Hold On to Your Dream
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful"
(Hebrews 10:23, NIV)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
At some point in life we all face hardships. It may be something physically or emotionally challenging. Or it may be a dream or an opportunity that we missed out on. Whatever your difficulty is, don't let it discourage you from believing in God's best. The enemy wants to keep you focused on everything negative that's happened, but don't let him steal the dreams God has given you. He knows that if he can deceive you into thinking things won't get better, you'll lose hope and give up.
There will always be obstacles trying to keep you from becoming all God's created you to be, but God has given you a promise for good and not harm. He has plans for better things ahead. It's important to believe God and keep an attitude of faith despite your circumstances.
Choose today to hold on to God's promises no matter what your situation looks like. Refuse to give up on the plans He has made for your life. God knows what challenges you've faced, and He has a way to turn things around for your good. Start thanking and praising Him for what He's already done and what He will do.
"Heavenly Father, today I choose to believe in Your promises instead of what I see around me. I will not give up on the dreams You have given me because I know they will come true. Thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness. In Jesus' Name. Amen."