By: Yehuda Berg
Friday, October 31
There have been so many moments in my life when I was frustrated with someone for not “getting it.” Despite the agony of watching a friend or student or loved one suffer, I’ve had to remind myself of the Kabbalistic principle: there is no coercion in spirituality.
We cannot force our opinions upon others even though we may think it is the correct way and it is for the other person’s benefit. We are not the policemen of the Creator. We can only share with an open heart and let the Light take care of the rest.
Is there someone that comes to mind when you read this? Who are you trying to coerce into believing, doing, saying what you think is the right thing?
The Kabbalists always helped people to change by example. Today, try being the person you want that person to be. Its not as easy as it looks, is it?