By: Yehuda Berg
April 12 — 18
April 12 — 18
Kabbalah teaches “having certainty” means building a vessel to contain the Light. When the size of our certainty is great, so will be the Light at the end of the process - of whatever we’re going through.
However, if our certainty is the size of a thimble…you get the idea.
Certainty is not about belief – belief leaves space for “I’m open to the fact that I might be wrong”. Certainty is about knowing the tools work, knowing the universe works, knowing the Light is there, even if our limited perception doesn’t allow us to see it.
The greater the certainty, the greater the vessel for Light.
The amazing thing about certainty is it’s not just a Kabbalistic idea. It’s a tool to change our lives. We must use the tools to draw the Light and have certainty to manifest it in our lives.
Especially after moments of victory; when we glimpse a better version of ourselves; when we feel more connected and clear – the darker part of our nature, the force that seeks to disturb and destroy, upsets our certainty and feelings of connection so as to deter us from our commitments and following through with our changes.
Doubt delays the process for us, making it harder. And yet, it’s our own free choice whether or not we let in doubt.
This week, commit to saying NO to your doubts.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

I take this Name with me out into the real world so I can share the Light with friends, family, and the entire family of humankind. I envisage openings and opportunities in the world for the global dissemination of this ancient wisdom.
I ask for the strength to walk the talk. I know that this Name arouses the forces of immortality and joy in the world.
I must expect and demand nothing less.

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