Are you happy? Me, I don't always wake up happy. But I follow the advice my father and teacher Rav Berg gave me early on: build on the moment.
The only thing we can do when faced with chaos and pain is accept things as they are and be happy in that moment. The genius of this logic is one moment is carried into the next. When we put all our effort into seeing the good, to pushing back the darkest doubts and to injecting light and happiness, we go into the next moment carrying that energy.
Switching up the energy, that's what we're doing. Difficult? Yes. Paradoxical? For sure. Doable? Without a doubt.
Lots of people are in the dumper lately, that's no news flash. And I think this idea of building on the moment is especially relevant. It doesn't mean we have to resign ourselves to a bad situation or relationship. I think we have a habit of thinking "I can't be happy now because I have this problem and if I accept it I will never get rid of it."
The energy that goes into being happy, internally ignites change on the external level. That's the beauty of life: everything can change just like that. Even when things aren't as you want them, if you can train yourself to be happy in the moment, then you will see dramatic shifts forward.
On top of that, why be miserable and unhappy? Look back at your life. If you had certain parts to do over, would you do them over with apathy, boredom and fear? Or would you rip into those situations with confidence and verve?
This week, call yourself out on your negative thought loops. Break it in your mind. Pay attention to how often your feeling of desperation and doubt are in control. Practice being excited and happy - even when you're not.
To keep it simple, here's a 3 step reminder for the week:
1. Accept the difficult situation for what it is
2. Be happy, despite not being happy (get that?)
3. Switch the moment, leading to a new continuum of happiness
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

I find the strength to restrain selfish longings. Through this Name I ask for what my soul needs, not what my ego wants. I find deep appreciation for whatever life brings me. This brings me happiness in the deepest sense.