at the same time, we want to have the courage to accept it. The faster we admit that the pain has a purpose, the faster it will fill its purpose and subsequently go away.

Remember today that temporary pain prepares us to receive lasting fulfillment. Have the courage to fully experience your pain. You'll be surprised at the messages it can bring you.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Enjoy Yourself

By: yehuda Berg

Wednesday, July 30

I've got an unusual request today. Do something that's just for you. Enjoy yourself.

We are going through a tough time (The Three Negative Weeks.) There's a lot of judgment flying around (our heads.) And it's ok to find little pleasures that make us happy. Sometimes indulging in a fatty snack or taking an extra ten minutes on our lunch hour or going to the beach instead of the gym is just what we need to put a smile back on our faces.

Do something for yourself today, guilt-free. If you're not happy, then none of us are happy.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Get Shocked

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, July 29

Restriction (the decision not to have immediate gratification) is something we have to recommit to every morning if we want to steer our lives in new and exciting direction.

We put ourselves through so much pain every time we dash after transient highs, whether it's a compliment or a purchase or an indulgment or literally a drug.

Many of us are aware of this, but we still can't stop. We can't help but stick our finger right in the socket. And we like it! But there's a price to pay. Hope this isn't sounding preachy, but let's be honest with ourselves.

Recommit to restriction today. It's the best path to revealing lasting Light. Yes, you will continue to shock yourself — that's what this game is all about. But just keep getting back on the horse. Every time you assert your conscious intent to restrict, you will be able to experience more real pleasure.

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Hollywood Farmers Market

Last Sunday we went to our local farmers market and our shopping bags were full of fresh, locally grown vegetables and fruits. We love buying fresh food. That's because we are supporting local farmers, taking care of ourselves with tasty, nutritious food, and doing something positive to support our environment.

Many are unaware of the far-reaching benefits of consuming local and/or organic food and its impact on our diet and the environment. Fortunately, in recent years, there is an increased awareness about organic food, and the fact that it is free of pesticides and hormones that are harmful to our bodies and the environment. But now, there is a growing awareness of the advantages of buying locally grown produce.

The benefits are many! Local farmers who sell their produce directly to consumers are not hindered by packing and shipping factors or concerns about food shelf life. That's because local produce is brought to market when it is ripe and fresh, and as a consequence is more nutritious and tasty than produce that comes from further away. And, from an environmental standpoint, a local market minimizes pollution because there is less need for product packaging that has to be carted off to landfills, along with less gas emissions from long-distance transport and refrigeration.

Stimulating your local economy is another reason to buy local produce. Farmers who grow and sell locally get to keep about 80% of their revenue compared to the mere 20% profit of farmers who grow food for large corporations and companies. This 60% in extra income can circulate more in your local area, thereby boosting your community. And local farming encourages more fields and open areas and less over-development.

And last but not least, locally grown foods are much better for your general health. When produce is harvested, its nutritious value is at its peak. It loses in freshness and nutritional value each day it is enroute to a destination. The sooner you can eat it, the better it is for you. And local foods tend to be seasonal, which is also beneficial for your health.

I hope that anyone reading this is already a local supporter of their local farmers' market, and if not, we hope you will think about becoming one. We need to support our community, economy, and our environment.

Heath is alive!

What a great, amazing Movie...

This movie should be re-named: "THE JOKER"

Heath Ledger: What an AMAZING actor, AMAZING performance, he definitely delivers.

I just wish you were here to enjoy the success of YOUR movie.

I hope you're good wherever you are, sending you all the healing light, love and protection from the creator and the universe.

Vine & Sunset in Hollywood

Sunse & Vine

One of my (many) favorite quote is:

"This the beginning or the end" (depends how you look at it)

So I guess I am going to start by saying...

This is the beginning of a wonderful work week and
the end of a pretty eventful weekend.

God! how I wish the weekend were longer...

I guess work-weeks are longer so we can appreciate the weekend.

I had some much over the weekend.

All The Best!


Sunday, July 27, 2008

You Are The King

by: Yehuda Berg

I was in Madrid last week. The King of Saudia Arabia personally invited me to an interfaith summit that he sponsored for world spiritual leaders.

It was pretty cool for a kid from Queens to be hob-nobbing with world leaders, dialoguing on the ills of the world. I have to say, my ego was stroked - for about a minute. That feeling fades fast, as you know.

It was an honor to meet such esteemed men and women, and I'd like to issue a public thank you to the King, truly a visionary reformer.

The reason I am sharing this with you now is because on the plane ride home I kept thinking one thing. This one thing is what my parents taught me, it's what Rav Brandwein taught my father, it's what every great kabbalist throughout history taught one another: talk is cheap, without action.

Never before have spiritual leaders been so into talking about how to make the world a better place. That's a good thing, I am not downplaying by it.

But I will not fool myself into thinking that Kings, Rabbis, Priest, Monks, Imams and Prime Ministers are going to change the world all by themselves.

At the end of the day, the solution to this mess has got to come from the bottom up, not the top down. Consider what Rav Ashlag, founder of The Kabbalah Centre in 1922, writes in The Gift of the Bible:

...he who fulfills one good deed causes himself and the entire world to tip the scale of merit; and woe to him who commits one transgression, for he causes himself and the entire world to tip the scale of demerit...

The only way - THE ONLY WAY - to reverse the tides of negativity is to realize that those seemingly insignificant actions we do - or don't do - is what matters most.

Individual human behavior is what got us into this mess, individual human behavior is what will get us out.

I challenge every reader to really check-in this week. There's no more time to hide behind just talking. We have each got to own up to the fact that most of the time we operate from a selfish desire. Only when we admit this and fight the enemy within, will the enemies without cease to exist.

If you remember only one thing from this thought piece, let it be this:

Your every action counts.

By taking responsibility for increasing your positive actions this week, you are, as Rav Ashlag writes, tipping the scale of merit. And that's something worth talking about.

All the best,


You are now reconnecting and reuniting the Upper and Lower Worlds through the power of this Name. By bringing these realms together, you find courage and commitment to accomplish your goals and achieve your dreams. Your thoughts become actualized. Your best ideas are transformed into action, and then into concrete results!

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Technology, Not Morality

By: Yehuda Berg

Sunday, July 27

If you were to never buy a book on Kabbalah, or take a class online, or attend one of our live events or holidays, if you were only reading this one email and I had just this one chance to share with you a secret that would change your life, it would be this:

Like attracts like.

God, from a kabbalist's perspective, is not a bearded man on a mountain top or a judgmental omnipotent being, but it's a force of sharing and concern and love. When you quiet down your thoughts and step away from your feelings - and just radiate concern for others - you attain affinity with God.

And the moment you create this connection, you are tapping into this force. This is where fulfillment comes from.

That's why love thy neighbor was the revelation of a technology, not a moral ideal!

Today, be God. Be thoughtful of what others are going through. Be happy for others' happiness. Be kind to people for no good reason. Be the creative force you can be. Everything else will take care of itself.

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Identity Theft

By: Yehuda Berg

Saturday, July 26

Have you ever seen those warnings, "Identity Theft - Don't Be a Victim". It's actually quite kabbalistic.

We think we are who we are. Meaning, we think we are these notions we have of ourselves — black, white, man, woman, secure, insecure, lawyer, actor, son, brother, ADD, OCD, happy-go-lucky, whatever. But most of the time we are totally clueless of our real identity.

On a soul level, we transcend categories and mental constructs. We are souls, pure sparks of the Creator. And to tap that down into everyday language, we are love. We are compassion. We are giving. We are groundless. We are limitless. And of course, we are one. You, me, and everyone reading this, everyone walking around you in your office or on the street or wherever you are reading this, we‘re all connected.

Today, know that whoever you think you are, you are not him or her. Ask for guidance to be shown the real you. Reclaim your identity.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Tough Love from Up Above

By: Yehuda Berg

Friday, July 25

I don't do enough. I'm sitting here thinking about how many times I've avoided scanning Zohar or meditating on a 72 Name for a student who needs healing or going outside of myself to help others.

Really, I don't do enough.

And it hurts to be in this emotional place, when I see how I've let myself go in certain areas. But as long as it's pushing me forward to do more, then it's good.

This is something the 17th century kabbalist, the Baal Shem Tov, taught his students: if you are beating yourself up because you don't do enough, then it's just your ego talking. But if you are genuinely motivated by these thoughts, then it's your soul speaking.

Today, when you notice those places where you've gone soft or you don't feel that you are "doing enough", know it's a good thing. Instead of beating yourself up about it, think of it as some tough love from up above.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

God is In Everything

By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, July 24

End of the month. Money is tight. Charges on the credit card are increasing. Rent is due. Tuition for schools is due too. The news gets funkier every day. The month of Cancer in general can be tough on the emotions. On and on and on.

What do we do?

Pray! Pray for the ability to acknowledge that God is in everything.

We all have blessings in our lives even if we're having trouble finding a husband or making money or getting our lives on track or battling illness or depression. Even when life seems its darkest, there's always a pilot Light burning. Somewhere. You wouldn't be reading this if there wasn't Light pulsing through your being.

Look for that Light today. 'Count your blessings,' as they say.

What are you thankful for, right now, right this second?

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Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself

Hello Bloggers,

I am very excited to share with all of you all the Wisdom and tools of Kabbalah, as well as the positive, happy, full of HOPE, JOY and Blessings messages from Joel & Victoria Olsten Ministries.

Kabbalah has transformed my life in many good ways. Kabbalah has helped me to become a better human being.

In Kabbalah I have learned that:
If I want love, I must give love.
If I want compassion I must show compassion.
If I don't want to be judge then I must not judge and the list goes on.

What Kabbalah teaches is what Jesus Christ came to teach, which is: "TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF" which is basically what Joel & Victoria ministries teaches.

Joel & Victoria are a great inspiration and from my humble point of view their ministry represents what a loving, compassionate and ideal church should be.

Hope you find some wisdom or a burst of positive energy while reading my blog.

With Love, Light, Blessings and

All The Best!
