In his latest book The Power to Change Everything, Yehuda Berg simplifies and makes accessible the idea that our consciousness can create a better, more perfected reality. He examines the problematic areas of politics, religion, environment, and economy, and demonstrates how everything, no matter how bleak, can be transformed by shifting out minds. This is a universal message that can be understood by everyone.
As someone who has benefited from Yehuda’s inspirational words before, we would appreciate if you’d help us make The Power to Change Everything an international bestseller!
If you’re planning to buy the book, please get your copy through Barnes & Noble, Borders, Amazon.com, or your independent bookstore during the week of November 9. By doing so, you help to make Kabbalah books stand out to booksellers, and they will stock our titles in greater numbers and with greater visibility.
Your desire to spread the word among friends will also help make this campaign a success. If you’ve been wanting to share Kabbalah, we think this book is a wonderful invitation -- for even the most spiritual skeptic -- to think about life just a little differently. Please feel free to use Twitter, Facebook, and email to help advance the change we all want in the world.

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