During the month of Scorpio, we all embody the characteristics of this sign. Therefore, this mini-guide is meant to help you understand the traits and corrections to look out for.
Scorpios are sharp, extremely intuitive, reliable, charismatic, honest, generous, and loyal people. However, we don't come here to be perfect. We are born to correct the flaws in our soul. Here are some for the month of Scorpio:
Tikun (Correction of the Soul)
Scorpios are very emotional and take things too seriously.
Learn to fear less and love more. That is the secret of letting go.
They are renowned for their jealously and sharp tongue.
The punishment for jealousy? Jealousy itself! Give people the 'good eye' [be happy for others, especially when they have what you want!]
One thing that most people don't know about Scorpios is that they are plagued with fears.
Instead of using mind games to mask the fear, be honest with yourself. Face your fears so you can get rid of them.
Scorpios have a talent for organization and are completely reliable. Unfortunately, there is a hook: they want to control you.
Controlling people is an exercise in futility. The only person you can truly control is yourself. Always ask yourself, what is my agenda?
Hot one minute, cold the next.
Moderation, moderation, moderation. A balanced heart and mind is the greatest gift to give yourself.
How to improve relationships with others during the month of Scorpio:
* Stay calm. Reacting to someone in crisis only puts them further in crisis
* Teach others with examples, not with logical explanations
* Find ways to build self-esteem in your loved ones and co-workers. Lack of appreciation for ourselves is the single biggest source of our aggressive behavior towards others.