What is the deeper kabbalistic meaning of the month of Virgo?
The month of Virgo [Elul] is unique. Most months are known by that which historically occurred and by the Light that can be drawn during that month. Virgo, however, is known for being a preparation to the month of Libra [Tishrei], specifically for the high holiday of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
We understand Virgo is quite an important month because "as you sow so shall you reap." According to our preparation in Virgo, so shall we connect and draw Light in Libra. Therefore, it is essential that we use this month in its entirety to enable ourselves to draw as much Light as possible for the coming year in Libra.
Kabbalists explain that among all the preparation and cleansing that must be done in Virgo the most important is tshuvah. This word has come to be known as "repentance," though its literal translation is "to return." We must look within ourselves, pinpoint our spiritual "filth" and remove it. We must also look back at the year to see who we have hurt. Once we have realized who we have offended, we must do our outmost to make amends.
Sometimes just acknowledging our mistake is enough; other times more has to be done to repair the situation and cleanse ourselves. If we seriously take upon ourselves this cleansing process, we will merit coming close to the Light of the Creator.
Therefore, tshuvah, to return, is about returning and coming closer to the Light of the Creator.
This process of cleansing is very difficult. But if we strive to come closer to the Light of the Creator, there is no other choice. It is my hope that, in reading this newsletter, you will find a few helpful tools for this month’s cleansing process.