By: Yehuda Berg
Thursday, July 24
End of the month. Money is tight. Charges on the credit card are increasing. Rent is due. Tuition for schools is due too. The news gets funkier every day. The month of Cancer in general can be tough on the emotions. On and on and on.
What do we do?
Pray! Pray for the ability to acknowledge that God is in everything.
We all have blessings in our lives even if we're having trouble finding a husband or making money or getting our lives on track or battling illness or depression. Even when life seems its darkest, there's always a pilot Light burning. Somewhere. You wouldn't be reading this if there wasn't Light pulsing through your being.
Look for that Light today. 'Count your blessings,' as they say.
What are you thankful for, right now, right this second?

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