June 21 — 27

Psychics aren't the only ones who can receive messages and answers. We all have the innate ability to channel the right information from the 99% realm. When our kids come to us with a crisis, or our business is sliding downhill, or we are stuck at a crossroads, the answers are all there and we can reach up and pull them down.
All that's required is care. That's all. That is ALL.
Many times we run our relationships like we run our office. People become items on our To-Do list. Call mom once a week. Check. Kiss the boss' butt. Check. Tell the wife she's the center of your universe. Check. Take the kids to the park on Sunday. Check.
Whether our to-do list is mental or on paper is beside the point. To-do lists might g et the job done, but we want to do more than that. Our skills, learned and innate, help us get by but we want to do more than that. We want to be able to channel for those around us; be equipped with solutions before the problems arise, have the right words at the right time, be in the right place at the right time — for others.
That's how we can become channels for our loved ones, and even complete strangers on the street.
How often do you ask a random person, "How are you?" Do you stick around to help if the answer is, "terrible"?
When was the last time you showed up on the doorstep of a friend unannounced, just in time to hold their hand through a crisis?
Have you ever decided to take a different route to the store, and found yourself able to help an elderly person or someone else in need?
That's what I'm talking about.
This week, if all of us can get into the habit of asking questions beyond what's normal, what's required, what's on the To-Do list, we can open ourselves up to receive messages for everyone and anyone who crosses our path.
But remember, we choose the path we're on everyday anew. Ask those questions. And you'll find yourself on a path where you truly care.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

My motivation of self-interest, ulterior motives, and hidden agendas give way to pure acts of friendship, unconditional love, and giving. When I take myself out of the way, I create a space for true and loving friends, joy and fulfillment.

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