Monday, July 28, 2008

Heath is alive!

What a great, amazing Movie...

This movie should be re-named: "THE JOKER"

Heath Ledger: What an AMAZING actor, AMAZING performance, he definitely delivers.

I just wish you were here to enjoy the success of YOUR movie.

I hope you're good wherever you are, sending you all the healing light, love and protection from the creator and the universe.

Vine & Sunset in Hollywood

Sunse & Vine

One of my (many) favorite quote is:

"This the beginning or the end" (depends how you look at it)

So I guess I am going to start by saying...

This is the beginning of a wonderful work week and
the end of a pretty eventful weekend.

God! how I wish the weekend were longer...

I guess work-weeks are longer so we can appreciate the weekend.

I had some much over the weekend.

All The Best!
