By: Yehuda Berg
November 16 - 22, 2008

“...the baby is concealed in the womb...”
The Kabbalists teach, in order to reveal, you must first conceal.
The seed must be concealed in the ground before the tree appears. The baby is concealed in the womb of the mother before it appears in the physical world. Any invention, whether it's the computer, a pencil, a potato chip - any invention - is first concealed in the mind of the inventor before it manifests physically.
It's the same with joy, happiness, success and Light. They're first concealed in our problems!
DOUBT conditions us to run away from problems and chaos, which stinks because we run away from the Light, from opportunity.
This week, when challenges come, don't run away. Embrace them head-on, realizing, "I was born to transform darkness into Light pain into pleasure chaos into order. That's the gift I have been given I choose to use it, NOW."
All the best,
72 Name of the Week
Yud Resh Ayin

46. Certainty
By using this Name I fill my heart with certainty! certitude! conviction! sureness! And trust!