Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Maintain the High

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, June 30

Life is a series of ups and downs, highs and dips. Feels like it. But the deeper you go into spirituality and working on yourself, the more you realize, the highs are always there. It's a matter of consciousness. Where are you focusing your thoughts?

At any given moment, you can find great and terrible. Choose to find the best today. Keep choosing. Soon, it'll be highs all the time.

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Be Faithful with Little

Be Faithful with Little

"He who is faithful in a very little [thing] is faithful also in much, and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little [thing] is dishonest and unjust also in much"
(Luke 16:10, AMP)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Many people today are not experiencing God’s favor like they should simply because they’re not passing what I call, the small test. We have to be faithful with the little things in our lives before God will entrust us with bigger things. For example, being excellent in the workplace for you may not mean some huge adjustment. It may just mean leaving ten minutes earlier so you can get to work on time. It may mean not complaining when your supervisor asks you to do something. It may mean not making personal phone calls on company time. You might think, “It’s just a small thing. Nobody knows. It’s not hurting anything.” But the Scripture says, “It’s the little foxes that spoil the vines.” Don’t let the seemingly small things keep you from the big things God has in store. No, it’s time to come up higher. It’s time to be faithful, even when nobody’s looking

I encourage you today to make the decision to come up higher. Choose to be faithful with the little things so that God can bless you and make you ruler over much!

Heavenly Father, I choose to be faithful in all things. I repent right now for anything that I’ve done that has been displeasing to You. Help me by Your Holy Spirit to rise up higher so that I can be ready to embrace all You have for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Goodness & Mercy
DVD & CD set

$1000 OR MORE
Limited Edition
Hope For Today Bible
plus Goodness & Mercy

Monday, June 29, 2009

They Will Follow

By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, June 29

The advice we give people is the advice we need to take.

Today, think of that one person you keep saying the same things to over and over again. Do it yourself. Lead by example. They will follow.

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Honor Him in All That You Do

Honor Him in All That You Do

"Remind people to be submissive to [their] magistrates and authorities, to be obedient, to be prepared and willing to do any upright and honorable work"
(Titus 3:1, AMP)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In what ways do you honor God? A lot of times, people think “I go to church to honor God. I read my Bible to honor God. I sing and clap to honor God.” And yes, those are ways to honor God, but did you know that you honor God just as much when you get to work on time? You honor God when you are productive each day and honor the people in authority over you. You honor God when you excel in your career.

Actions speak louder than words. When you give your very best in the workplace, your whole life is giving praise to God—it’s one of the best witnesses you could ever have. Just showing up with a good attitude, friendly, organized, being your best—people will notice there’s something different about you. They’ll want what you have.

As believers, we should set the standard in all areas of life. People should see the depth of your character and your spirit of excellence and know that you are a child of the Most High God. Make the decision to honor Him in all that you do because you are His representative in the earth today!

Father in heaven, I choose to honor You in all that I do. I choose to set the standard and do my very best. Thank You for the privilege to be Your representative. I love You and bless You! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Goodness & Mercy
DVD & CD set

$1000 OR MORE
Limited Edition
Hope For Today Bible
plus Goodness & Mercy

Unlock the Gates

June 28 — July 4

I was speaking to a Kabbalah Centre student not long ago, and he shared with me the difficulties he's having in business. Whatever he does, nothing seems to be working — cutbacks, consultants, restrategizing — he's tried it all.

It got me thinking about the deficits we all have at one time or another. One person may be seeking a soul mate; another, financial success; yet another, his life's purpose; and another, better health. Of course, our minds instantly go the 1% material solutions:

"Has he tried everything?"

"Maybe she should do that online dating thing?"

"He just doesn't have the skill set."

"What about alternative medicine?"

It's absolutely vital to do everything we can in the physical realm to create manifestation in our lives, and it's certainly not enough to sit and meditate ... and wait. But at the same time, we can try all the "right" solutions and still remained blocked.

The answer is that you must open the gates.

It's not about saying, "God, let me find a system to be more successful." Again, you do need to have a system, to create order, and to have a plan. The truth is we all have gates that are locked to those blessings.

The problem is you can't open a non-physical gate with a physical key. Part of the reason we cannot open those gates is because we don't know what's locked. Opening the gates does not mean asking for money or for Susie Whatserface to fall in love with you or for a breakthrough in science. Instead, we need to focus on how to unlock the gates.

Don't get me wrong, we all have gates that are open. We have moments in life or areas of life in which things just flow naturally. Sometimes too naturally. Even the wrong gates can be open. It's possible to use our blessings to do more damage than good.

Chances are those blessings will be short-lived if you go down that route. We need to work on closing the wrong gates and opening the ones that will lead to long-lasting fulfillment.

If the gates are open, you don't have to sell clothes, you can sell the hangers.

If the gates are open, you find yourself sitting on the bus next to a doctor doing research on your particular issue.

If the gates are open, you wake up and realize the love of your life was a good friend or acquaintance that you've been ignoring all along.

This week check in with yourself. Which gates do you need to open and which do you need to close? You might have the 1% skills, but know that the seed of your success is opening and/or closing the right gates. If they are open, nothing can stop you, and if they are closed, you can do everything in your 'power' but nothing will give.

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

I gather the ability to bring forth the powers of observation
to see the truth . . . and the courage to handle it!

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Real Friend Test

By: Yehuda Berg

Sunday, June 28

How do you know when someone is a friend?

They make you feel good about yourself the way you are. And when you do need an attitude adjustment, they do it with love.

What's the point of all this? Not to test your friends. But to test what kind of friend you are.

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Pay The Price

By: Yehuda Berg

Saturday, June 27

If you're "changing" and yet things are still the same, there's something you're not doing that you know you need to be doing.

You can't change without paying the price. What are you avoiding?

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Friday, June 26, 2009

What'd You Say?

By: Yehuda Berg

Friday, June 26

Many of our conflicts come from miscommunication.

Today, don't let things pass. If something doesn't feel right, then bring it up. But don't do it with the intention of proving the other person wrong. Do it with the intention of removing the space, and getting closer to the person.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Set the Standard

Set the Standard

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men"
(Colossians 3:23, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In today’s society, many people have accepted mediocrity as the norm. They do as little as they can to get by, always looking for the easy way out. If the boss isn’t watching, they’re playing on the computer. They simply go to work to pick up a paycheck, and then wonder why they’re not promoted and don’t see increase. It’s because God doesn’t bless mediocrity, He blesses excellence.

Whatever we do, we should do it to the best of our ability. We should set the standard. Remember, we are ultimately working for the Lord. He’s the one who put those talents and abilities in us. We are stewards of the gifts He’s given. Other people may show up late. They may complain. They may cut corners. But don’t sink down to their level—you are working for Almighty God. You are called to excellence.

I encourage you today, stay determined. Stay focused. Whether you’re a waitress, a truck driver, an architect, a police officer, or a CEO, do it to the best of your ability. God is the one who brings promotion. When you set the standard, He’ll raise you up and pour out His blessing in every area of your life!

Father in heaven, today I choose to set the standard. I recognize that the work I do is for You. Keep me close to You by the power of the Holy Spirit and help me to rise up higher in every area of my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Show, Not Tell

By: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, June 25

It's difficult to deal with the dishonesty and games of other people. But it's not our job to judge them because they don't act the way we do. Just the opposite, we're in their lives to show them how it's done.

Today, show, don't tell.

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Expect God to Act

Expect God to Act

"[A Psalm] of David. Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity; I have [expectantly] trusted in, leaned on, and relied on the Lord without wavering and I shall not slide"
(Psalm 26:1, AMP)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Did you know that God loves to hear you call upon His name? He has ways to meet your needs that you´ve never imagined, and He´s just waiting for you to ask expectantly. Are you expecting God to act on your behalf today?

So many people pray with an attitude as if they are trying to hit a dartboard blindfolded! They know the target is there, they have an idea of the general direction; they just hope they´ll just get somewhere close. But understand, when you get into God´s Word and declare His promises over your life, it´s like taking the blindfold off and walking straight up to the bull´s eye! When you pray with expectancy according to God´s Word, you´ll hit the target every single time.

What are your needs today? Find the promise in God´s Word that addresses those needs. Then, expect God to act! He is faithful to His Word, and He´s just waiting to show Himself strong on your behalf.

"Heavenly Father, today I come to You with an attitude of faith and expectancy. I know that You have good plans for me, and I choose to come into agreement with Your Word. Thank You for hearing my prayers as I wait patiently for You. In Jesus´ Name. Amen."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Live Every Moment

By: Yehuda Berg

Wednesday, June 24

Live every moment. Here's where I say, it could be your last. But that's depressing. And yet, we often live like we have endless tomorrows. There's no guarantee. Opportunities to elevate and perfect ourselves are all around us. Grab them now.

Today, appreciate being alive. You've got the chance to work out your correction. Use it. No matter what darkness may surround or engulf, find that one bright spot and hold on for dear life.

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Get into Agreement with God

Get into Agreement with God

"Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them"
(Matthew 18:19-20, NKJ)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
There´s a spiritual principle in the Bible that tells us when two or more agree on something, that thing shall be established. There is great power in agreement. In another verse it says, "How can two walk together unless they agree?" In other words, if we want to walk with God, if we want to see His promises established in our lives, if we want to live in His power, we have to get into agreement with Him. We have to know what He says and make our thoughts and actions line up with His.

For example, God wants His children to live in victory, but in order to experience that victory we have to think it, believe it, and speak it. We can´t go around thinking, "Oh my breakthrough is never going to happen. Nothing works out for me. It´s been too long." No, that attitude will stop the power of agreement. Instead of complaining, get into agreement with God and declare, "I know my breakthrough is coming. I know God hears my prayers. I am in agreement with Him and all things work out for my good!" Choose His words, thoughts, and actions and watch His promises come to pass in every area of your life!

Heavenly Father, today I humbly come to You. Search my mind and heart and show me any areas of my life that are not in agreement with You. I choose to align myself with Your Word knowing that You have the best plan for me. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Month of Cancer

We have just entered what kabbalists refer to as one of the three most negative months of the year (and heading into another one next month – Leo.)

The kabbalists teach that ‘negative’ doesn’t mean bad, rather it is an indication that there is a tendency for more challenges, and therefore, more opportunities for personal transformation - if we are well prepared.

It is during these ‘negative’ months that the shechinah (protective covering of the Light) does not naturally occur in the cosmos and, therefore, we need to create for ourselves this protection from chaos through our own actions of restriction, sharing and more sensitivity and human dignity towards others.

Think of it as a time when there is temporarily no ozone layer protecting us from the harmful direct rays of the sun. We would not even consider going out into the sun without a high level of sunblock, sunglasses or shade. In the same way, we do not want to risk approaching this month without keeping our reactivity in check and creating a filter for the intense direct Light that is available.

This month of Cancer brings with it the unique challenge of heightened emotional reactivity. It is due to the influence of the moon itself, which is the ruler of the constellation of Cancer, that we may expect to have our sensitivity tested in relationships: taking everything too personally, feeling criticized, rejected, abandoned, hurt, depressed, moody, sad and melancholy... sound familiar? These are the typical 1% illusionary feelings and moods you can expect this month due to the moon's influence over our reactive watery world of the emotions and five senses.

By being more in tune with others' feelings and circumstances and by being more sensitive in the way we treat others, we can transform this negative period through powerful acts of sharing, closeness, appreciation and unconditional love for our friends, family and neighbors.

Now is the time to seek out challenges with friends or colleagues where you need to resolve a conflict, make amends, care more for the people in your life and not let any chance to reveal Light go by.

Cancer is an emotional month, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Living as a spiritual person doesn’t mean letting go of the thoughts and feelings that fill our lives every day. There’s no need to purge happiness, love, fear, desire, exhilaration, or even anger in order to follow a truly spiritual path. In fact, the opposite is true, and our emotions can be enormously helpful in connecting to the Light.

We simply need to ask one very basic question: Are we in control of our emotions, or are our emotions in control of us?

Our emotions are connected to specific frequencies, or emanations, through which the Light of the Creator radiates from the Upper Worlds. Each of these emanations has a name and a precise purpose. They are like portals through which energy flows between the physical and the spiritual dimensions.

How we feel and, more importantly, the intention and motivation underlying our feelings affect the rate and quality of the flow.

This month we have the opportunity to increase the positive energy that flows into our lives through our emotions. One very important emotion I’d like to focus on is love.

The kabbalists speak of two types of love: ego love and sharing love.

Ego love is when our love is conditional upon what the other person gives us in return for our care. It’s a love whose focus is me. Sharing love is when we feel an innate desire to care for another, even if they do not give us anything in return. It is love not dependent on anything. It’s a love whose focus is “you.”

It is the second type of love that connects us to the Light of the Creator and truly brings into our life the blessings and fulfillment we all seek. And it is this type of love that puts our spiritual growth to the test. We can do 101 different spiritual connections, but if we are not constantly awakening and growing our love towards others, we are not connecting to the Light of the Creator.

Every single one of us has the ability to open up our channel of love this month. The more we practice loving someone for no reason at all, the more the channel will open. This may be challenging and against our nature, but the more we awaken genuine love, the greater the miracles we will see in our own lives.

The Kabbalah Centre Presents
What’s Your Story?


On Rosh Hashanah, every one of us has an unbelievable potential to make this year full of more blessings, abundance and peace than we can imagine. Through a cosmic opening we receive the assistance to remove the veils that surround our true essence, allowing the Light of the Creator inside to shine forth and help us manifest what we desire and require in life.

We invite you to make a special Rosh Hashanah connection this year with us in New York City. Thousands of Kabbalah students & staff from around the world will be gathering in body, mind and spirit for a 2-3 day connection, involving:

…and of course, Eating!

For further details – cost, schedule, location and more - CLICK HERE

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Huge Little Steps

By: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, June 23

Begin with what you got. Spiritual practice isn't about waiting until you are this perfect person. Maybe you are the worst person on the planet, or the most abusive, or the biggest self-hater, or the most deluded, or addicted, or depressed...All wonderful places to begin. This is where the Light is waiting to be revealed.

Today, appreciate what you've got to work with. Little steps are huge.

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Free Favor Abounds

Free Favor Abounds

"The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me…to proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord [the day when salvation and the free favors of God profusely abound]"
(Luke 4:18–19, AMP).

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In the Old Testament, every 50 years the people would celebrate what they called Jubilee. It was a day of freedom and restoration–once–in–a–lifetime event! But now, because of what Jesus has done, we don´t have to wait 50 years to experience Jubilee. We can live in Jubilee every single day.

I believe this is your year of freedom. It´s your year to be released from every bondage, every debt, and anything that would hold you back. It´s your season to be released from sickness, depression, addictions, and worry. It is your year to see the free favor of God profusely abound! It’s your time of restoration.

Let that sink deep down into your heart today. Dare to believe that He wants to see you free. Surrender every area of your heart to Him and watch the bondages of the past break off of you so you can live in Jubilee in every area of your life!

Father God, thank You for Your favor, grace, and mercy upon me. I know that You paid a precious price so that I can walk in freedom and restoration in every area of my life. I choose to receive everything You have for me so that I can live in Jubilee. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Holy Money

By: Yehuda Berg

Monday, June 22

Money was originally based on gold and silver coins. Kabbalistically, silver represents sharing and gold represents receiving. When we share and exchange money with others, our consciousness should be to make a fair deal and help the other person obtain what he or she needs.

This kind of sharing consciousness injects balance into our interactions, ensuring the money we use is filled with Light. If we exchange money and goods for the sole sake of our own selfish profit, there is no circuitry in our coins. Darkness will inevitably appear somewhere in our lives down the road.

Today, be fair in your dealings. Your mindset will determine whether your greenbacks generate Light for everyone or merely a temporary burst of pleasure followed by darkness.

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Dare to Believe

Dare to Believe

"But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out]."
(Hebrews 11:6, AMP)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Do you ever feel like you are inconveniencing God? Are you content to just barely get by in life, to just endure it? Some people think they are being humble by not asking God for things, but Jesus paid a precious price to give us abundant life! He loves to hear us call upon His name!

I encourage you today to be bold and dare to believe God. Don´t just think "survival" when God is thinking "abundance." If you will think bigger, you´ll see God act bigger in your life. When you release your faith in a big way, God doesn´t say, "Who do they think they are? The nerve of that person." No, when you stretch your faith, it brings a smile to God´s face. He probably says to the angels, "Listen to what they´re saying. They believe I can do great things. They believe I can turn any situation around. They´ve got their trust and confidence in Me, so I´m not going to disappoint them!"

The Scripture says "our faith pleases God." So take a step of faith today and dare to believe that God will do the impossible in your life!

Father in heaven, today I come boldly to Your throne of grace. I believe that You are a rewarder of those who diligently seek You. I thank You for working in my heart and fulfilling my deepest desires. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.

To-Do Lists

June 21 — 27

Psychics aren't the only ones who can receive messages and answers. We all have the innate ability to channel the right information from the 99% realm. When our kids come to us with a crisis, or our business is sliding downhill, or we are stuck at a crossroads, the answers are all there and we can reach up and pull them down.

All that's required is care. That's all. That is ALL.

Many times we run our relationships like we run our office. People become items on our To-Do list. Call mom once a week. Check. Kiss the boss' butt. Check. Tell the wife she's the center of your universe. Check. Take the kids to the park on Sunday. Check.

Whether our to-do list is mental or on paper is beside the point. To-do lists might g et the job done, but we want to do more than that. Our skills, learned and innate, help us get by but we want to do more than that. We want to be able to channel for those around us; be equipped with solutions before the problems arise, have the right words at the right time, be in the right place at the right time — for others.

That's how we can become channels for our loved ones, and even complete strangers on the street.

How often do you ask a random person, "How are you?" Do you stick around to help if the answer is, "terrible"?

When was the last time you showed up on the doorstep of a friend unannounced, just in time to hold their hand through a crisis?

Have you ever decided to take a different route to the store, and found yourself able to help an elderly person or someone else in need?

That's what I'm talking about.

This week, if all of us can get into the habit of asking questions beyond what's normal, what's required, what's on the To-Do list, we can open ourselves up to receive messages for everyone and anyone who crosses our path.

But remember, we choose the path we're on everyday anew. Ask those questions. And you'll find yourself on a path where you truly care.

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

My motivation of self-interest, ulterior motives, and hidden agendas give way to pure acts of friendship, unconditional love, and giving. When I take myself out of the way, I create a space for true and loving friends, joy and fulfillment.

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