Confidence to Receive
“And we will receive from Him whatever we ask because we obey Him and do the things that please Him”
(I John 3:22, NLT).
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
When you pray, are you confident that you will receive what you’ve asked? Many people today wonder if God hears their prayers. They aren’t certain if He will answer. But the scripture promises that when we obey God’s commands, when we live a life that is pleasing to Him, we can be sure that we will receive what we ask.
Understand that God’s Word is His will. That’s why it’s so important to make His Word the number one priority in our lives. When you keep God’s promises in your heart and mind, it changes and shapes your character. It makes your thoughts and desires line up with God’s thoughts and desires. And when you are praying according to God’s will, you can have the confidence to receive what you’ve asked.
Make the commitment to obey the Word and do what pleases Him. As you do, you’ll see His hand of blessing in every area of your life. You’ll be equipped to move forward in the confidence and victory He has planned for you!.
Father in heaven, I declare that I am committed to Your Word. I invite You to reshape my thoughts and character. Make me more like You. I bless You today and thank You for giving me confidence when I pray. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.