We have just entered what kabbalists refer to as one of the three most negative months of the year (and heading into another one next month – Leo.)
The kabbalists teach that ‘negative’ doesn’t mean bad, rather it is an indication that there is a tendency for more challenges, and therefore, more opportunities for personal transformation - if we are well prepared.
It is during these ‘negative’ months that the shechinah (protective covering of the Light) does not naturally occur in the cosmos and, therefore, we need to create for ourselves this protection from chaos through our own actions of restriction, sharing and more sensitivity and human dignity towards others.
Think of it as a time when there is temporarily no ozone layer protecting us from the harmful direct rays of the sun. We would not even consider going out into the sun without a high level of sunblock, sunglasses or shade. In the same way, we do not want to risk approaching this month without keeping our reactivity in check and creating a filter for the intense direct Light that is available.
This month of Cancer brings with it the unique challenge of heightened emotional reactivity. It is due to the influence of the moon itself, which is the ruler of the constellation of Cancer, that we may expect to have our sensitivity tested in relationships: taking everything too personally, feeling criticized, rejected, abandoned, hurt, depressed, moody, sad and melancholy... sound familiar? These are the typical 1% illusionary feelings and moods you can expect this month due to the moon's influence over our reactive watery world of the emotions and five senses.
By being more in tune with others' feelings and circumstances and by being more sensitive in the way we treat others, we can transform this negative period through powerful acts of sharing, closeness, appreciation and unconditional love for our friends, family and neighbors.
Now is the time to seek out challenges with friends or colleagues where you need to resolve a conflict, make amends, care more for the people in your life and not let any chance to reveal Light go by.

Cancer is an emotional month, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Living as a spiritual person doesn’t mean letting go of the thoughts and feelings that fill our lives every day. There’s no need to purge happiness, love, fear, desire, exhilaration, or even anger in order to follow a truly spiritual path. In fact, the opposite is true, and our emotions can be enormously helpful in connecting to the Light.
We simply need to ask one very basic question: Are we in control of our emotions, or are our emotions in control of us?
Our emotions are connected to specific frequencies, or emanations, through which the Light of the Creator radiates from the Upper Worlds. Each of these emanations has a name and a precise purpose. They are like portals through which energy flows between the physical and the spiritual dimensions.
How we feel and, more importantly, the intention and motivation underlying our feelings affect the rate and quality of the flow.
This month we have the opportunity to increase the positive energy that flows into our lives through our emotions. One very important emotion I’d like to focus on is love.
The kabbalists speak of two types of love: ego love and sharing love.
Ego love is when our love is conditional upon what the other person gives us in return for our care. It’s a love whose focus is me. Sharing love is when we feel an innate desire to care for another, even if they do not give us anything in return. It is love not dependent on anything. It’s a love whose focus is “you.”
It is the second type of love that connects us to the Light of the Creator and truly brings into our life the blessings and fulfillment we all seek. And it is this type of love that puts our spiritual growth to the test. We can do 101 different spiritual connections, but if we are not constantly awakening and growing our love towards others, we are not connecting to the Light of the Creator.
Every single one of us has the ability to open up our channel of love this month. The more we practice loving someone for no reason at all, the more the channel will open. This may be challenging and against our nature, but the more we awaken genuine love, the greater the miracles we will see in our own lives.

The Kabbalah Centre Presents
What’s Your Story?
LEARN MORE On Rosh Hashanah, every one of us has an unbelievable potential to make this year full of more blessings, abundance and peace than we can imagine. Through a cosmic opening we receive the assistance to remove the veils that surround our true essence, allowing the Light of the Creator inside to shine forth and help us manifest what we desire and require in life.
We invite you to make a special Rosh Hashanah connection this year with us in New York City. Thousands of Kabbalah students & staff from around the world will be gathering in body, mind and spirit for a 2-3 day connection, involving:
…and of course, Eating!
For further details – cost, schedule, location and more -
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