By: Yehuda Berg
Sunday, January 18
There are so many uncertainties in life. One of the beautiful things about Kabbalah is it teaches us how to tap into another world where there is certainty, where there is an answer to every question. It's called asking for a sign.
The best technique I've found for getting signs is asking for an answer to a specific question before you go to sleep (ideally after scanning a portion of Zohar .) Not, 'show me who my soul mate is' but rather, 'is so-and-so my soul mate?'
You might see the answer in a dream, or wake up with one, or get an obvious answer during the day. However it comes to you, you can have total certainty about the situation because you downloaded the information from the 99% while you slept.
Practice tonight before bed. Be clear about our question and trust your soul to guide you to the truth.