By: Yehuda Berg
Saturday, August 2
If you've been reading these emails or any communications from The Kabbalah Centre, you're accustomed to our signature phrase, the one secret that will change your life!
Well, I got another one. Patience. Big secret. HUGE.
It's goes like this, some kind of crisis leads us to walk down the spiritual path. At first, because we are so low and humble, we are grateful for any love that comes our way. As we starting walking faster, with more confidence in our stride, we become familiar with the landscape of miracles, and we know there are goodies coming our way so long as we keep walking.
After a while, we get impatient for the goodies, as if we are owed something in a timely manner. We scan Zohar and then we look up expecting the soul mate to jump on the bus. Or we donate money and we expect a raise in the next paycheck. We become impatient with God.
Patience is giving God room to do his [or her] work. It's knowing that we'll get what we deserve when the time is right. That time could be any time.
Today, forget about the result. Just put in the work, and send your wishes and prayers into the universe. The things you are looking for will be found in your patience.

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