November 8 — 14

As you know, I don't use this forum as a way to market and sell, only to inspire. But I decided that this week, I want to share with you some of my process in writing "The Power to Change Everything." I grew so much in the process of writing this book, and I hope my sharing inspires you as well.
I realized 3 things writing this book that I did not see before:
The time has come to spread a message for social change rather than of self help. I realized that global perspective is the most powerful catalyst for personal change. When we see how messed up our world is, we can either be overwhelmed by the helplessness of the situation, or we can be empowered by the idea that it's up to me, that my decisions matter, so I must start changing now.
I needed to take a risk: although my lineage is Kabbalah and the great wealth of knowledge and perspective I have comes from Kabbalah, my personal message is more universal. So you will find this book is more about consciousness than Kabbalah, and asks nothing more of the reader than to wake up and think. No commitment necessary.
Because I am so passionate about this message, I am travelling the world to talk to you about these issues. Within the first six months of its release, the book will be translated into 5 languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, and Hebrew. And in the coming year I will be going all over the world to meet you. I have never done that before. And I am using the gift of the new surge in social media as a support to start the ball rolling.
I am afraid and excited!
I would like to end with this little factoid. If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, he will jump out. But if you put him in a pot of cold water and slowly turn up the heat, he will just stay there until...
The water is coming to a boil, my friends. We need to wake up and do something. And I'm not just talking about global warming. This is my wake up call. I hope you join me.
You can read the beginning of the book here: www.yehudaberg.com
And you can order it here: The Power to Change Everything
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

This Name raises my awareness of the long-term effects of all my actions. I gain the ability to see the spiritual challenges in every moment, before they become the foundations of chaos and crises.

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