October 4 — 10

When we get good news, something potentially positive coming our way, often we use the improvement in our reality to judge where we are at, spiritually or physically.
Almost like a scorecard.
But the truth is, it’s never all good when things look good, nor are they ever all bad when things are bad. Just because the world appears to be coming down around us doesn’t mean we’re the worst person on earth. And just because we’ve achieved what we’ve been working for (or more), that doesn’t mean we’re in the best place possible.
What I’m trying to say here is, don’t look around you for proof. The kabbalists tell endless stories about their students who asked for miracles and were sent on mission impossible to create those miracles. Sure, they get their miracle. But we never hear much about the happily ever after. That’s because there usually isn’t a happily ever after. And the guy or girl in the story who opens the gate, they’re usually not righteous. They are everyday people, like you and me.
Sometimes there are specific things in our lives that are hard to change; you can have difficulty in relationships, having kids, making money – but that doesn’t mean right now you’re doing something wrong. It just means there’s a safe in your life that’s yet unlocked.
Just because someone finds a key doesn’t mean they are perfect. It just means that at a single point in time, they came to the right place at the right time. The key fit the safe. And the Opponent, personally or globally, let them open it and close it again.
Sometimes if there are specific things that are stuck, all it takes is making more effort to find the key to open the safe.
So what about this cosmic scorecard? If we can’t tell where we’re at by looking around, how can we ever know the score?
The true judge of who we are and where we are at is, as you might have guessed, YOU. Ask questions like: How much desire do I have? How close do I feel to the Creator? How different am I today from yesterday?
Of course sometimes you need help getting a good look at where you are at. Sometimes we need someone to help us see – help from a mentor, a teacher, a loved one.
Yes, there’s cause and effect. If you did something selfish today, it will come back to you, but probably not tomorrow. And what you’re going through today could be something you didn’t cleanse three years ago. There is an overall cause and effect scorecard.
Wherever we are at, feeling so great, or feeling so bad, or somewhere in between, we must always be aware. The moment you get good news, be aware. Something goes well, still be aware. Know that at any time, the cosmic scorecard can come to show us that we’ve been selfish and we’re not where we can be.
And there’s an even bigger lesson: it’s not all heaven or hell. Just because something’s not happening doesn’t mean we’re in hell; just because something is happening doesn’t mean we’re in heaven.
It’s the rest of the time that determines where we are living.
I had a student write in to me this week about a struggle they are facing in their life. My first question was: What about everything else in your life? It’s not all that one thing. The problem is, we’ve put so much energy to make something happen or we put so much energy because something isn’t happening, that we do not put energy into the rest of our lives.
When we over focus, it can never happen. So this week, check your scorecard. Ask a close friend or teacher to help. Make sure you’re not over-focusing. And be aware.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

I have the power of clear vision and foresight in every part of my life. The blindfolds are removed. I can see the full-grown tree with-in the newly planted seed. I can grasp the cause-and-effect relationship that governs all reality. My life choices and actions are motivated by ultimate results, not momentary illusions. I can now also see more with my eyes; I can perceive more through my mind's eye; and I feel more through my intuition.

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