Every action, whether positive or negative, creates a comparable energy force as a result of a corresponding consciousness. If our consciousness establishes something of a negative character, then it must be eliminated. Otherwise, this negative force becomes part of our future software which dictates and affects our daily lives. The insertion of violations into the routine of our lives will inevitably result in a life of pain and suffering. However, if were we capable of erasing these flaws and vaporizing their very existence so as not to leave any trace of their presence, then our future cassette will become one free from chaos and disorder.
How does one go about accomplishing this seemingly impossible feat of removing our previous negative activity? This is the power of the month of Elul. During this period the cosmos infuses the constellation of Virgo with the ability to remove any adulterant or impurity that may have been established by violations that we commit, hence, the clue provided by Abraham when he assigned the name of Virgo to the constellation preceding Rosh Hashanah.
Virgo is derived from the concept of virgin, signifying untouched or free from adulteration or corruption. There is a power in this month which can provide an opportunity to restore ourselves and remain free from the adulterated activity that we may have become engaged in during the past year. We have the chance to erase the past and clean our slate from the violations of the universal law and principles.
The Light provided this opportunity to return to the past and search out our negativity that could affect our future. This possibility arose during the month of Elul to access into the cosmic time tunnel that permits the phenomena of "back to the future." Without this opportunity we stand no chance of removing chaos, pain, and suffering from our life or our environment.
Remorse and the commitment to refrain from polluting or violating the laws and principles of our universe now permits the practitioner to board the time machine which is in continuous operation during the month of Elul/Virgo and which will transport the practitioner to travel "back to the future."
This might be compared to the scientist who boards his time machine at 5:00 pm to travel back in time to 4:45 pm when the scientist sees himself rushing to board his time machine which is scheduled to take off at 5 pm. The paradox of all this scientific phenomena (accepted by the scientific establishment) is that during the actual travel time our clocks will register 5:01 pm if it takes only one minute to travel back to 4:45 pm. So the scientist is traveling backward or forward in time.
Be that as it may, with travel back to the future we can chance our destiny. The two celestial entities that assist humanity in the attempt to change our future are the planet Mercury and the Zodiac sign of Virgo. These two cosmic channels were designed for the express purpose of supporting humanity in our quest to change our chaotic environment.
The letters: Resh

People all around the world are coming together in their acceptance of this unique bonding agent known as Kabbalah. The entire world thirsts for the universal truths concerning our essence and existence. As humanity becomes knowledgeable of the universal laws and principles that govern life, a better tomorrow is in the forecast, beginning with a New Year filled with the beneficence of the Lightforce and goodwill towards our fellow human.