Kabbalah on LOVE
by: Yehuda Berg

Beware the path of least resistant! The path of most resistance is the quickest path to love. It's important to note that resisting your reactive nature is not the same as suppressing your desires. Repression is a dead-end street; it only creates long term physical and emotional stress. Ulcers, heart attacks, depression, high blood pressure, addiction, you name it - when you stuff down your desires and pretend that they don't exist, they inevitably reappear in another form. Resisting our impulses, on the other hand, is the first step toward the love within. Resistance comes from knowing that the action will pay off in spades over the long term.
But there is a second, equally critical step. After you resist your nature, you must share your love with others. Yet the best way to do that are not always apparent, because the opponent is working hard to obscure them. So you must ask yourself, "Where are the opportunities to love in this situation?" When you open yourself up in this way to the wisdom of the light, the answer will appear effortlessly. Remember that opportunities to share love exist in every situation.
Saying no to a stranger who wants to take you home when you yearn for companionship, even is it's for one night. By saying no, you are resisting momentary gratification (the illusion that "this" gives) that will lead to feelings of emptiness and regret. Instead, engage in an act of sharing by investing your gifts in relationships that facilitate love in return - relationships that offer a true and lasting fulfillment.
You practice Resistance by recognizing your impulses and choosing not to act on it. You accept the truth that a soul cannot be insulted, so it can only be your ego that is hurt. And a hurt ego is a good thing, for it allows your soul to shine brighter. Next, you must active your sharing nature. sharing your love might means putting someone else's needs ahead of your own when you don't feel like it at all, or choosing loving words when you'd prefer to use words equipped with barbs. In other words instead of making this whole situation about your own ego (receiving), you make it about loving someone else (sharing).
Taken from: KABBALAH on Love by Yehuda Berg.

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