By: Yehuda Berg
Friday, July 25
I don't do enough. I'm sitting here thinking about how many times I've avoided scanning Zohar or meditating on a 72 Name for a student who needs healing or going outside of myself to help others.
Really, I don't do enough.
And it hurts to be in this emotional place, when I see how I've let myself go in certain areas. But as long as it's pushing me forward to do more, then it's good.
This is something the 17th century kabbalist, the Baal Shem Tov, taught his students: if you are beating yourself up because you don't do enough, then it's just your ego talking. But if you are genuinely motivated by these thoughts, then it's your soul speaking.
Today, when you notice those places where you've gone soft or you don't feel that you are "doing enough", know it's a good thing. Instead of beating yourself up about it, think of it as some tough love from up above.

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