Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NBA of Change

NBA of Change

“...the effort in change is really all about getting off the ground.”

I hope last week proved to be both challenging and rewarding. Remember, 95% of a rocket's fuel is burned in takeoff — so the effort in change is really all about getting off the ground.

We all have something that we've given up trying to change, or have never really found the real reason to change. Perhaps it's jealousy — it's all in my head anyways, I don't say what I'm thinking. Or people pleasing — what's wrong with being an all-around nice person? It might even be your charming sarcasm — makes people laugh, right? Whatever is locked into us, all those things that we are not driven to change, we've all got something.

The fact of the matter is, if we can't change ourselves, and help others transform, we are not going to help eliminate the chaos that plagues our world.

Committing to change means we are not ok with the fact that we are jealous, and we don't accept that we are still people pleasers.

Commitment to change is like saying we are the NBA and therefore we don't allow players who can't make 9 out of 10 shots. Someone who says they are committed to change makes 9 out of 10 shots. 9 of out 10 mornings I am ready to destroy my disgusting ego.

Not that I need to be excited.

Not that I have to have darkness in my life to run to the Light.

Not that there needs to be a catastrophe or I need to get shaken up by chaos to wake up.

Not that I need to cry all night and wake up the next morning and be different.

It means that whether you are on the path for 20 days or 20 years, you still wake up every morning, eager to find what's wrong with me and change it. That's commitment to change. Anything else is not.

Commitment to change means we are a person who admits we have those things that we resist changing, but also that we all understand we've been addicted to these things, we've all refused to look at our ego, our jealousy or whatever we don't want to look at. And now that's got to change.

Only if I am waking up and finding the evil inside, looking at myself the way I need to look at myself, will I ever be successful, will I ever be able to change myself and help others change themselves. The one thing of many is that the motivation to change the commitment to change is internal.

I had the opportunity recently to share what it means to be committed to change in a conversation at MIPtalk.com. It's a great podcast, especially if you're not quite committed yet.

One of the main lessons is that it's each and everyone one of our commitments to change that will create the critical mass and create the change in the world we have yet to see. It's only going to get worse before it gets better.

So long as we refuse to go all out in our commitment to change, so long as we are ok with our ego, with our jealousy, we tolerate the things inside us as things that will never change, or "I'm doing other things anyway", or "I'm working". As long as we tolerate our blemishes, we aren't committed.

But at some point on this journey you have to have a big talk with yourself: Am I someone who is capable of making this commitment? Maybe at some point we were committed. But do still we get up in the morning and figure out what we need to do differently today?

When we go to sleep do we think about what we didn't do today?

We are all addicted to stuff. So connected to this "stuff", we think the stuff is us, not realizing that it can be eliminated. That you could be a Leo without being a victim. That you could be an Aries and actually listen. Be a Pisces and still care. Be a Virgo and not have to judge. It's all possible.

We aren't locked in, not astrologically, not emotionally, not because of our past or what we've been through. We have to make a commitment knowing we can be different. Knowing that at some point, things will get simple. At the end of the day we aren't so complicated. We are the ones who added stuff to our movie. At some point we need to be simple, remove the disgusting layers and connect to the simple Light that is within us.

Required is a daily, nonstop regimen. Just like the Light is sharing nonstop, and the sun is shining nonstop, our commitment to this path must be renewed nonstop.

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

My eyes and heart remain focused on the end goal at all times. I awaken the persistence and passion to never—and that means never—ever settle for less!

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