Saturday, January 31, 2009
Go With Your Gut
By: Yehuda Berg
Saturday, January 31
Kabbalah teaches that our soul always knows what the right thing is: be it our soul mate or what to order for lunch. But we get lost in our thoughts and make things more complicated then they need to be.
Keep it simple today. Do and say the first things that come to mind. They're usually the right ones.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Increasing Your Capacity to Receive
By: Joel Osteen
Increasing Your Capacity to Receive
Jesus said in the gospels, “You can’t put new wine in old wineskins”. He was saying you can’t go to a new level with an old way of thinking. For something new to happen, something has to resonate on the inside; your spirit man has to come into agreement with God and believe what the scriptures say. Psalm 115 says, “The Lord your God will increase you more and more.”
In fact, Jesus said He came that we might have life to the full, in abundance, ‘till it overflows. That means you’re headed to three places; to a full life, an abundant life, an overflowing life. What type of container do you have ready to receive that overflowing life? If it’s a little cup, it’s time to get rid of that! You might think a barrel is big, but get rid of that, too! God has a barn load full of blessings in store for each one of you.
It’s time to give God permission to increase you. God says that you are going to be most blessed. You’re going to have the most peace, the most friends, the must fulfillment, the most resources, the most wisdom, and the most opportunity. Most blessed means you will not lack in any area. You may not have seen it yet, but if you’ll stay in faith and make room, God says you’re going to be the most blessed!
Don't Be Normal
By: Yehuda Berg
Friday, January 30
The reason we study Kabbalah is because we want more control. The principles — restriction, sharing, being proactive, charity and taking risks - give us more control. That last component is essential - the risk! It's all about the action. A successful person is someone who goes to the edge — and jumps right in.
You have a choice — to be someone who is alive, or someone who is living. Taking risks put us in the alive category.
Do you want something incredible to happen today? Bring it on by stepping outside your box. Do or say or be one thing that doesn't fit into your normal way of existing.
Stay Open for a New Thing
By: Joel Osteen
Stay Open for a New Thing
Today's Scripture
"Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert" (Isaiah 43:19, AMP).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
If we are going to be all that God created us to be, we have to be open to change. Just because something worked five years ago doesn´t mean it´s still going to work today. We can´t get so set in our ways that we won´t try anything new. Many people today have lost their enthusiasm, or there´s no freshness in their life because every time an opportunity comes for change, for promotion, for increase, they shrink back because they´re not used to it. They don´t realize that´s what´s keeping them from going to the next level.
One thing I´ve noticed about successful people is that they know how to change with the times. They don´t get stuck in a rut doing the same thing, the same way, year after year. They´re constantly evaluating where they are and what they´re doing. They make adjustments so they can improve.
Decide today to stay open for the new thing God wants to do in your life. Remember, He´s promised to make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Look for the new thing so that you can fulfill the destiny He has prepared for you!
A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, search my heart today. Remove any attitudes or thought patterns that would keep me from Your best. I will stay open to the new things You have in store for me. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Brand New
By: Yehuda Berg
Thursday, January 29
A spiritual path can become an attachment if it becomes a habit. We have to choose it over and over again so that it doesn't become this; otherwise it's religion, not spirituality. If we lose our consciousness, it's not spiritual.
Today, approach your studies and connections in a brand new way. Do this and you will find brand new miracles, too.
I Will Say of the Lord
By: Joel Osteen
I Will Say of the Lord
Today's Scripture
"I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust" (Psalm 91:2, AMP).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Your words of faith activate the promises of God. What are you saying of the Lord today? In other words, what are you declaring that God will do in your life? The next verse in this passage says, "And He will cover me, deliver me, and protect me." Notice the connection. "I will say" and "He will do." What a wonderful promise! On the other hand, if we’re not saying anything, we´re not releasing our faith. So you could read the passage in the reverse, "I will not say of the Lord and He will not do."
It says in 3 John 2 that God wishes above all things that you prosper and be in health. You can take that promise and say, "God, You said You want me to be healthy. You said You want me to be prosperous. So I say of the Lord, ´You are my Healer. You are my Provider. You are my Vindicator. You are my Victory.´" Remember, when you start "saying of the Lord", your faith-filled words open the door for Him to move on your behalf. Before long, you´ll see His mighty works, and you´ll move forward into the life of victory He has in store for you!
A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, thank You for saving and redeeming me. I choose Your promises for my life, and I will declare that You are my Refuge and my Fortress, and I will trust You all the days of my life. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.
Eliminate One Negative Trait
By: Yehuda Berg
Wednesday, January 28
Saying you’re sorry does not remove the other person’s pain. Apologizing does not prevent you from having the same reaction again under different circumstances a week or two later. To correct a pain you caused another, you must eradicate the trait inside yourself that caused you to react in the first place.
Today, work on eliminating one negative trait from your nature.
The Angels Obey His Word
By: Joel Osteen
The Angels Obey His Word
Today's Scripture
"Praise the LORD, you His angels, you mighty ones who do His bidding, who obey His Word" (Psalm 103:20, NIV).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Did you know that when you speak words of faith, angels are commissioned to move on your behalf? The Scripture tells us that God gives His angels charge over us. That means, when God hears you declaring His Word, He says to the angels, "Do you hear what my child is saying? They are speaking faith. Angels, I have an assignment for you. Go down there and begin to turn the situation around." And the angels obey His Word!
If we could pull back the curtain on the unseen spiritual realm, we would see a host of angels and heavenly beings watching over us. That´s why it´s so important to guard what we say because with our words we either open a door for God and His angels to move on our behalf, or we open a door for the enemy and the forces of darkness.
Make the decision today to only speak words of faith and life over you, your home, and your family. Declare God´s Word and His promises and let your words set the angels into motion to help you fulfill the destiny God has planned for you!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for calling and equipping me. Thank You for giving Your angels charge over me to protect and guide me. I will declare Your Word over my life and choose to honor You in all I do. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.
The Power of Your Words
By: Karen Berg
Tuesday, January 27
Beware the power of your words. We are the sole conductors of our fate, and what we say has the ability to take our destinies in many directions.
With everything we do and say
there is a force that motivates.
When we say things are rotten -
that is what we expect, so they are.
If we say things are good, things happen that way.
We are the motivation for our own lives.
- Karen Berg
Choose to Bless Your Future
By: Joel Osteen
Choose to Bless Your Future
Today's Scripture
"I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19, NKJ).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Did you know that with your words you can either bless your future or curse your future? Your words have creative power. If you want to know what your life is to going to be like five years from now, just listen to what you’re saying about yourself today. Too many people go around saying, "I´ll never get well. I´ll never get out of debt." "It´s flu season. I´ll probably get it." "This marriage is never going to last." Then they wonder why they don´t see things turn around. It´s because they´re calling defeat into their future. They´re calling in mediocrity. Don´t let that be you!
When you get up in the morning, no matter how you feel, no matter what things look like, instead of using your words to describe your situation, use your words to change your situation. Make a declaration of faith by saying, "This is going to be a great day. I have God´s favor. He´s directing my steps." When you do that, you are choosing to bless your future. You are calling in favor, increase, and opportunities. You are opening the door for God to move on your behalf so you can live the abundant life He has for you!
A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, I commit my words to You today. Help me to speak good things over my life so that I can choose blessing for my future. Keep me close to You so that everything I say and do is pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Desire to Cross
By: Yehuda Berg
Monday, January 26
Imagine an old lady on the corner of a busy intersection. A passerby attempts to help her cross the street. She politely refuses. He tries again. She still refuses, now somewhat annoyed at his insistence.
Why is she annoyed? Because she has no desire to cross the street. She’s merely standing at the intersection waiting for the bus to arrive.
Sometimes in our zeal to share, we end up forcing our kindness on people who don’t want it. For real sharing to take place, there must be a willing receiver, and an actual desire to take possession of the offering.
Pay attention to how you give today. Make sure there’s someone receiving on the other end.
You Are Equipped
By: Joel Osteen
You Are Equipped
Today's Scripture
"…I have equipped you…" (Isaiah 45:5, NLT).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Do you feel like you are facing something that is over your head? You may be facing something big today, but that is a sure sign that you have a big destiny. You may feel small, you may not see how it´s going to work out, but you´ve got to remember who you are: a child of The Most High God. You have been created in His image, and you are equipped to overcome.
When times get tough and you don’t see a way out, don´t allow yourself to get discouraged. Dig your heels in and have the attitude, "I’ve come too far to stop now. This may be extraordinary, but I know I´m an extraordinary person serving an extraordinary God."
Every morning when you wake up, remind yourself that you are equipped. You are empowered. You are anointed. You are strong. You are talented. You are creative. You have been armed with strength for every battle. There is no challenge that´s too difficult for you. No sickness that can hold you back. Your enemies may be powerful, but your God is all-powerful. Keep standing, keep believing because you are equipped to live in victory in every area of your life!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, I come before You today with an open and humble heart. Fill me with Your peace and confidence and help me to stand strong in You. Thank You for Your faithfulness today and always. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.
The Conversation
By: Yehuda Berg
January 25 — 31
The gift of this week is the ability to change the tone of our constant conversation we have with ourselves. It’s essential we have this awareness, for the kabbalists explain the most important focus is the mind. It controls everything. The quality of our thoughts determines the quality of our life.
Imagine hearing a good friend talk badly about himself. Or better yet, our child. When we hear our kids beating themselves up, naturally, we tell them how wonderful they are.
Do we do the same for ourselves?
This week the Light of the Creator is nudging us towards a finer awareness of how we talk to ourselves. Are we advocates or adversaries? Many of us are so accustomed to convincing ourselves we’re not enough, due to faulty childhood programming, or past lives, or what have you. But the next seven days, we want to convince ourselves that we are enough, that no mountain is too high to climb, no obstacle to great to overcome.
Before you leave this page and go back to the matters of the day, please remember to talk nicely to yourself, and to remind yourself, you are more than enough.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week
The whispers of my soul and the divine counsel of the Light are heard loud and clear. I know what I have to do. I am willing and prepared to do what it takes to get it done.
Yes, Do It
By: Yehuda Berg
Sunday, January 25
The body consciousness has an attribute of laziness, of keeping things to itself. That's why it requires so much effort to give of ourselves. And yet, we are not our body. The body is merely a vehicle for the soul.
We don't think we are the computer just because we use one, do we?
Take a few steps back today and ponder this. Notice how often your soul says "Yes, do it!" and your body says, "Ah, don't bother."
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Mercy for Our Enemies
By: Yehuda Berg
Saturday, January 24
The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us the world judges us relative to the degree to which we inflict judgment upon others. That is why when we extend mercy to our most undeserving of enemies, judgment cannot befall us.
The question to ask ourselves today is, "Do we have the willpower to offer mercy to even our most mean-spirited of foes?"
Friday, January 23, 2009
72 Names of The Month
(Excerpted from Yehuda Berg’s 72 Names Meditation Book )
Ayin Shin Lamed – Global Transformation
A revolution is possible.
On a personal and global scale, I can change the world--
and I will.
I concentrate on increasing the happiness in my own life
so that I may share it with others.
There are traits of mine that I want to let go
[enter those traits here]
as I transform into a more giving, compassionate person.
As Light spreads within me and I grasp the power of the Creator,
I imagine love spreading to everyone in the universe.
I look into the world and see changes that need to be made,
and know that they are a reflection of what I must do internally.
I concentrate on letting peace into my heart,
and allowing it to radiate throughout the world.
The Sign of Aquarius
The Kabbalists explain that the Age of Aquarius began approximately 400 years ago and is considered the Age of Redemption. Why does Aquarius symbolize redemption? Because Aquarians perceive the world as unified, and Kabbalists consider this to be the basis of true redemption. Redemption is when all negativity is cleansed, when humanity is free of evil and fragmentation. Because of their higher level of consciousness, Aquarians are directly linked to this redemptive moment.
Aquarians are unique… they stand out in a crowd and cannot be ignored. They show great promise as children and as adults they are idealists who strive to change the universe with original ideas. They are rebels, and their concern is the well being of humanity as a whole. They rebel against established ways of doing things, always looking to find new, better ways to solve world problems.
Though Aquarians seek justice for all, this is a global quest, not a personal one. They support things that are grand and noble, while they sometimes fail to be sensitive to those around them who are suffering. Aquarians often lack a sense of the practical, and they are passionately independent and private. Their desire for originality causes them to set themselves apart from the crowd. Despite their friendliness and open-mindedness, they are also the most stubborn of all signs. They reject all established structures, and fight to maintain their individuality and freedom in order to exercise their innovative ideas. They detest confinement of any sort.
Yet the most challenging barrier they face is most often their own egos. Even as they begin to make changes in their lives, their focus tends to be external, and they have trouble really changing from deep within.
Aquarians have the power to break free of the limitations of the physical world. But to manifest this power, they must control the aspects of their nature that interfere with its accomplishment. Aquarians are capable of helping humanity, as long as their own ideas do not become more important than the cause itself. True spirituality means being part of humanity, not above it. Unfortunately, Aquarians usually have such high opinions of themselves that imposing their own views can become their sole objective. Aquarians must conquer their pride, and realize that they have been entrusted with their attributes in order to manifest a certain force in this world. They are merely channels for this energy, and so are not entitled to personal glory.
This month, for those born under the sign of Aquarius and for those now about to become influenced by its cosmic energy, you can attain the consciousness of a cosmic reality and feel responsible for humanity as a whole. You can know true friendship and perhaps even universal fraternity. And you do have the strength for this task. You can experience an exceptional and unique adventure in the history of humanity if you manage the most difficult restriction – silencing your ego and practicing humility and modesty while living in simplicity.
What we see is who we are.
When we are in a good place, we see goodness all around us. When we are in a bad place, we see darkness. We might think we’re picking up these flaws in others because we are smarter or better. But the deeper truth is our judgments are merely an indication of where we are at spiritually.
Kabbalah teaches that within everything in this world can be found good and bad aspects. We choose - consciously or unconsciously - which part we wish to see. That choice is a reflection of who we are.
When we meet someone for the first time, we can focus on their positive or negative qualities. The direction we go in is a choice we are making. The same goes for new situations. Obviously there are times we need to discern the pros and cons of people or situations because it affects our well-being. That’s part of life. But what I am talking about is instances when our opinions have no practical influence on our lives. It’s just our view of the world and the people we see in it.
In addition to indicating where we are at, there is an exchange of energy when we judge someone. Kabbalah explains that focusing on someone’s negativity actually brings that energy into our lives! Certainly, no one wants to consciously bring negativity into our lives, which is the whole concept - we are unaware.
This month, the lesson for us is twofold. First, be aware of this concept: what I see is what I am. Develop within yourself the proactive ability to focus only on the good in people or situations. Second, know that by seeking out the positive in others and in all aspects of life, you are awakening – and strengthening - that goodness inside of you.
What Can I Do For You?
By: Yehuda Berg
Friday, January 23
Being "spiritual" means many things to many people. Certainly one aspect of it is the constant battle to get out of our heads, to see beyond whatever it is we're obsessing about so that we can be of service to others.
It's like we live in these tiny, cramped cubicles with full-length mirrors hanging on the walls. All we see and think about is "me".
Step outside your cubbyhole today. Reprogram your operating consciousness from "What can you do for me?" to "What I can do for you?"
And enjoy the exhilaration that comes along with it.
Created to Overcome
By: Joel Osteen
Created to Overcome
Today's Scripture
"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" (I John 4:4 NKJ).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Are you facing a situation today that seems impossible? Even if you don´t see how things will work out, remember, you are created to overcome. As a child of the Most High God, the Greater One lives on the inside of you. There are seeds of faith planted in your heart, and the way you activate those seeds is by the words of your mouth. Begin to declare, "I am bigger than this problem. I am created to overcome. I am destined to live in victory because the Greater One lives inside of me."
Friend, when you start speaking like that, all of heaven hears you and gets behind what you are saying. That´s why it´s so important to stir up the fire that God has placed on the inside of you. Don´t just sit back and be passive. That obstacle may look impossible, but God wouldn´t have allowed it in your life if He didn´t already know that you could overcome it! Quit looking at your difficulties as obstacles that are going to hold you back and start looking at them as opportunities that are going to push you forward into the live of victory He has in store for you!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for Your promise of victory. Fill my heart with Your peace and joy today and help me to stay focused on You. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.
Greatness is Born
By: Yehuda Berg
Thursday, January 22
Greatness is born of non-physical materials—ideals, vision, and character. These are things you cannot touch, qualities you cannot hold. In life, you can either allow spirit to be your prime motivating force, or you can fall into the illusion that physicality is real and permanent.
As you grow spiritually, you learn to see beyond the illusion, and to resist allowing the physical world to have sway over your behavior, reactions, and emotions.
Today, strengthen your power of mind over matter. Resist being controlled by the illusions of a life lived in a physical world.
He Set The Course for Victory
By: Joel Osteen
He Set The Course for Victory
Today's Scripture
"He holds victory in store for the upright, He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for He guards the course of the just and protects the way of His faithful ones" (Proverbs 2:7-8, NIV).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Are you facing a challenge or difficulty that seems overwhelming? When you stand strong and remain faithful to God, He promises to set your course for victory! And victory doesn´t necessarily mean everything is going to go our way all the time or work out the way we planned.
The Bible says that the real battle we face isn´t in our circumstances, it´s in our minds. The enemy is after your thoughts. He´s after your peace and joy. He knows that when you have peace, it´s a sign that you are connected to the Father. When you hold on to your peace and choose to be joyful, you are walking in victory, and it´s just a matter of time before your circumstances line up!
Remember, God knew every person who would wrong you, and He´s already laid out your vindication. God knew every disappointment, and He´s already laid out new opportunities. God knew everything that would be stolen, and He has already laid out your restoration. Rejoice today knowing that He has set your course for victory in every area of your life!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for the victory You have in store for me. I choose to be faithful; I choose to walk humbly before You. I stand in faith knowing You are working all things together for my good because You love me. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.
Seeking Common Ground
By: Yehuda Berg
Wednesday, January 21
Two parties can have opposing opinions and conflicting viewpoints, and both be right.
Agitation occurs when one or both parties engaged in an argument respond reactively, intolerant to the other person's view. Spirituality aspires to a higher truth—the notion of unity, of sensitivity, of tolerance for those we disagree with.
Today, instead of focusing on being right, recognize this higher truth and seek common ground and unity with people.
Hidden Treasures
By: Joel Osteen
Hidden Treasures
Today's Scripture
"And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness—secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name" (Isaiah 45:3, NLT).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Did you know there are treasures hidden on the inside of you? There are gifts, talents, and abilities inside of you that you don’t even know about. Oftentimes, it´s during seasons of difficulty or darkness that those hidden treasures are revealed to us. When we go through times of adversity, strength arises, new abilities arise, new talents. We are "reinvented" so to speak.
I think about when my father went on to be with the Lord. It was a dark hour for me, but out of that difficulty the Lord revealed hidden treasures on the inside of me that I didn´t even know about. Look at David in the Bible. Before Goliath, he was known as a shepherd boy. But after he conquered Goliath, after he went through that adversity, he was known as a mighty warrior, and eventually, a mighty king.
If you are going through a difficulty today, if you lost your job or a loved one, remember, God still has a purpose for you. He´ll take what the enemy meant for evil, and He’ll turn it around for your good. Keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping because He´s ready to reveal those hidden treasures on the inside of you!
A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, I come before You with an open and humble heart. Let Your Word sink deep into my Spirit. I trust You and look for the hidden treasures You have deposited on the inside of me. In Jesus´Name. Amen.
Pure Motives
By: Yehuda Berg
Tuesday, January 20
People frequently befriend us or do favors for us with a hidden agenda. Likewise, our behavior toward others is often conditional, without us even realizing it. Our actions of sharing usually have strings attached. We expect something in return at a later time. We befriend others to advance our own standing.
If we ever feel let down by others, chances are that the friendship we offered was contingent upon our receiving some form of benefit down the road.
Today, offer pure love and friendship with only pure motives.
Crowned With Abundance
By: Joel Osteen
Crowned With Abundance
Today's Scripture
"You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance" (Psalm 65:11, NLT).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Do you see this year as being crowned with a bountiful harvest? Notice, God didn´t say He would crown with a "barely-get-by" harvest or a "just-let-me-survive" harvest. No, He blesses His people with an overflow harvest. Even the hard places overflow with abundance. Our attitude should be "2009 is going to be a great year. I can already sense it! Favor is coming my way. Blessings, good ideas, promotions already have my name on them!" As long as you stay faithful and keep sowing good seeds, eventually that harvest will find its way into your hands.
Do your part to make sure you are ready to receive at the right time. Make sure you aren´t holding on to negative mindsets, mediocrity, disobedience, sin, fear, or anything that would hold you back or keep you from God´s best. I encourage you today to take inventory of your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Ask the Lord to show you any area of your life that needs adjusting. As you keep an open and humble heart before the Him and diligently follow His commands, you will receive the bountiful harvest He has in store for you.
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for Your peace, joy, and provision. I trust You today knowing that You have good things planned for me this year. Search my heart and know me so that I can live a life that is pleasing to You. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.
Open Mindedness
By: Yehuda Berg
Monday, January 19
The kabbalistic perspective on open-mindedness goes far beyond the conventional interpretation of receptiveness and tolerance. When engaging in any sort of discussion, a truly open-minded person believes that his opinions and thoughts must be placed on a kind of back burner.
Complete attention must be given to the person being heard. For that moment, one must maintain a total disregard for his position or thoughts.
This level of consciousness is not something that comes easily, and yet, as you work on it today you will find that it comes if you put in the effort.
Who Will Receive The Blessing?
By: Joel Osteen
Who Will Receive The Blessing?
Today's Scripture
"Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation" (Psalm 24:3-5, KJV).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
God wants us to receive every blessing that He has in store for us. That’s why He tells us in His Word how we can receive every one of His promises—by having clean hands and a pure heart. What does that mean?
First of all, we are made clean and pure by the blood of Jesus when we make Him our Lord and Savior and turn away from anything that displeases Him. And I’ve found that most of the time, it’s not the big things that keep us from God’s best; it’s the small things—maybe it starts with an offense that turns into unforgiveness. Or maybe you watch things on TV or the internet that you know you shouldn’t, and it becomes a bad habit that steals your time and pollutes your mind.
Make the decision today that you are going to be a person of excellence and integrity. Treat the people in your life with respect and kindness. Look for ways to be a blessing to others. Be determined to live a life that pleases God so that you can receive the honor, wealth, and abundance that He has in store for you!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for the blood of Jesus that cleanses and renews me. I choose to turn away from anything that displeases You so that I can live righteously before You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
More Coins, Please
January 18 - 24, 2009
By: Yehuda Berg
More Coins, Please
“... we will learn to not be afraid of pain, and to see the blessings it contains.”
Growing up, my father often told me a story that he learned from his teacher, Rav Braindwein, about how to deal with situations that seem difficult or troublesome.
It is told of a certain landlord in Russia that he told his deputy in charge that he had to go away for a few weeks and he commanded him to make sure that things ran smoothly. When the landlord left, all the laborers gathered upon the deputy and gave him at least ten beatings every day. The deputy came home everyday badly bruised and with tears in his eyes. His wife would console him and remind him that they needed the money to live.
Three weeks went by and the landlord returned. He saw the deputy was black and blue in all parts of his body. The landlord asked him how he came to this state and he told him about all that went on after he had left. The landlord investigated and found that the story was true and commanded his treasurer to give the deputy one golden coin from his own treasury for every blow that he had received while he was away.
With this money, the deputy did not have to work anymore and he could leave his employment with the landlord, and consequently, he would not have any more problems from the workers.
When the deputy received the golden coins, he went back home crying with tears in his eyes. His wife asked him pitifully if he had been beaten again by the ruffians.
"No", he said, "the landlord came back today and when he saw me badly beaten and bruised, he asked me what happened. I told him and that made him so sad and uncomfortable that he commanded his treasurer to go to the treasury and get me one golden coin for each blow that I received. Here are the coins. They will be enough for us to live on without me having to ever work again."
His wife asked him why he was crying, telling him he should be very happy. The deputy replied, with tears in his eyes: "You do not understand. I am sad because I was not given twice or three times as many blows. Then the landlord would have given me twice or three times the amount of coins!"
This week, know that those of us who seek the spiritual path in life must think in this manner. We must remember that the problems and troubles that seem to disturb us are only for our benefit.
When we learn to see this while it's taking place, then, like the deputy, we will learn to not be afraid of pain, and to see the blessings it contains.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week
Yud Nun Aleph
37. The Big Picture
This Name raises my awareness of the long-term effects of all my actions. I gain the ability to see the spiritual challenges in every moment, before they become the foundations of chaos and crises.
By: Yehuda Berg
More Coins, Please
“... we will learn to not be afraid of pain, and to see the blessings it contains.”
Growing up, my father often told me a story that he learned from his teacher, Rav Braindwein, about how to deal with situations that seem difficult or troublesome.
It is told of a certain landlord in Russia that he told his deputy in charge that he had to go away for a few weeks and he commanded him to make sure that things ran smoothly. When the landlord left, all the laborers gathered upon the deputy and gave him at least ten beatings every day. The deputy came home everyday badly bruised and with tears in his eyes. His wife would console him and remind him that they needed the money to live.
Three weeks went by and the landlord returned. He saw the deputy was black and blue in all parts of his body. The landlord asked him how he came to this state and he told him about all that went on after he had left. The landlord investigated and found that the story was true and commanded his treasurer to give the deputy one golden coin from his own treasury for every blow that he had received while he was away.
With this money, the deputy did not have to work anymore and he could leave his employment with the landlord, and consequently, he would not have any more problems from the workers.
When the deputy received the golden coins, he went back home crying with tears in his eyes. His wife asked him pitifully if he had been beaten again by the ruffians.
"No", he said, "the landlord came back today and when he saw me badly beaten and bruised, he asked me what happened. I told him and that made him so sad and uncomfortable that he commanded his treasurer to go to the treasury and get me one golden coin for each blow that I received. Here are the coins. They will be enough for us to live on without me having to ever work again."
His wife asked him why he was crying, telling him he should be very happy. The deputy replied, with tears in his eyes: "You do not understand. I am sad because I was not given twice or three times as many blows. Then the landlord would have given me twice or three times the amount of coins!"
This week, know that those of us who seek the spiritual path in life must think in this manner. We must remember that the problems and troubles that seem to disturb us are only for our benefit.
When we learn to see this while it's taking place, then, like the deputy, we will learn to not be afraid of pain, and to see the blessings it contains.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week
Yud Nun Aleph
37. The Big Picture
This Name raises my awareness of the long-term effects of all my actions. I gain the ability to see the spiritual challenges in every moment, before they become the foundations of chaos and crises.
Guides to the Truth
By: Yehuda Berg
Sunday, January 18
There are so many uncertainties in life. One of the beautiful things about Kabbalah is it teaches us how to tap into another world where there is certainty, where there is an answer to every question. It's called asking for a sign.
The best technique I've found for getting signs is asking for an answer to a specific question before you go to sleep (ideally after scanning a portion of Zohar .) Not, 'show me who my soul mate is' but rather, 'is so-and-so my soul mate?'
You might see the answer in a dream, or wake up with one, or get an obvious answer during the day. However it comes to you, you can have total certainty about the situation because you downloaded the information from the 99% while you slept.
Practice tonight before bed. Be clear about our question and trust your soul to guide you to the truth.
Say No
By: Yehuda Berg
Saturday, January 17
This is addressed to all the people pleasers who have trouble saying no.
For those of us who find it easier to say yes, who get pale and wobbly when confronting someone, - try saying no today. Not to everyone, of course. But be consciousness of what you can and can't do, what you're happy to do and what you're begrudgingly doing.
Take the risk of standing up for yourself.
He Brings Treasures to the Righteous
By: Joel Osteen
He Brings Treasures to the Righteous
Today's Scripture
"A good man leaves an inheritance [of moral stability and goodness] to his children’s children, and the wealth of the sinner [finds its way eventually] into the hands of the righteous, for whom it was laid up" (Proverbs 13:22, AMP).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Did you know there are resources and blessings laid up for the righteous? There are funds that will eventually be transferred over into the hands of the people who will use them for God’s purposes. In the Scripture God is called the Lord of the Sabaoth. That means He is "the God who puts His armor on and goes to war against those who hold His treasure from His purposes." Just imagine God getting His armor on and going into the forces of darkness and saying, "Okay. I’ll take those funds. I need them for my children. I’ll take these businesses, these ideas, these contracts. They have My children’s names on them."
Friends, God is fighting your battles for you. He has immeasurable favor that He is going to transfer into the hands of the righteous. The key is to make sure you’re in the righteous group. Make sure you are honoring God with your life and keeping your heart pure. Let go of any weights or any sins that are holding you back. As long as you stay in faith and live righteously before Him, God has promised abundance, promotion, and funds that already have your name on them!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for fighting my battles on my behalf. I commit all my plans to You and surrender every area of my life to Your purposes. Thank You for Your favor and blessing on me today and always. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Say Yes
By: Yehuda Berg
Friday, January 16
When someone asks you for help, don't think. Do. Most of us think too much. We're asked for help and we say yes, well, no, well, let me think about it. In that space we allow the doubt in and — boom - the opportunity is lost. The opportunity to go outside our comfort zones and connect to our awaiting blessings.
We'll find all the reasons in the world not to do something if we think it over too much.
That's why today, when someone asks for help, say yes.
P.S. And for all you people pleasers who probably need to do the opposite, well, I'll get to that.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Don't Give Away Your Power
By: Joel Osteen
Don't Give Away Your Power
You can tell a lot about a person by what it takes to get them upset. Our emotions are either controlled by our circumstances or our character. When someone is rude, our emotions say, "Pay them back. Get even", which doesn´t take much discipline! But when our strength is under control and we´ve taken the time to develop our character, we realize, "I´m bigger than this. I´m not going to let them pull me down. I´ve got places to go, goals to accomplish and dreams to bring to fruition."
3 John 2 says that God wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health. God desires to prosper our entire soul - our mind, will and emotions. If we can learn to control our emotions and how we react to those who treat us unfairly, God sees and will reward us for our Christ-like character.
We can´t always control how others treat us, but we can control how we react to others. We’re not supposed to drag through the day frustrated, upset and offended. We’re supposed to be full of joy, peace and victory.
By learning this principle of not giving away your peace and developing your character, you´re not only going to enjoy your life more, but God will bless you, increase and promote you!
Don't Give Away Your Power
You can tell a lot about a person by what it takes to get them upset. Our emotions are either controlled by our circumstances or our character. When someone is rude, our emotions say, "Pay them back. Get even", which doesn´t take much discipline! But when our strength is under control and we´ve taken the time to develop our character, we realize, "I´m bigger than this. I´m not going to let them pull me down. I´ve got places to go, goals to accomplish and dreams to bring to fruition."
3 John 2 says that God wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health. God desires to prosper our entire soul - our mind, will and emotions. If we can learn to control our emotions and how we react to those who treat us unfairly, God sees and will reward us for our Christ-like character.
We can´t always control how others treat us, but we can control how we react to others. We’re not supposed to drag through the day frustrated, upset and offended. We’re supposed to be full of joy, peace and victory.
By learning this principle of not giving away your peace and developing your character, you´re not only going to enjoy your life more, but God will bless you, increase and promote you!
Holy Audacity
By: Michael Berg
Holy Audacity
For those of us on a spiritual path, despite the fact that we've been studying and making our connections, we believe there are just some things we cannot change. We all have a wall, a barrier we cannot push beyond. And yet the truth is, as Rav Ashlag often said, our spiritual work is not to push ourselves to the limit of our abilities. It is to push beyond our abilities.
Beyond our abilities. How do we achieve that? How do we do what we can’t do and draw what we don’t deserve? There is a way. It’s through what the Kabbalists call “holy audacity,” meaning when we have a desire to become stronger and a drive to create real change in our lives and in the world, we can awaken that strength even if we do not think it exists within us. When it’s for the sake of sharing with others, not only do we have to, but we must push against the barriers of our capabilities.
There's a beautiful story in the kabbalistic literature that speaks to this idea.
During the time the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, three times a year people would travel there from all over the world in order to make their spiritual connections. One such time there was a great water shortage, and the influx of visitors put a terrible strain on the water supply.
To avert a health crisis, a man by the name of Nakdimon responded by approaching one of the wealthiest landowners in the city and asked him to loan him water from 12 of his wells, with the promise of repayment at a later date in either the exact amount of water borrowed or 12 loaves of silver. The landowner agreed and the crisis was averted.
The months passed, and when the day for repayment arrived, Nakdimon could not give back the water because not a drop of rain had fallen in months. That morning, a messenger arrived at his door, demanding either the water or the silver. He responded, “I have all day to repay you. If it doesn’t rain by the end of the day, I will repay you in silver.”
In the afternoon a messenger arrived again at his door with the same message, and he sent back the same response. As the sun was about to set, the messenger returned yet again and was told the same thing, the day is not yet over.
Upon hearing this final response, the landowner laughed because he knew it was impossible for that much rain to fall in such a short period of time. He felt so elated that he went into the local bathhouse to freshen up before he met with Nakdimon to retrieve his money.
Meanwhile, Nakdimon was sad, and he went into the temple where he began to pray. His prayer was short. “I did not borrow water from those 12 wells for myself,” he told the Creator, “I did it only for the sake of sharing.” That’s was his entire prayer.
Immediately afterwards, the sky became full of clouds and rain came pouring down. It rained so hard in those few minutes that not only did the 12 wells become full of water, but there was an overflow of water. As he left the temple, he saw the landowner and said to him, “Now you owe me money! Because of the overflow of water, I've paid you back too much.”
The landowner responded, “I know the only reason it rained is because the Creator wanted to make this miracle for you. But in truth, if I wanted to argue with you, I could, because if you look up in the sky, it's dark. Maybe it's already nightfall, and this rain really came on the next day, after nightfall, and therefore it's not your water. It's my water.”
Upon hearing this, Nakdimon turned around and went back into the temple where he prayed another short prayer to the Creator: “Master of the World, let it be known that you have people in this world that are close to You.” That was his entire prayer.
Immediately the clouds dispersed, and the sun resumed shining.
What’s powerful about this story is that in both prayers Nakdimon didn’t beg or plead with the Creator. He simply asserted what needed to happen. He did not earn these miracles, nor was he a great scholar or a spiritual giant. And yet, because his singular purpose was for the sake of others, he went in with this audacity, and he requested in short terms what he wanted to happen. And it happened.
Of course, not everyone is at the level where they can ask for the skies to open. Yet, the purpose of this story is to teach us the importance of living this consciousness of assertiveness, provided that our singular aim is the welfare of others. We are each meant to aspire to reach this place where, because our lives are so dedicated to elevating others, we can utilize this tool of holy audacity.
This week, live with audacity! Remember that you can ask for more than you have earned or deserve. But it’s more than just asking – it’s living in this consciousness. If you are going to do something that involves assisting others, don’t hope for it to turn out well. Insist that it does. Push beyond your personal boundaries of what you think you can do and what you think you deserve. Because as long as you are focusing on drawing these abilities for the sake of sharing, you can ask for everything.
Holy Audacity
For those of us on a spiritual path, despite the fact that we've been studying and making our connections, we believe there are just some things we cannot change. We all have a wall, a barrier we cannot push beyond. And yet the truth is, as Rav Ashlag often said, our spiritual work is not to push ourselves to the limit of our abilities. It is to push beyond our abilities.
Beyond our abilities. How do we achieve that? How do we do what we can’t do and draw what we don’t deserve? There is a way. It’s through what the Kabbalists call “holy audacity,” meaning when we have a desire to become stronger and a drive to create real change in our lives and in the world, we can awaken that strength even if we do not think it exists within us. When it’s for the sake of sharing with others, not only do we have to, but we must push against the barriers of our capabilities.
There's a beautiful story in the kabbalistic literature that speaks to this idea.
During the time the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, three times a year people would travel there from all over the world in order to make their spiritual connections. One such time there was a great water shortage, and the influx of visitors put a terrible strain on the water supply.
To avert a health crisis, a man by the name of Nakdimon responded by approaching one of the wealthiest landowners in the city and asked him to loan him water from 12 of his wells, with the promise of repayment at a later date in either the exact amount of water borrowed or 12 loaves of silver. The landowner agreed and the crisis was averted.
The months passed, and when the day for repayment arrived, Nakdimon could not give back the water because not a drop of rain had fallen in months. That morning, a messenger arrived at his door, demanding either the water or the silver. He responded, “I have all day to repay you. If it doesn’t rain by the end of the day, I will repay you in silver.”
In the afternoon a messenger arrived again at his door with the same message, and he sent back the same response. As the sun was about to set, the messenger returned yet again and was told the same thing, the day is not yet over.
Upon hearing this final response, the landowner laughed because he knew it was impossible for that much rain to fall in such a short period of time. He felt so elated that he went into the local bathhouse to freshen up before he met with Nakdimon to retrieve his money.
Meanwhile, Nakdimon was sad, and he went into the temple where he began to pray. His prayer was short. “I did not borrow water from those 12 wells for myself,” he told the Creator, “I did it only for the sake of sharing.” That’s was his entire prayer.
Immediately afterwards, the sky became full of clouds and rain came pouring down. It rained so hard in those few minutes that not only did the 12 wells become full of water, but there was an overflow of water. As he left the temple, he saw the landowner and said to him, “Now you owe me money! Because of the overflow of water, I've paid you back too much.”
The landowner responded, “I know the only reason it rained is because the Creator wanted to make this miracle for you. But in truth, if I wanted to argue with you, I could, because if you look up in the sky, it's dark. Maybe it's already nightfall, and this rain really came on the next day, after nightfall, and therefore it's not your water. It's my water.”
Upon hearing this, Nakdimon turned around and went back into the temple where he prayed another short prayer to the Creator: “Master of the World, let it be known that you have people in this world that are close to You.” That was his entire prayer.
Immediately the clouds dispersed, and the sun resumed shining.
What’s powerful about this story is that in both prayers Nakdimon didn’t beg or plead with the Creator. He simply asserted what needed to happen. He did not earn these miracles, nor was he a great scholar or a spiritual giant. And yet, because his singular purpose was for the sake of others, he went in with this audacity, and he requested in short terms what he wanted to happen. And it happened.
Of course, not everyone is at the level where they can ask for the skies to open. Yet, the purpose of this story is to teach us the importance of living this consciousness of assertiveness, provided that our singular aim is the welfare of others. We are each meant to aspire to reach this place where, because our lives are so dedicated to elevating others, we can utilize this tool of holy audacity.
This week, live with audacity! Remember that you can ask for more than you have earned or deserve. But it’s more than just asking – it’s living in this consciousness. If you are going to do something that involves assisting others, don’t hope for it to turn out well. Insist that it does. Push beyond your personal boundaries of what you think you can do and what you think you deserve. Because as long as you are focusing on drawing these abilities for the sake of sharing, you can ask for everything.
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