By: Yehuda Berg
January 25 — 31

The gift of this week is the ability to change the tone of our constant conversation we have with ourselves. It’s essential we have this awareness, for the kabbalists explain the most important focus is the mind. It controls everything. The quality of our thoughts determines the quality of our life.
Imagine hearing a good friend talk badly about himself. Or better yet, our child. When we hear our kids beating themselves up, naturally, we tell them how wonderful they are.
Do we do the same for ourselves?
This week the Light of the Creator is nudging us towards a finer awareness of how we talk to ourselves. Are we advocates or adversaries? Many of us are so accustomed to convincing ourselves we’re not enough, due to faulty childhood programming, or past lives, or what have you. But the next seven days, we want to convince ourselves that we are enough, that no mountain is too high to climb, no obstacle to great to overcome.
Before you leave this page and go back to the matters of the day, please remember to talk nicely to yourself, and to remind yourself, you are more than enough.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

The whispers of my soul and the divine counsel of the Light are heard loud and clear. I know what I have to do. I am willing and prepared to do what it takes to get it done.