July 19 — 25

When a soldier fulfills a mission — anything from getting his commanding officer a cup of tea to flying a plane from point A to point B — it all starts with an executive order. Either the order was explicit or the order comes from the bylaws, but the authority always trickles down from top to bottom.
Unfortunately, in our everyday lives, it doesn't always work like that. Intellectually, we know that the Lightforce of the Creator put us in the world to do this work. We agreed to the bylaws of this universe at the moment of Creation. But somehow, we think we can cheat the system, do our own thing, go rogue — especially when things don't go our way.
Does everything we do flow as a direct order from our "Superior Officer"?
Similarly, when a general walks into the room, a lower ranking soldier feels that they're following this general's orders even if they have never met in person. Direct flow of orders, no room for opinions. This is the way it is.
At some point, the bomb has to drop, and we have to realize that we're not here as independent agents. Kabbalah teaches that we need each other, as individual and collectively, to fulfill our mission in this world. I can't do my own thing and ignore everyone and everything around me.
Somehow, we must adapt this chain of command in our own lives. I don't mean that we must blindly accept orders from our parents, our bosses, or the government — although there's a time and place for doing that.
We cannot be free agents. In the same way we can't jump off the Empire State Building simply because we don't believe in gravity, we must follow the hierarchy of the universe. There are laws to follow. And it needs to be clear that we are all under the same orders. The laws of the universe apply to us all, equally.
When we get angry and expect the rules to be bent for us, we're challenging the system. When we treat people differently, for self-serving reasons or otherwise, we're acting in free agency. With this behavior, we wouldn't last a day in Iraq. It's a wonder how we last on earth. And that's the point: going rogue from the system doesn't help us. It only hurts us.
And with this behavior, there's no semblance of togetherness.
This week, consider which of the laws of the universe that you've been bending (or breaking). If you need a refresher course on these laws, reread "The Power of Kabbalah" (or if you haven't read it, click here). Work on listening to (and watching for) the guidance (and orders) that come from the "Commanding Officer".
It's the choice we've got if we want to complete this mission successfully.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

I am bestowed with the power of prophecy. With my consciousness elevated and my awareness heightened, I have the power to enter a new universe of transformation
and Light.

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