By: Michael Berg
Perhaps you have experienced moments in your life when, despite doing all the “right” spiritual work, the results still do not manifest. Why is this? Is it because we do not deserve them? Or perhaps we have not done quite enough to earn them? These are questions we have all asked at one time or another, and the answer is simple. Quite often we have earned the blessings, but they cannot flow into our life simply because we have left a barrier between ourselves and those blessings. This barrier is called ego.
Allow me to explain. Just as water flows to the lowest level, so too, blessings flow to the lowest level. This means that when our ego is elevated, we are in a different place spiritually than our blessings, and, therefore, they cannot permeate our lives.
Now, let’s discuss this word “ego” for a moment because we use it all the time but we do not always know what it means. Ego means we think we are better than someone. It means, therefore, we can become angry or annoyed at this person and treat him or her poorly. It means, therefore, we can be jealous when someone has more than we do, and we can talk badly about them and wish them ill. It means we can dismiss people we deem insignificant and unworthy of our time or love. These are all the tell-tale signs of ego.
Ego is what enables us to treat another human being without respect and human dignity.
This is why we want to be involved in a constant process of diminishing our ego. We can work day and night to reveal Light and blessings through our sharing and work, but in order for Light to flow from above down into our lives (i.e., prosperity, clarity, healing, and peace), we must lower ourselves and treat everyone with care and decency.
Every day when we awake, the question we want to ask of ourselves is, “What will I do today to enable my ego to be diminished?” When this is a real priority, the blessings that are ready to come will come. There is no doubt about it.
I feel compelled to address this now because it pains me to think how often we sabotage ourselves. We work so hard to awaken blessings only to block them from entering our lives because of our silly ego.
This week, focus on how you treat people. Notice when you are being dismissive, or mean, or jealous. Work on being kinder and more considerate and offering every single person that crosses your path a modicum of human dignity. But please do not do this because it’s “the spiritual thing to do” or to be “a good person.” Do it because you know in your heart that it will remove the barrier between you and the blessings you have created.

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