August 18 — 24

Last week we related our spiritual process to the growth process of an apple. Rav Ashlag reminded us that if something isn't right in our lives — he uses the word 'bitter' — it's like we are picking a fruit before it is ripe. It's not the fruit's fault — we're simply looking for results before they are complete.
I promised some more practical tools for helping your garden to grow.
The first thing we need to get beyond is feeling that we aren't capable, that we aren't in a place where the Light of the Creator can shine. How it shines is not always in our hands to know, but the main obstacle to tasting the fruits is the feeling that I don't deserve to see fruit.
There's enough limitation in our world without negative thinking: tikune (karma), the illusions provided by our five senses, to name a few. We literally stunt our own growth when we get to thinking that we are not deserving.
Secondly, there may be fruits already in our life that we don't see simply because we don't truly believe that we are capable of seeing our seeds become fruit. Even when our seeds become fruit, we think they didn't. We think they are invisible, or worthless. The seeds went into the ground and nothing came about. Maybe somebody else took the energy. But what we don't realize is, we put energy in and created something special in the universe.
The fruits might not always look or taste the way we expect them to. Sometimes they're hidden, unclear. But every seed/action we do, a fruit is eventually created. And the only people who see their fruits are those who believe they'll see them. They're the people who know their actions have power. As long as we, on any level, believe there will be fruits — there is no question there will be.
And yet, if we doubt the fruits themselves, we're no longer guaranteed we'll see them. We may miss the joy and fulfillment from them only because we don't believe we have that power to see fruits of our actions.
And finally, rest assured, if we plant ego trees, we transform into a carob farmer; the fruits will take a long time to yield and if you try to pick them sooner, they'll taste bad. Why? We didn't take the time to invest in the soil, fertilizing, nurturing. Then you'll get depressed and the fruits will reflect that.
To sum it all up:
1. When the fruit isn't ripe, remember it's about the process and the timing.
2. There is no such thing as bad people or bad situations, only impatient people.
3. Energy (seeds) is never lost.
4. Everyone, and I mean everyone, deserves to see the fruits of their labor.
5. Everyone, yes, including you, is capable of enjoying those fruits.
6. If you want to see your fruits sooner than later, don't plant seeds with ego.
Wishing you a bountiful harvest!
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

With this Name as my compass, the path toward my spiritual home is illuminated. I regain my bearings. With every step I take and with each moment that passes, I feel comfort, confidence and a stronger sense of direction.

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