Friday, November 28, 2008

Light a Fire For Others‏

By: Yehuda Berg

Saturday, November 29

"Some people wear their faith like an overcoat. It only warms them, but does not benefit others at all. But some light a fire and also warm others."

- Rav Mendel of Kotzk (1789 - 1859)

Today, find little ways to bring warmth and love into someone else's life.

It's Time to Believe Again

It's Time to Believe Again

Anytime God is about to take you to a new level you’re going to face opposition. There will be new battles to fight and new obstacles to overcome. It’s easy to get discouraged and think, “Why is this happening?” But we have to change our thinking and focus on the fact that on the other side of those challenges is a new level of victory—a new level of success. David would only be known as a shepherd boy if it weren’t for Goliath. David’s enemy became the tool that God used to promote him. And God will do the same in your life today. He’ll use those challenges and difficulties in your life to catapult you towards success! If you are going through a hard time today, if things look impossible, don’t give up now.

Change your perspective and believe that God is working behind the scenes. Put a smile on your face and stand in confidence knowing that you are a child of the Most High God. When all is said and done, you’re not just going to come out of that difficulty, but you’re coming out stronger, wiser, and better than you were before! That problem is going to be the catalyst for God to open supernatural doors of opportunity for you! Stand strong in the Lord today and trust that what the enemy meant for your harm, God will turn around and use to your advantage. He’ll take you places you never dreamed and cause you to rise higher and higher in every area of your life!

Life in the Word

Life in the Word

Today's Scripture

“For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God” (1 Peter 1:23, NLT).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

In Genesis we read that God spoke the world into existence. His words produced life and are continuing to produce life today. Aren’t you grateful for the power in God’s Word? Because of God’s Word, we can have life in eternity and live in strength and victory over every obstacle that comes against us here on earth!

Today, you have access to life, strength, and victory in the Word of God. The Bible says in Job 22 that what you declare shall be established. When you declare God’s Word, you establish it in your life. You activate its power. Make it a habit to declare God’s Word over your life daily. Declare that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Declare that you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. Declare that His favor and blessing are upon you because you follow His commands. As you declare His Word, you will see His hand moving on your behalf. You’ll experience His power to live in victory in every area of your life!

A Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I commit to seek You first and invite You to establish Your Word in my heart. I bless You and magnify You today. In Jesus’ Name.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Suppression vs. Restriction‏

By: Yehuda Berg

Friday, November 28

There is a very fine line between suppressing our emotions and shutting down our reactive systems.

Restriction creates momentary struggle, but almost immediately there is calm and clarity. Suppressing emotions, on the other hand, creates long-term stress. Slowly, suppressed emotions gather force. Pressure builds, and eventually we blow!

Today, get in touch with your emotions. What are you holding in? Allow yourself to feel it. There is something there for you to learn.

He Still Opens Doors

He Still Opens Doors

Today's Scripture

“I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close” (Revelation 3:8, NLT).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

God is ready to present you with new opportunities. He wants to open new doors before you. It doesn’t matter what’s happening in the world around you, in the economy, the housing industry, or with job reports; God’s Word still remains true. He rewards the people who seek after Him. He’s not the least bit concerned about how He’s going to supply your needs. There is no recession in heaven. He has His eye on you, and He still opens doors that no one can shut! In an instant, He can bring the right people into your life, the right opportunities, and the right resources to take you to a new level.

But in order to go to a higher level, you have to have a higher way of thinking. You can’t stay focused on what’s happening in the natural nor allow worry and fear to fill your thoughts. Remember, God’s ways are higher than our ways. He is working on your behalf behind the scenes in the supernatural realm. Choose to keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. As you do, you’ll move forward through the open doors of blessing God has prepared for you.

A Prayer for Today

Father in heaven, I bless Your holy name. Thank You for opening doors for me that no one can close. Fill me with Your peace and joy today as I wait on You. In Jesus’ Name Amen.

Early Bird Special‏

By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, November 27

Happy Turkey Day (to all you Americans)!

Today is a day of giving thanks and being appreciative of what we have. But what happens when we can't appreciate? Many students confide in me that despite their blessings, they still find it hard to be thankful.

I teach them what my teacher taught me: BEG.

It is a gift to be thankful and if we have not earned it, than we must beg the Creator to give it to us.

Today, no matter what level your gratitude meter is at, kick it up a notch. And if you are totally blocked, get down on your knees [metaphorically or literally] and ask with all your heart for the Light of appreciation to shine in your mind.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Repeat It a Second Time

By: Yehuda Berg

Wednesday, November 26

There is a saying in an ancient spiritual book that goes like this:

If you make a mistake the first time, do not be concerned about it. Be concerned about it if you repeat it a second time. If you do something right the first time, do not pride yourself about it. Be proud of yourself if you repeat it a second time.

Today, focus on one good habit you wish to repeat tomorrow and one bad one you wish to repeal.

Love Will Always Do the Trick

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, November 25

There is story of a sage who was once asked to curse another man. He was told that the person in question was evil and wanting to hurt everyone that came his way. The sage replied, "instead of cursing him, wouldn't it be easier to bless him so that he'll be able only to see the Light? If he can only see the Light, the rest will be taken care of, won't it?"

Won't it? Yes it will. Today, bless the people you want to curse. You can't fight darkness with darkness. You have to fight it with Light.

Love will always do the trick.

Just In Time

By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, November 24

The greatest desire to receive is “I want it now!”

How many times have you given up on something because the results didn’t come fast enough? We all do it. We abandon developing friendships, projects, or spiritual behaviors because we don’t see immediate results.

The Light works in its own time. Our success might come today, it might come in ten years. We don’t know. But we do know that the more we act - while simultaneously pushing away the craving for instant gratification - the greater our capacity to experience success becomes.

Today, push back on that nagging voice that wants everything this second. Focus on the work at hand and know that everything you need will arrive just in time.

Building On A Moment

Are you happy? Me, I don't always wake up happy. But I follow the advice my father and teacher Rav Berg gave me early on: build on the moment.

The only thing we can do when faced with chaos and pain is accept things as they are and be happy in that moment. The genius of this logic is one moment is carried into the next. When we put all our effort into seeing the good, to pushing back the darkest doubts and to injecting light and happiness, we go into the next moment carrying that energy.

Switching up the energy, that's what we're doing. Difficult? Yes. Paradoxical? For sure. Doable? Without a doubt.

Lots of people are in the dumper lately, that's no news flash. And I think this idea of building on the moment is especially relevant. It doesn't mean we have to resign ourselves to a bad situation or relationship. I think we have a habit of thinking "I can't be happy now because I have this problem and if I accept it I will never get rid of it."

The energy that goes into being happy, internally ignites change on the external level. That's the beauty of life: everything can change just like that. Even when things aren't as you want them, if you can train yourself to be happy in the moment, then you will see dramatic shifts forward.

On top of that, why be miserable and unhappy? Look back at your life. If you had certain parts to do over, would you do them over with apathy, boredom and fear? Or would you rip into those situations with confidence and verve?

This week, call yourself out on your negative thought loops. Break it in your mind. Pay attention to how often your feeling of desperation and doubt are in control. Practice being excited and happy - even when you're not.

To keep it simple, here's a 3 step reminder for the week:

1. Accept the difficult situation for what it is
2. Be happy, despite not being happy (get that?)
3. Switch the moment, leading to a new continuum of happiness

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

I find the strength to restrain selfish longings. Through this Name I ask for what my soul needs, not what my ego wants. I find deep appreciation for whatever life brings me. This brings me happiness in the deepest sense.

Makes Waves

By: Yehuda Berg

Sunday, November 23

The word for responsible also means interconnected (in Aramaic.) This tells us if we are responsible individuals, then we recognize the enormous impact we have on others. It means we realize our behavior and actions have an effect first on us - because we are the point of impact - and then outwards to our family, friends and ultimately the world.

If you drop a stone in a body of water, it makes waves, we all get that. True responsibility is understanding we are always making waves in the world, always having an impact on much more than ourselves.

Make compassionate, loving, sharing waves today!

Come Out With It

By: Yehuda Berg

Saturday, November 22

Speak up.

This may not "speak" to you if you are someone who has no problem with showing people who you are. But for the rest of us, we need to be reminded to speak our truth, no matter what people say. And if what we have to say isn't appropriate, just because others don't say it, doesn't mean we shouldn't (if it's our truth.)

When someone eats his words, not coming out with it clearly, not expressing, that energy gets bottled up. The vessel of talking needs to be trained so we can keep our energy circulating.

Today, listen to what you say, even mundane things. Watch yourself. Then slowly train yourself to open your mouth and let out your heart.


By: Yehuda Berg

Friday, November 21

There are those moments in life when we are in such awe of life.

For me, the simple fact that I survived the lottery of being born is enough to switch on immediate appreciation. Moments like this lead me into an elevated consciousness, a hyper-awareness of the Light's presence in every thought and action.

Live in this place today, this place of total awe. Mix in a healthy, positive fear of losing this place in your mind, so that you never forget how awesome life is, and how awesome you are.

My Malfunctioning iPod

By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, November 20

Yesterday I called a support line for my malfunctioning iPod. I was on speaker phone when the customer service rep finally answered, and asked for my name. I said it and he asked me to repeat. I said it again he still me to repeat. This happened two more times and finally I hung up in frustration, only to realize a second later I had him on mute!

How many times do we put ourselves on mute to people? There they are - ready to help - but we can't hear them, or refuse to see that we are blocking them. Furthermore, when people need OUR help, we say we're too busy or we can't and effectively mute out Light and wisdom that we could receive.

Today, put it in your mind that every person you meet has something to teach you. And vice versa.

Love is Confession

By: Yehuda Berg

Wednesday, November 19

Love is confession. Confession of fears, hopes, fantasies, inappropriate thoughts. Confession of your truth. Kabbalistically, the process of being vulnerable destroys any blockages in a relationship. Blockages that, if not brought to light, can simmer and explode.

Today, be real with your loved ones. Share what's going on inside. Release yourself from the prison of, "what will they think?"

The Man With No Feet

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, November 18

There's a well-worn kabbalistic story of a man who complains he has no shoes until one day he sees a man with no feet.

Today, to avoid the trap of focusing only on what you are lacking, it's a healthy exercise to look around and see where others are lacking. This will help you appreciate what you have. This is valuable because there is a spiritual principle that states, either we learn to appreciate all things in our life, or we have to lose them in order to realize their value.

Monday, November 17, 2008


By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, November 17

We never know how much time we have on this earth to do our spiritual work, so, there is no time like the present, as they say.

We must be on our toes, all the time, guarding against over- thinking and over-analyzing. We must avoid getting our feet stuck in the mud.

Today, do things quickly. Don't get bogged down in any one thing. If you do, then repeat, "next, next, next."

Sunday, November 16, 2008


By: Yehuda Berg

November 16 - 22, 2008


“...the baby is concealed in the womb...”

The Kabbalists teach, in order to reveal, you must first conceal.

The seed must be concealed in the ground before the tree appears. The baby is concealed in the womb of the mother before it appears in the physical world. Any invention, whether it's the computer, a pencil, a potato chip - any invention - is first concealed in the mind of the inventor before it manifests physically.

It's the same with joy, happiness, success and Light. They're first concealed in our problems!

DOUBT conditions us to run away from problems and chaos, which stinks because we run away from the Light, from opportunity.

This week, when challenges come, don't run away. Embrace them head-on, realizing, "I was born to transform darkness into Light pain into pleasure chaos into order. That's the gift I have been given I choose to use it, NOW."

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

Yud Resh Ayin

46. Certainty

By using this Name I fill my heart with certainty! certitude! conviction! sureness! And trust!

Kind Mind

By: Yehuda Berg

November 9 — 15

If we are going to have any shot at achieving the miracle of treating everyone we meet with at least a strain of human dignity, we've got to start by treating ourselves with human dignity.

After all, how we treat ourselves is how we treat others.

The month of Scorpio is the perfect time to be reminded of this. We tend to be extra hard on ourselves under the influence of this energy. But at the same time, there is always a little poison in the vaccine. Meaning, if we can learn to be nice to ourselves, even when we are in the throes of self-hatred, we can inoculate ourselves against that inner critic for the rest of the year.

There is an amazing story of the Baal Shem Tov, the great 18th century Kabbalist who was once traveling through a town in which he was introduced to a wealthy man. The man invited the great sage to stay with him during his visit.

When he arrived at the man's house, the Baal Shem Tov was very surprised to see that the man lived so modestly. Nowhere throughout his house was it evident that the man possessed great wealth. Even the meals he ate consisted of little more than dry bread and water.

The Baal Shem Tov stayed with him for several days and on the third day he woke up and began screaming at the man. "Who do you think you are? Where is all of your wealth? Why do you live like this? Why do you eat stones? Why do you think the Light gave you all of this wealth?"

To this the confused man replied, "Well I'm trying to live modestly. I don't want my ego..."

"Ego? What ego are you talking about," the great Kabbalist interjected. On and on the Baal Shem Tov went, giving him the business about his modesty.

After they departed one of the Kabbalist's students asked him, "Why did you do such a thing? He was trying to tell you he was working on shrinking his ego, working on improving himself."

"If he eats dry bread and water what do you think he's going to give the poor to eat? He's going to give them sticks and stones. If this is the way he treats himself, how is he going to treat others! If he has the means to do so he has to treat himself in a very good way. This way he can treat others in a very good way as well."

Be nice to yourself this week. You have so many gifts from the Creator that were given to you so you could share them with others. The more you are patient and tolerant of your shortcomings and failures, the more your gifts will come out.

And the more your gifts come out, the better you will feel.

Be well. Enjoy your week!

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

I am now switching off the destructive thoughts that emanate from my ego. In the space that I've opened, a gentle radiance of spiritual Light appears.

Shine Your Light‏

By: Yehuda Berg

Sunday, November 16

How are your gifts benefiting others?

Kabbalistically, the highest fulfillment we can get is not achieving for ourselves, but achieving for others. Our gifts are assists from the Creator to help us influence and achieve these great things, on a scale bigger than ourselves.

Today, look around you and find a life into which you can shine your Light.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting Better All the Time

By: Yehuda Berg

Saturday, November 15

There are no accidents in life. Every person you meet, every word you overhear is part of some elaborate plan to help you elevate, to be better. Right now, at this moment, you have exactly the circumstances you need to transform your life to your next highest level.

With this thought in mind, look at the problems in your life today and discover how they can be a catalyst for you to think, act, and be better.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Reaching Through the Barriers

By: Yehuda Berg

Friday, November 14

I often use the terms God, Light, or the Creator. Sometimes I receive emails from skeptics who think Kabbalah is asking people to passively believe in an external God.

This is not the case.

Kabbalah shows how to experience the Light within yourself. The reason we stress looking within and confronting your fears is because these are the barriers that keep you out of contact with that eternal part of yourself.

Pay attention to your fears today. Watch how often they come up and notice how painful it is to sit with them.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, November 13

"Next time a mosquito's hum or a fly's buzz annoys you, recall this Kabbalistic teaching: 'Even worms, flies and mosquitoes - all of them communicate wisdom, and there is not a single animal in the world, even from amongst the creeping-crawlies, that does not communicate some form of wisdom.'" - Rav Chaim Vital, student of the Ari, 16th Century

Imagine what people can teach us!

Be open today. Listen with the intention of hearing something new. You can get wisdom from every one you meet.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Treat Yourself

By: Yehuda Berg

Wednesday, November 12

Do you sometimes get this feeling that you just need to take a break and escape into the one percent reality?

Scorpio is a high pressure month, so don't feel guilty about doing what you need to do to recharge and realign yourself. If it's a manicure at the salon or a shopping spree at the mall or getting lost in a video game - do it.

Do something to nurture yourself today. Being kind to yourself creates a bigger vessel for you to be kind to others.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Opportunity Knockin'

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, November 11

There is a story about two shoe salesmen. They travel to a third world country and the first guy calls his wife the second he lands, "Honey, I'm heading right back home. There is no hope here. Nobody here is wearing shoes, so there is no one to sell to." He takes off on the next plane home.

The second guy calls his wife, "Honey, you wouldn't believe what I found here. There is so much opportunity. No one here is wearing shoes! I could sell to the whole country." He ends up selling thousands and thousands of shoes.

Today, look again where you didn't think there was an opportunity before.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Protect Yourself

By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, November 10

Rav Ashlag, the founder of The Kabbalah Centre in 1922, taught us that "the essence of helping others is to help yourself by connecting to the Light."

The purpose of sharing beyond our comfort zones is not to be 'good.' It's the methodology through which we tap into the lightforce that is the source of all life. This force is all-sharing, and by imitating this attribute in our actions, we align ourselves with the right frequencies. This is why many students of Kabbalah report experiencing miracles and protection in times of danger. They know how to sync up with the Creator.

Bottom line is, today, go out of your way to do acts of mercy and sharing. Go beyond your usual threshold. Don't do it for them, do it for yourself. This is how you protect yourself in tough times. And in good times too.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Be Big

By: Yehuda Berg

Sunday, November 9

We know it's within a person's nature to follow his habits and his friend's habits. Even in spiritual matters, where others gain strength, we gain strength and where others are weak, we too are weak.

The greatest difficulty in spiritual work is being strong where most people are negligent.

This doesn't mean drop all your negative friends and family. Because the truth is, we all have positive and negative inside. I know people like that, constantly dropping people, and in most cases they end up alone.

The point is, sometimes we need to be the ones who are strong in the midst of weakness. We need to set the example and to put out the positive, proactive thinking and behavior that will brings others up to a higher level. Do that today. Be big. Be positive. Be strong.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Guarded Tongue

By: Yehuda Berg

Saturday, November 8

It's in our nature to talk bad about other people. We are all guilty of this. There are many reasons we do it, insecurity, jealousy, and so on. But the kabbalists say that 'evil speech' is one of the worst things we can do to our soul.

"He who guards his mouth and his tongue is guarded from a troubled soul." - The Vilna Gaon, 18th century Kabbalist

Today, as my mother Karen Berg often says, pay as much attention to what exits your mouth as to what enters.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Magic Shoes

By: Yehuda Berg

Friday, November 7

How do we know what the right choice is?

A long time ago there lived a well known spiritual teacher who earned his living as a shoemaker. He obviously didn’t have a lot of wealth.

He wasn't famous. He didn’t hold political office. He was just a shoemaker. Yet, because he knew his job in the world, and because he had consciousness about what he was doing, he did it with love. People flocked to buy his shoes because it became known that they granted their wearer with access to all the secrets of their soul. By doing what seemed like very simple work, he was able to deeply touch people and reveal more light in the world than some of the greatest of his generation.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Learning from the Past (Message Delayed)

By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, November 6

If you want to accomplish the impossible, you need to constantly face the unknown. Change leads to change. Sometimes making those dramatic shifts is a bit overwhelming. We get paralyzed by fear and doubt. The way to get around that is to practice changing in little ways all the time. Change leads to change.

Today, drive a different route to work. Order a different drink at Starbucks. Talk to new people. Go out of your normal ways. Because change leads to change.

What Is Today?

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, November 4

How do we know what the right choice is?

From picking a new car to choosing the right sneakers to deciding whether or not to get married – how do we know what’s best?

Kabbalists say it depends on your merit. Merit is a code word, in Aramaic it also means “glass”. Having merit is having the ability to see things clearly, without the illusion.

How do we earn ‘merits’? Stretching ourselves. Every time we push an extra inch, we reveal sparks which Light our way.

Today, if you lack clarity in any area of your life, seek out opportunities to go the extra mile. You will soon see the connection between your stretching and your rising level of clarity.

Quick to Judge

By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, November 3

How many times have we said, “I told you twice already!”

Why is it we have all the patience in the world for ourselves when we make mistakes [some of us], but not the same tolerance for others?

Today, give others a chance to change. Don’t be so quick to judge.

Once Upon a Time

By: Yehuda Berg

Sunday, November 2

Throughout our lives there will be many people who will help us. These very same people might, in time, not help us and even turn away from us.

It is in our nature to forget what someone has once done for us in the past when they are not doing for us today. But the Kabbalists say if one has done us a favor once, we must always remember it. This is a difficult task indeed.

Think of someone in your life with whom you are currently at odds, someone who helped you out in a major way, once upon a time. See if you can call up the appreciation and gratitude you once felt towards this person.

Inner Points

By: Yehuda Berg

Saturday, November 1

My father’s teacher, Rav Brandwein, always taught him not to judge a person by his external appearance, but to always search for that inner point within him. He would often say, “Do not look at a container, but at what is in it.”

We are always going to find something wrong with the people we live and work with – and especially those we love. Our job is to see past the false outer layers, and to penetrate into the heart of what is good about the person.

Who do you need to apply this lesson to today?

All in Good Time (Delayed Delivery)

By: Yehuda Berg

Friday, October 31

There have been so many moments in my life when I was frustrated with someone for not “getting it.” Despite the agony of watching a friend or student or loved one suffer, I’ve had to remind myself of the Kabbalistic principle: there is no coercion in spirituality.

We cannot force our opinions upon others even though we may think it is the correct way and it is for the other person’s benefit. We are not the policemen of the Creator. We can only share with an open heart and let the Light take care of the rest.

Is there someone that comes to mind when you read this? Who are you trying to coerce into believing, doing, saying what you think is the right thing?

The Kabbalists always helped people to change by example. Today, try being the person you want that person to be. Its not as easy as it looks, is it?