Virgo is a month for reflection. It is a wonderful time for us to fill whatever negative spaces we have created with beautiful, positive energy. This is the time the cosmos is open to us, waiting to receive our cries for mercy and repentance.
One thing is certain, if we are to evolve into better spiritual beings, we must come to terms with all things surrounding us. Just as we have become familiar with the right, left, and central columns needed for balance in this world, we must reflect upon the three basic energies of the physical body – the mind, the body and the spiritual part of ourselves. Before we can come to terms with our surrounding world, we must first step inside and see the immediate world within ourselves.
We must accept that if the Creator truly thought enough about us to let us continue on this planet, then we must have a contribution to offer the world. Otherwise, we would have already left the world. Before we can accept others, we must first accept ourselves. In order to be a friend, we must first understand and be a friend to ourselves.
When someone harms us in any way, our first instinct is to get even. If we harbor this feeling, whenever we think about this particular person, we will want to get even, despite the fact that our actions toward the rest of the world are kind and good.
I will give you an example. A person might think, "He stole a customer from me, but soon I'll get back at him, and I'll take even more people from him." In that thought there are dark forces. But nothing wrong has been done yet, right? Wrong.
To better illuminate the idea, let's change the thought process. "If he took my clients, then I had to lose them. Therefore, I must work harder to follow the path of the Light and the Light will take care of me." Both thoughts involve the same action; however, here no negativity is involved. I'm not saying that we should lie back and let people steal from us, but if such a thing happens, we must accept it and go on.
Don't ponder revenge because it holds you in the present that has passed, and you must go forward to tomorrow's future. Remember that everything is only a test, and remember what you have accomplished by advancing.
When you carry a grudge, you do, indeed, begin to look older because you are then resentful, unhappy, and pessimistic. These types of people live in the past where sorrow plays all the parts. Who are the shining, young-looking people you know? Surely, they are the ones who are in love with life, who accept the great bounty it holds for all of us.
Certainly, and particularly at this time, it is of utmost importance that we promise ourselves to leave all the old garbage behind and wash ourselves clean of all the injustices that we feel have been done to us. If we succeed in this effort, then we can jump into tomorrow. Emotional scars and the like leave us in the past and block our Godliness from us.
Now, more than ever, it is worthwhile to leap towards the Lightforce.
Of course, we must ask what we can do about the injustices which we have placed upon other people. There is a kabbalistic teaching that says at this time we must really try to approach people who were hurt by us and ask them to forgive us. If they refuse to accept our apology after three tries, then we can ask the Creator to forgive the action. We know how easy it is to hate people who have hurt us, so we must reverse ourselves in this role when we are asking others to accept our apology.
There is the story in the Bible that says that when Yaakov ran away from his brother Esau to live with Lavan, his soon to be father-in-law, he asked his mother Rivka when he should return. She answered him by saying he should return when he no longer felt any hatred from him, meaning when we remove all our own destructive thoughts about others, we can, indeed, receive a clean slate from the Creator.
We are only a mirror of what we put into the universe.
I will close with something some of you may have learned in the classes, but for those of you who have not, this is for you. It is said that the letters of the word Elul (Virgo) stand for "I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me." Elul is a month that calls us to be the very best we can and to open ourselves to other people so that more energy comes through.
True, a turtle isn't hurt by people, but a heart that doesn't let the softness out stands little chance of letting love come in.
There is no other perfect possibility, for today is the first day in the rest of your life. Enjoy, create, and let yesterday be filled with wonderful memories of good times, full of sharing and love. Remember that tomorrow is the light at the end of the tunnel.