By: Yehuda Berg
Thursday, July 31
Years ago in Queens, a student of my father was in a desperate financial situation. He hit rock bottom; creditors were lining up at his door and he could barely feed his family. He was frantic. My father, with his typical certainty and calm, told the man not to worry, "this is a good sign!"
When we hit rock bottom, though it's painful physically, it is also a breaking of klipot [shells of negativity] that create barriers between us and our true fulfillment. Of course, no one wants to be in this position - it hurts! But at the same time, we want to have the courage to accept it. The faster we admit that the pain has a purpose, the faster it will fill its purpose and subsequently go away.
Remember today that temporary pain prepares us to receive lasting fulfillment. Have the courage to fully experience your pain. You'll be surprised at the messages it can bring you.

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