By: Joel Osteen
Increasing Your Capacity to Receive
Jesus said in the gospels, “You can’t put new wine in old wineskins”. He was saying you can’t go to a new level with an old way of thinking. For something new to happen, something has to resonate on the inside; your spirit man has to come into agreement with God and believe what the scriptures say. Psalm 115 says, “The Lord your God will increase you more and more.”
In fact, Jesus said He came that we might have life to the full, in abundance, ‘till it overflows. That means you’re headed to three places; to a full life, an abundant life, an overflowing life. What type of container do you have ready to receive that overflowing life? If it’s a little cup, it’s time to get rid of that! You might think a barrel is big, but get rid of that, too! God has a barn load full of blessings in store for each one of you.
It’s time to give God permission to increase you. God says that you are going to be most blessed. You’re going to have the most peace, the most friends, the must fulfillment, the most resources, the most wisdom, and the most opportunity. Most blessed means you will not lack in any area. You may not have seen it yet, but if you’ll stay in faith and make room, God says you’re going to be the most blessed!