By: Yehuda Berg
May 24 — 30
Clear as Glass
"...notice the connection between your stretching and your level of clarity."
How do we know what the right thing to do is in any given situation? From picking a new car to choosing the right sneakers to deciding whether or not to get married — how do we know?
A deeply spiritual person understands that we must to have the merit to see. What does "merit" mean? The word for merit in Aramaic has the same letters as the name for "glass". This is a code that tells us having merit means having the ability to see things clearly, without the illusion.
The next question is, 'how do we earn merits?'
The answer is simple — stretch yourself.
Every time you go the extra mile, pushing yourself an inch more out of your comfort zone, you are revealing Light which earns you merits.
In our work, there mustn't be anything that doesn't take us out of our comfort zones. We must constantly swim against the stream to get ourselves out of the ordinary so that we can affect people around the world.
This week, notice the connection between your stretching and your level of clarity. And if you feel lack of clarity in any area of your life, seek out opportunities to go the extra mile.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

50. Enough Is Never Enough
My eyes and heart remain focused on the end goal at all times. I awaken the persistence and passion to never—and that means never—ever settle for less!

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