We are on the heels of a New Year, a re-infusion of Light and life for the following 365 days to come.
Kabbalah teaches our actions during Virgo determine the quality of our infusion on Rosh Hashanah. That's why we've presented you with some thoughts and suggestions as to how to best prepare your consciousness for the upcoming holidays. The importance of preparation is illustrated in the following story:
The Two Servants
A long time ago, there were two servants who worked in the same household. The difference was that one was sharp and diligent and the other was not very bright - but very hardworking.
The first servant would work a hard and long day but before she went to sleep she'd always prepare herself for the next day. She would prepare the wood for burning in the oven and leave it to dry. She would sift the flour and prepare the food. As soon as she got up, she would light the fire with the dry wood and heat the oven. She mixed the flour and set it aside to rise. Meanwhile she set the table and when the owner of the house returned home from work, he would smell the bread in the oven and sit down to a table set with a wonderful meal.
The other maidservant worked a long day but fell straight into bed. In the morning when she awoke, she'd go out to the woodshed and bring in the wood for burning. The wood was still soft and wet and it took her a long time to light the fire.
Finally by the time she managed to light it, the house would fill with smoke. When the owner of the house returned home, he would find the house full of smoke and the servant still busy sifting the flour to bake bread! It took really long for the oven to heat and the table was not set with anything to eat. The owner of the house got angry and the servant couldn't understand why because she had worked so hard!
The whole point of the story is that the first servant prepared herself beforehand and the second made did no preparations at all. The lesson the kabbalists of yesteryear want us to remember today, now, this month, is it is impossible for a person to prepare himself for Rosh Hashanah on the same day – he has to start before!
I encourage readers who are participating in a Rosh Hashanah connection this year to take the messages The Rav, Karen and Michael shared in this newsletter. The greater the effort, the greater your year will be.